Y'all ran Khrysti Hill off NT?

Just checked out the thread.

Man I swear I don't understand y'all dudes on here.

Anytime there is a girl related thread on here there is countless  "Pics?
" posts in it.

One girl starts a thread, posts her pic in it and she is vilified like she committed a felony.

Y'all dudes are something else.
Y'all are too mean :rofl:

Gotta give it up to Thytker, Starz, myT, katie, etc For adapting to the nature of this site towards females... :rofl:
never understand the thought process of some of you dudes on here. Its just a forum to have fun and learn a little, a lot of yall go out your way like your protecting the integrity of the site by keeping chicks off smh

Gotta loveeee NT...lmaooooo

From a married man'd POV I gotta tell ya I appreciate the way NT is, the wife can't catch feelings, this site is the equivalent of that scene in "knocked up" where they run up on Paul Rudd and dude is with a bunch of Nerds playing fantasy football, wife knows ain't one damb Yamb worth worrying about in here...
"don't let the door hit you on the vagina on the way out"
should have asked that broad if she wanted some water cause she sound thirsty as fffffff
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Ya'll taking this way too seriously.

Those threads really looked like she was just announcing she's on niketalk and people were supposed to beast.

She really got treated like any other person would have for posing a dumb "It's me, guys!!" type of thread.

Doesn't really mean anything that she was a broad, although she is a really stacked broad with some serious tittymeat.

I'mma be real, though. I don't plan on smashing any broads off of niketalk. That's thirsty in itself; there are plenty of girls in real life for that and it takes way less effort. Because of that, it doesn't matter that she got trolled and clowned and whatnot. That's just the internet.
Idk why but im kinda glad to see that y'all didn't take it easy on her because she looks good. lol good ole niketalk.

Now how about that d***s and kicks thread?
Nah. I remember this. She was faking it pretty hard in her short time here. She was all up in the general forum too looking for "new releases". Don't know why, maybe for more twitter followers or something.

If that was a genuine attempt she should've lurked before posting.
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