WWE Survivor Series PPV 11/22 - Cena vs HHH vs HBK | Undertaker vs Jericho vs Big Show (p11)

well 4wrestling it looks like the main event is starting almost exactly at 11:01
Originally Posted by The Minister

well 4wrestling it looks like the main event is starting almost exactly at 11:01
More like 11:05. Even with the 10 foot walk to the ring, The Undertaker will still take 3 minutes.
Is this match going to be 30 sec minutes long cause Taker will take 3 minutes minimum to come to the ring.
okay, I havent watched wrestling in a LONG time. So I just tuned in a little while ago when the jamaican cat beat the hell outta orton...

BUT is it just me or in that last little snippet of john cena, HE was doing The Rock's type antics?

Like the way he was talking, the way he snatched the paper from that guy... EVERYTHING reminded me of the Rock's interviews, so is that something thatsbeen really prevalent as of late? trying to bring back Dwayne Johnson's techniques?


how did that transition happen? from the motorcycle rock music playing non eye liner with regular brown hair ( I mean I saw the transition begin fromsince the last time I saw wrestling) but now he's back to the undertaker of old.

and when the hell did DX get back together????

I should just stop watching and stop embarassing myself because Ive been REALLY out of the loop.

and why is the show ending at 11:05? and its 11:05 now? and undertaker hasnt even fully come out yet???
I want to enjoy this fight!!!
Five of the most conceded wrestlers in the main event at MSG

Undertaker rarely wrestles against HHH too.

And I guess we are suppose to forget Shawn had one of the best matches of the year vs the deadman..
aint triple h like 42 years old?

why is shawn michaels wrestling? why are all these guys so old? aside from cena.

why is cena being boo'ed? aint he a good guy?
Im sorry if im annoying but so many things dont make sense
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