Yo...real talk, who has no friends??

Friends from my experience have a tendency to stab you in the back sometimes worst than girls. But I have 5 friends from HS that I trust with everything. Butother than those 5 I don't trust no one. And like people mentioned, I don't hang out with people from college. Some people are cool enough to talk tobetween classes, during free time, at parties, and whatever else. Let's ut it this way, my so called best friends from grammar school who I hung out from 7till about 18 stabbed in the back like no1 should, been very suspicious of all people since then.
I feel for you brotha. Forreal.

Here's an alien smiley to cheer you up:
People change man. There's complications that arive in peoples lives that drift people apart. From egos, to stuggles.
Originally Posted by purplehazze96

damn son yall makin me depressed, some of yall sound like you got it bad but real talk back home i got a grip of real friends, solid $@% dudes...since i moved to so cal, its like ehh, %%#+%% just aint made the same down here...ive met one solid dude since i been out here, the rest are just kinda marks, they just dont make them like that back home
same here man..i just transfered to UCLA and its been harder than I thought to make solid friends..im meeting cool new people but it just aint thesame...
My cousin was like a brother, but when he started gettin attention from girls, he dipped. I have probably 4 or 5 close friends, but they don't know eachother. I know them all individually... So I don't have a group that I can fall on
Originally Posted by ILLIONAIRE

Originally Posted by msDUNKtastic

you'll get more soon.15 is a odd age

actually, you get less as you get older.
True true..... sad

I have like 4 friends which are work related too ..... smh.

Only people I consider friends are chicks Im trying to talk to, which the "friendship" lasts as quick as the game.
just a bunch of acquaintances.

no gf.

maybe like 1 or 2 real friends.

out of like, a dozen of us going into the same high school, only me and maybe, 3 others graduated. only me and 1 other guy are going to college. thats it. imtaking the year off though so i never see him.

bunch of dudes still ask me to hit the bar or club with them. those are the dudes who STILL get into fights, and are always looking for one. pathetic.
There's no one you can fully trust in this world outside of your family. Now that I'm in college, I think I have a lot of acquaintances, but probablyonly one real "true" friend. In my first two years, I thought I might have had a "true" friend from my suitemates, but he ended upbackstabbing me in our off-campus housing situation and really %$@#@# me over, and he's pretty much cut me off, so I don't think I care anymore.It's not that serious, and he's kinda weird to begin with haha. There were some I considered to be pretty "true" friends in high school buteveryone just kinda did their own thing.

In a college like mine where there are so many people, it's really hard to make real close friends. You really have to go and get what's yours,it's like every man for himself out there. You gotta make your own decisions and you can't ever rely on people to do things for you. That's what Ilearned the most from that housing situation.
I got 3 best friends back home, and a few buddies at college. Everyone else is just an acquaintance.
Originally Posted by acidicality

There were some I considered to be pretty "true" friends in high school but everyone just kinda did their own thing.

In a college like mine where there are so many people, it's really hard to make real close friends. You really have to go and get what's yours, it's like every man for himself out there. You gotta make your own decisions and you can't ever rely on people to do things for you. That's what I learned the most from that housing situation.

Pretty much. College is the only place where you can often have long conversations with someone and not even know their name lol. That %#$$ amazes me for somereason.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]1 Best friend (actually, he's like family)[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]xx,xxx associates.[/color]

I know a bunch of people, but I have no genuine friends at the moment. my last friendship ended when I left to go to college and my homie pretty much said hewasn't going to school. I had to decide if I was going to let him hold me back just because he was the only true friend I had. now i'm in school and alot of people know of me, but I haven't taken the time to build any friendships yet. The way I see it is, I'm in school to ensure my future and Ican't risk getting side tracked by others.
Originally Posted by acidicality

There's no one you can fully trust in this world outside of your family. Now that I'm in college, I think I have a lot of acquaintances, but probably only one real "true" friend. In my first two years, I thought I might have had a "true" friend from my suitemates, but he ended up backstabbing me in our off-campus housing situation and really %$@#@# me over, and he's pretty much cut me off, so I don't think I care anymore. It's not that serious, and he's kinda weird to begin with haha. There were some I considered to be pretty "true" friends in high school but everyone just kinda did their own thing.

In a college like mine where there are so many people, it's really hard to make real close friends. You really have to go and get what's yours, it's like every man for himself out there. You gotta make your own decisions and you can't ever rely on people to do things for you. That's what I learned the most from that housing situation.
thats what i dont get can't people just do the right thingand that !**! come when you least expect it
when i was in highschool i was WELL known by pretty much everyone...as soon as i get kicked out of there and started goin to a GED program i apparentlydied...i have no contact with anyone from the school just some alumni that just graduated over the summer. its crazy...but when i show up at games everyonewants to be all OH HEY! lets hang out soon..and never talk to me till the next thing i show up at.
Originally Posted by ShoeHead117

I can honestly say I have no real friends. I still hang out with a couple of friends from HS, but after a while it gets old especially being in college. Most of the people I hang out with are basically acquaintances.

One thing I miss about High School was that there was a big group of people in your school that you knew growing up, so there was always someone else to talk to, hang out with, etc.

I've been thinking I need a change of scenery since I have been living in my current area since I was born. I was thinking about moving to NY or SoCal I'm actually really surprised that there are this many NTers without any friends. It feels good I'm not the only one.

Yo, I could have written this. This is EXACTLY how I feel.
i have a gf, one other friend and then my family ... thats about it ... ihave a bunch of folks i call my friends, but i dont play people too close
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