WWE Survivor Series PPV 11/22 - Cena vs HHH vs HBK | Undertaker vs Jericho vs Big Show (p11)



Kofi was supposed to come out a little earlier...Randy stopped the punt before the music hit and when Kofi was coming out he threw his arms up like "whatthe $!%$"
Haha, that shot from the boxcover, or whatever the heck that was sounded real bad.

All those dudes with their BBs recording, haha.
Man tonight's a pretty solid episode. Kofi got real high (....) for that "boom drop".

I can't believe that just happened. Kofi is getting a BIG TIME push.

Props to both Orton and Kingston for saving a segment that was botched earlier with bad timing.
Kofi was late coming out and you could tell Orton was pissed because he looked like a fool, but after that, it was one. That was a great brawl. Kofi wentover great and had a great MSG moment. Like I said in my preview, they have really done a great job of getting Kofi over. I hope it's not just a onemonth thing.

And I guess that's why Hogan's name has been brought up so much tonight.
That entire segment was dope (besides the botch in the beginning
)...felt like we were back in the Attitude era...Orton got busted open the hardway with astiff shot and Kofi got up there.

That Hulk Hogan DVD couldn't have come at a worse time for the WWE.
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

@ Matt Striker being a slight heel commentator.
I noticed that too.
damn, i was hoping they were gonna "accidentally" hit the sound guy for messing up the music before Kofi ran in, hahahaha.

Striker looked like he didnt care that Lawler got hurt when they showed him and Cole after Sheamus kicked the King.
And having the refs stop Kofi the first time, and then him still hitting the Boom Drop through the table made it that much more effective.

And just like I was afraid of, but the time the entrances, we'll have about 3 minutes for the main event. Ugh.
I really love the build up for the WWE Title.

And this better go til about quarter after.
Originally Posted by DSK aka iLLoQuent

Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

@ Matt Striker being a slight heel commentator.
I noticed that too.
WWE doesn't even need OG style heel commentators.
I just don't like how they bury the heels for doing something underhanded, but support the faces when they do the same thing.
Needs to be balances, like JBL vs Cole.
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