
He's like the kid in class that nobody likes. But he has every right to be there, just everybody hates him. That is Benny Blanco

I feel like this is the qoute Meth will use to ban him.

Some witty response like "but unfortunately for him this isn't a classroom, and he doesn't have to be here. O'banned.". :lol:
He's a biracial kid who grew up in a single parent home, mostly raised by his grand-parents.

What the hell do YOU know about the african american struggle.

As a matter of fact, what IS the african american struggle?

Did he need to grow up selling crack for you to be able to relate?

Lay off the rap music, buddy.

Didn't Obama come to the mainland in the 80's though? Obviously there was racism then, there still is, but not as bad as before that. Growing up in Hawaii wouldn't the racism be a little different over on a tiny island filled with natives who hate white people? And Indonesia, do they hate black people there? I'm asking you this no need to get crazy on me.

I don't see how I said I knew what it was like to be African American. All I said was I assumed it would be an African-American who was more familiar with Americas past time. Had family who weren't allowed to drink out of the white persons fountain. You know what fug it whatever go ahead and all you guys can think I'm an ignorant racist. Maybe I'm ignorant, maybe we all are, maybe a lot, maybe a little. Maybe it's not ignorance, just being misinformed. I don't care, either way y'all are some hostile *** holes. I know how I treat others and its far from being racist. I know I'll say thank you to who ever holds the door for me whether their black, brown, Asian, whatever. But I will continue to be worried about whether or not its true about the type of people Obama was accused to be associated with in this documentary.... Seeing that none of you helped me understand whether or not he was or wasn't associated with those people.I will go try to figure that out myself. So I will leave it at that and let you guys continue to call me an ignorant racist.
Didn't Obama come to the mainland in the 80's though? Obviously there was racism then, there still is, but not as bad as before that. Growing up in Hawaii wouldn't the racism be a little different over on a tiny island filled with natives who hate white people? And Indonesia, do they hate black people there? I'm asking you this no need to get crazy on me.
I don't see how I said I knew what it was like to be African American. All I said was I assumed it would be an African-American who was more familiar with Americas past time. Had family who weren't allowed to drink out of the white persons fountain. You know what fug it whatever go ahead and all you guys can think I'm an ignorant racist. Maybe I'm ignorant, maybe we all are, maybe a lot, maybe a little. Maybe it's not ignorance, just being misinformed. I don't care, either way y'all are some hostile *** holes. I know how I treat others and its far from being racist. I know I'll say thank you to who ever holds the door for me whether their black, brown, Asian, whatever. But I will continue to be worried about whether or not its true about the type of people Obama was accused to be associated with in this documentary.... Seeing that none of you helped me understand whether or not he was or wasn't associated with those people.I will go try to figure that out myself. So I will leave it at that and let you guys continue to call me an ignorant racist.
No see you know what you say is ignorant and your right this black man escaped from your systems grasp and played it to his advantage all the way to the white house you mad son. You mad that he didn't succumb to the same mindset and injustices brought to other black males by your forefathers . You mad he didnt pursue a career in sports ,or become your local home depot employee.Yeah your mad and you have all right to be you took the L of the century .
It's funny as hell.

If you pay attention to alot of dudes posts on NT over time...their true colors begin to reveal themselves.

It never fails. I'm not surprised that this post and these views were made by the OP.

James Anderson :smh:
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I feel like this is the qoute Meth will use to ban him.

Some witty response like "but unfortunately for him this isn't a classroom, and he doesn't have to be here. O'banned.". :lol:

I cant be banned for speaking my mind then lol when obama loses.
He's a biracial kid who grew up in a single parent home, mostly raised by his grand-parents.

What the hell do YOU know about the african american struggle.

As a matter of fact, what IS the african american struggle?

Did he need to grow up selling crack for you to be able to relate?

Lay off the rap music, buddy.
Didn't Obama come to the mainland in the 80's though? Obviously there was racism then, there still is, but not as bad as before that. Growing up in Hawaii wouldn't the racism be a little different over on a tiny island filled with natives who hate white people? And Indonesia, do they hate black people there? I'm asking you this no need to get crazy on me.

I don't see how I said I knew what it was like to be African American. All I said was I assumed it would be an African-American who was more familiar with Americas past time. Had family who weren't allowed to drink out of the white persons fountain. You know what fug it whatever go ahead and all you guys can think I'm an ignorant racist. Maybe I'm ignorant, maybe we all are, maybe a lot, maybe a little. Maybe it's not ignorance, just being misinformed. I don't care, either way y'all are some hostile *** holes. I know how I treat others and its far from being racist. I know I'll say thank you to who ever holds the door for me whether their black, brown, Asian, whatever. But I will continue to be worried about whether or not its true about the type of people Obama was accused to be associated with in this documentary.... Seeing that none of you helped me understand whether or not he was or wasn't associated with those people.I will go try to figure that out myself. So I will leave it at that and let you guys continue to call me an ignorant racist.
Nah champ, just you and your boy BennyBlanco3 as of now. 
Didn't Obama come to the mainland in the 80's though? Obviously there was racism then, there still is, but not as bad as before that. Growing up in Hawaii wouldn't the racism be a little different over on a tiny island filled with natives who hate white people? And Indonesia, do they hate black people there? I'm asking you this no need to get crazy on me.
I don't see how I said I knew what it was like to be African American. All I said was I assumed it would be an African-American who was more familiar with Americas past time. Had family who weren't allowed to drink out of the white persons fountain. You know what fug it whatever go ahead and all you guys can think I'm an ignorant racist. Maybe I'm ignorant, maybe we all are, maybe a lot, maybe a little. Maybe it's not ignorance, just being misinformed. I don't care, either way y'all are some hostile *** holes. I know how I treat others and its far from being racist. I know I'll say thank you to who ever holds the door for me whether their black, brown, Asian, whatever. But I will continue to be worried about whether or not its true about the type of people Obama was accused to be associated with in this documentary.... Seeing that none of you helped me understand whether or not he was or wasn't associated with those people.I will go try to figure that out myself. So I will leave it at that and let you guys continue to call me an ignorant racist.

You should've researched that BEFORE you decided to make a thread about it. :smh:
It's just that my idea of our first black president was that of a typical African-American with a typical African-American name, and with typical African-American family roots in the United States. I didn't picture it being a man named Barack Huessein Obama who was born by a Kenyan Muslim and a white woman. Am I really alone on that? If I am alone can you at least see what I'm getting at?

.. let the racism flow son...tell em why you mad
He's a biracial kid who grew up in a single parent home, mostly raised by his grand-parents.

What the hell do YOU know about the african american struggle.

As a matter of fact, what IS the african american struggle?

Did he need to grow up selling crack for you to be able to relate?

Lay off the rap music, buddy.
Didn't Obama come to the mainland in the 80's though?

Just no.

Hawaii is a state. Miss me with the "mainland" comments.
 Obviously there was racism then, there still is, but not as bad as before that. Growing up in Hawaii wouldn't the racism be a little different over on a tiny island filled with natives who hate white people? 

He's still a black man. 

There is a range of experiences to be had, even in more liberal places like Hawaii. Does that matter? 
And Indonesia, do they hate black people there? I'm asking you this no need to get crazy on me.
You've got me audibly cursing right now.

Are you serious? 

Does it matter if they "hate" black people? 
I don't see how I said I knew what it was like to be African American.
Because you said he doesn't fit what you think of a black american.
All I said was I assumed it would be an African-American who was more familiar with Americas past time.
Whats america's past time?

How do you know that he's not?

Hes a black man who went to predominately white colleges in this country. He knows more than you do off that alone. 
 Had family who weren't allowed to drink out of the white persons fountain.
How do you know he didn't?

He's already born biracial.

Until 1967, his parents marriage would have been annulled in like 10+ states. Look up miscegenation laws.

On top of that, his mother remarried like at least one more time. 
You know what fug it whatever go ahead and all you guys can think I'm an ignorant racist.
OK. I will. You're doing a great job of playing that role. 
Maybe I'm ignorant, maybe we all are, maybe a lot, maybe a little.
Maybe it's not ignorance, just being misinformed.
Thats what ignorance is.

Read this article: www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2012/09/fear-of-a-black-president/309064/
 I don't care, either way y'all are some hostile *** holes.

Tell me how black people should act again. 

Everyone needs to live up to your expectations to qualify for the office of presidency, right?

His middle name is Hussein...OOOO...SCARY!
 I know how I treat others and its far from being racist.
Why don't you just tell us that your best friend is black?
I know I'll say thank you to who ever holds the door for me whether their black, brown, Asian, whatever.
There it is.

Close enough. 
But I will continue to be worried about whether or not its true about the type of people Obama was accused to be associated with in this documentary....
I can accuse you of sharing the bus with a white supremacist, does that make it true?

How come we don't look at Romney's mormon cult and his distant relatives in Mexico?
Seeing that none of you helped me understand whether or not he was or wasn't associated with those people.I will go try to figure that out myself.
He wasn't associated with the people in the manner that was made about to be true.

For instance, everything being asserted is a result of these fallacies:
So I will leave it at that and let you guys continue to call me an ignorant racist.
So anyone who dont like Obama is racist???? COOL STORY

Obama has continued NUMEROUS Bush policies.

He's responsible for dozens of civilian deaths, specifically in Pakistan.

He authorized the murder of two American citizens without due process

The PATRIOT Act is alive and well.

Whistle blowers are prosecuted.

Guantanomo is still open. More importantly, the policies that force the existence of such a place are still alive and well.

The drug war still rages on.

But Republicans actually DISLIKE Obama for some reason.

How else can you explain that, besides racism?
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I woulnd't mind watching it for entertainment purposes so I can laugh. I wouldn't go out of my way to rent it though.

OP, this film looks like it's full of propaganda, so why use it as a basis? If you want to know about Obama's life and career, I would recommend the following.

FRONTLINE | "The Choice 2012" (full episode, English) | PBS

The Life of Barack Obama

DL Hughley said on Howard Stern if Obama was a real black man and raised by black parents in the hood, he would have never became President. He said the Black American Culture would have messed that kid up. :lol:
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Id yes ma'am yes sir him to the point he self destructs because while he is created racist views im digging in the guts of his women,I'm taking his jobs,I'm coming through the windows of every door him and his ilk want to close.I want more kids to look at obama as a sign of prestige and possiblity .Even though i may not agree with his policies completely but he is an important symbol in this era for black people.Just as you whites loved Kennedy so much . And voted soley because he was good looking and had movie star appeal. IM that N* yall love to hate.Y

Deep down you dont want me or any black person to hold any authority because your taught your the only authority .You dont like that the idea that a black man can determine the future of this country burns you up inside .The idea that a black person can reach that far is foreign to you and your deepest fear .you fear your supremacy has a flaw that your system has a glitch that more baracks can happen .Your system wants to purge itself of this anomaly so bad it will destroy itself first.That my friend is what your going through .

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Im trying to think of a way to phrase what im thinking so you guys understand what I'm trying to say. Probably wont matter because I know how NT likes to ride the wave in a thread. Even if there is someone who understands what I mean they'll join the wave as well cause that's what's poppin.

How about this. A black president doesn't scare me. I've made this clear. Barrack Obama scares me. He just happens to be the first black president so you are all assuming all black presidents will scare me making me a racist.

Continue on once again with nah nah nah OP you hate all black people.
I wish more folks were as honest as OP were .I like the fact he isnt hiding his prejudice see that eliminates him as a threat he showed his hand already whatever move he makes it will be out in the open.If he was smarter he would word what he said better and be more dangerous .He forfeited all rights to undermining or getting his beautiful lily white america back.Let him continue to play this way I wouldnt even report him. Id yes ma'am yes sir him to the point he self destructs because while he is created racist views im digging in the guts of his women,I'm taking his jobs,I'm coming through the windows of every door him and his ilk want to close.I want more kids to look at obama as a sign of prestige and possiblity .Even though i may not agree with his policies completely but he is an important symbol in this era for black people.Just as you whites loved Kennedy so much . And voted soley because he was good looking and had movie star appeal. IM that N* yall love to hate.Y

Deep down you dont want me or any black person to hold any authority because your taught your the only authority .You dont like that the idea that a black man can determine the future of this country burns you up inside .The idea that a black person can reach that far is foreign to you and your deepest fear .you fear your supremacy has a flaw that your system has a glitch that more baracks can happen .Your system wants to purge itself of this anomaly so bad it will destroy itself first.That my friend is what your going through .
Post of the year status
I feel like this is the qoute Meth will use to ban him.

Some witty response like "but unfortunately for him this isn't a classroom, and he doesn't have to be here. O'banned.". :lol:

I cant be banned for speaking my mind then lol when obama loses.

I woke up this morning and saw you spewing nonsense. Why you hate Barry so much?

Who the heck are you? We should remember you? What, you think you like Mitt? You ain't like Mitt sucka, you a punk. Mitt's been with made people, connected people. Who've you been with? Chain snatching, jive-***, macaroni suckas. Why don't you get out of here and go snatch a purse.
Im trying to think of a way to phrase what im thinking so you guys understand what I'm trying to say. Probably wont matter because I know how NT likes to ride the wave in a thread.
Yeah, it can't be your actual comments can it? 

Its like you think we're incapable of reading what you write.

Maybe...the problem is YOU?
 Even if there is someone who understands what I mean they'll join the wave as well cause that's what's poppin.
How about this. A black president doesn't scare me. I've made this clear. Barrack Obama scares me.

Scares you?


George HW Bush scares me.
 He just happens to be the first black president so you are all assuming all black presidents will scare me making me a racist.
Hmmm...I wonder why.

You said and I quote:
And no I don't hate black people. No I'm not against having a black president. It's just that my idea of our first black president was that of a typical African-American with a typical African-American name, and with typical African-American family roots in the United States. I didn't picture it being a man named Barack Huessein Obama who was born by a Kenyan Muslim and a white woman. Am I really alone on that? If I am alone can you at least see what I'm getting at?
Keep trying, OP.

Obama's dad wasn't a Muslim either, he was a stone-cold atheist. 


Continue on once again with nah nah nah OP you hate all black people.
You invalidated yourself with your comment above.

You don't get to qualify how black people act just to satisfy your own bias and prejudice. 
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off topic but what happened to that odrama dude(i think that was his name) who used to use all the obama gifs
Im trying to think of a way to phrase what im thinking so you guys understand what I'm trying to say. Probably wont matter because I know how NT likes to ride the wave in a thread. Even if there is someone who understands what I mean they'll join the wave as well cause that's what's poppin.
How about this. A black president doesn't scare me. I've made this clear. Barrack Obama scares me. He just happens to be the first black president so you are all assuming all black presidents will scare me making me a racist.
Continue on once again with nah nah nah OP you hate all black people.

honestly though. you watched this movie KNOWING it was going to be biased. you still let that bias rub off on you, and its truly revealing how closed minded you are.

you should have done more research on the subject and not rely solely on this mockumentary for guidance
honestly though. you watched this movie KNOWING it was going to be biased. you still let that bias rub off on you, and its truly revealing how closed minded you are.
you should have done more research on the subject and not rely solely on this mockumentary for guidance

seriously dude watched a documentary and takes it for truth and it's clear he did no research other than the mile radius for the closest RedBox
I wish more folks were as honest as OP were .I like the fact he isnt hiding his prejudice see that eliminates him as a threat he showed his hand already whatever move he makes it will be out in the open.If he was smarter he would word what he said better and be more dangerous .He forfeited all rights to undermining or getting his beautiful lily white america back.Let him continue to play this way I wouldnt even report him. Id yes ma'am yes sir him to the point he self destructs because while he is created racist views im digging in the guts of his women,I'm taking his jobs,I'm coming through the windows of every door him and his ilk want to close.I want more kids to look at obama as a sign of prestige and possiblity .Even though i may not agree with his policies completely but he is an important symbol in this era for black people.Just as you whites loved Kennedy so much . And voted soley because he was good looking and had movie star appeal. IM that N* yall love to hate.Y

Deep down you dont want me or any black person to hold any authority because your taught your the only authority .You dont like that the idea that a black man can determine the future of this country burns you up inside .The idea that a black person can reach that far is foreign to you and your deepest fear .you fear your supremacy has a flaw that your system has a glitch that more baracks can happen .Your system wants to purge itself of this anomaly so bad it will destroy itself first.That my friend is what your going through .

Thats your own manifested truth and its an easy way of looking at it- thats all, you can get as many reps as you want for it. Sure, some white people are guilty of that- just like some people that think like you (or whatever it is you posted) would LOVE to see the roles reversed and yall can have white folks in this "feable, controlled" position that you and others like to put yourselves in. Barack did his own thing and proved that it doesnt matter what color you are or where you come from- yet dudes like you still wanna play that card- when its on the SAME DAMN subject. I'm glad youre so wise and above OP, because SURELY YOU can see both sides of things >D
I would just like to point out that blacks and whites dont have a level playing field and to think that race isnt a factor even still is silly
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