Wrestling thread y'all let me down I ain't watched raw in two weeks and missed the good raw ending came back tonight I get f n loci kings ton in the last 15 minutes.


Put me in the rumble
Is Ambrose suspect to any of you guys? I absolutely love the dude and I can definitely see him being a top heel in the next few years. But I would not be surprised if he came out the closet
not interested in douchetista winning the Rumble either. just not a fan of these guys coming in after taking 4 years off and getting thrown right in the main event of Wrestlemania when a hard worker like Bryan has been bleeding for this opportunity since he was a kid.
Is Ambrose suspect to any of you guys? I absolutely love the dude and I can definitely see him being a top heel in the next few years. But I would not be surprised if he came out the closet

I said that in the last thread and got no response lol

He looks mad suspect when he wears that jacket.
not interested in douchetista winning the Rumble either. just not a fan of these guys coming in after taking 4 years off and getting thrown right in the main event of Wrestlemania when a hard worker like Bryan has been bleeding for this opportunity since he was a kid.

Vince's mindset is make quick money now and worry about the future later.

Even though it looks like it will never happen at this point, there needs to be a legit competitor to rise and cause a dent in the WWE
So the grammys is on the same day as the royal rumble eh?

In the past theyve always done in February.
I like the Usos a lot, but not even they could save the Wyatts.  All three of them suck.  Hope they're gone sooner than later (also bc it's one of my 2014 predictions 8) )
Luke Harper is a very talented Big Dude. Bray can work when given the chance. The only one that is terrible is Rowan. You have to remember that these dude's have dumbed down their styles since coming to the main roster. But you have that VKM Syndrome. Nothing done before WWE exists. :smh: But even with limited opportunity, there is no way you can't see Luke Harper's ability.

I would like to enter myself into this said rumble pool
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The Wyatt's suck the only good one is Luke Harper. I can not ever remember Bray in a match dude does nothing during his matches hell most of the time he doesn't even have a match. Also they lose all the time.
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The Wyatt's suck I dude that is good is Luke Harper. I can not ever remember Bray in a match dude does nothing during his matches hell most of the time he doesn't even have a match. Also they lose all the time.
best thing bray does is that possessed crawl. the sister abigail is so lame too. cool name, but dumb move.
If you think Bray sucks, watch his FCW work. HE does not suck. Him being told to limit his style makes him suck. I wish yall would understand that most of these dudes don't have much control over what they can/can't do in the ring. Especially when you have a gimmick like THAT.
I think the shield being comprehensive and winning on Monday will be the exact opposite for Sunday. The shield will once again show signs of a crack and get eliminated because of it
I think final 4 comes down to Punk,Batista, Bryan, and lesnar. With Batista eliminating lesnar to end it.
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