Yo NT Why is MF DOOM so trash???

rhymes like dimes is
AS much as I'm a fan of doom. Il'l say this; his flow needs work. I know he's old and can't help his tone, but it gets super repetitive. Hisproduction is on some other$@%* though.
CasperFromKIDS wrote:

And dude's whole gimick is lame. Wearing a mask so you people don't get caught up in your looks, as if anyone off the internet gives a @%+%.
im pretty sure the mask has somethin to do with his brother? name/ the cartoon character (DR. DOOM)
MF= metal face
Not to step on any toes or anything like that. I dig DOOM, but it seems that every other person that I know likes his stuff is a person who smokes majoramounts of that green substance called Marijuana. Anyone else notice this or is it just around my way?
I don't know why he's trash. He's the worst rapper to recieve hype on NT and that list is long. But he's the worst to recieve hype on this**!#.
I don't know why he's trash. He's the worst rapper to recieve hype on NT and that list is long.Nah. Jim Jones is most def worse than Doom. Without question.

Nah.... Jim Jones is by far the worst rap personality (can't call him an emcee, or even a rapper) to get wild love on NT. But you not liking Doom is notsurprising, not in the least.
Originally Posted by yeahitsRUST

Not to step on any toes or anything like that. I dig DOOM, but it seems that every other person that I know likes his stuff is a person who smokes major amounts of that green substance called Marijuana. Anyone else notice this or is it just around my way?

Doom is real popular with dope heads.
idk why
Not to step on any toes or anything like that. I dig DOOM, but it seems that every other person that I know likes his stuff is a person who smokes major amounts of that green substance called Marijuana. Anyone else notice this or is it just around my way?
Not hating at all.. Ive been puffin' the spliff, and I love dudes flow, no#*+@@ (for the JimJones dudes) but seriously, can nobody answer the weed=MF DOOM??? dudes lyrics seems on points when peoples flying high, but for me at least, dude seems less off when im not.... flying....word to Elton John.... orno#*+@@? (hahah at the state of NT)
^ Well ummm even when Im not high I listen to dude so yea, Dude is probably has a lil more of a impact when dudes is high. Like what makes it cool about dudeis if he was more famous he's there for lyrics and he can be background music. Cuz like lets say me n my boys chillin drinkin playin some games on the Wii,bout to start rollin up we can mos def have Rhymes like Dimes, Mic Line, Rap Snitches, n numerous other upbeat songs playin from him before we light thatspliff.

I mean hey a lotta dudes who
listen to Bob Marley too

Then leave... you've been trolling this forum for years with your elitist attitude, if you don't like in then get the !##! out

Get off my ****, kid. You're still disgracing that Lennon avy/SN with your weak!$**, top 40 views on everything. Offer up something of intelligence, thencome back to pay homage.
dudes voice is boring and so dead just like immortal technique

theyre both okay in like 10minute increments at the max
..I thought MF stood for Mutha Effin

But I love doom...Its true you need to like his stuff to like it, or youll hate it. Its a very unique style, and he makes alot of references that most peopledon't understand, thats why he stays so underground
Perhaps you might prefere some mily Cyrus type. Rhymes bubble gum rap , not saying mmm food is the best doom album he has but far from trash any true head would slam u for talking that trash.
 at this grave dig. Music forum is dead bro no one is gonna argue this 

I will not entertain Doom slander either. His music is flames. 
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