
honestly though. you watched this movie KNOWING it was going to be biased. you still let that bias rub off on you, and its truly revealing how closed minded you are.
you should have done more research on the subject and not rely solely on this mockumentary for guidance
seriously dude watched a documentary and takes it for truth and it's clear he did no research other than the mile radius for the closest RedBox
dat confirmation bias.
^damn, you must be in politics nawghtyhare- i think we're all capable of doing what you just did: See, look what you just said:
race isnt a factor
Thats your own manifested truth and its an easy way of looking at it- thats all, you can get as many reps as you want for it. Sure, some white people are guilty of that- just like some people that think like you (or whatever it is you posted) would LOVE to see the roles reversed and yall can have white folks in this "feable, controlled" position that you and others like to put yourselves in. Barack did his own thing and proved that it doesnt matter what color you are or where you come from- yet dudes like you still wanna play that card- when its on the SAME DAMN subject. I'm glad youre so wise and above OP, because SURELY YOU can see both sides of things >D
I was waiting on you
White people have this fear of blacks since the days of slavery this same fear started the biggest terorist group in American History and are trying to justify their hatred through the president.The minute he was elected gun sales went up by triple.Bullets got bought by thousands shotguns were selling like hot cakes.Im not playing any card when you have guys like OP .There is a fear that this president due to him being black will destry this country.Nobody started militia groups to combat the Bush Era nor for the Reagan era matter of fact they thrived in those areas. All this FEMA death camp talk didn't happen when Oliver North was drafting Rex 84 against african Americans and COINTELPRO was destroying black human rights movements and organizations. Nobody cared and many pretend it was for the greater good.
You really think im supposed to ignore racism in this country and say i can make it regardless of race just because absolutely not when you have people running around here starting militias,hanging effigys of black males,killing black males ,shooting at black males at high rate.Racism exist you are not gonna trivialize me and downplay racism by say im pulling a card.Racism in this country ad racist sentiments are on the rise.Im not the one dealing race cards and i sure didnt invent the race game .Im playing with the cards im dealt .If you gotta problem with that your just out of luck buddy.
Thats your own manifested truth and its an easy way of looking at it- thats all, you can get as many reps as you want for it. Sure, some white people are guilty of that- just like some people that think like you (or whatever it is you posted) would LOVE to see the roles reversed and yall can have white folks in this "feable, controlled" position that you and others like to put yourselves in. Barack did his own thing and proved that it doesnt matter what color you are or where you come from- yet dudes like you still wanna play that card- when its on the SAME DAMN subject. I'm glad youre so wise and above OP, because SURELY YOU can see both sides of things >D

Get out of here with that manifested truth bs.
You aren't black so you have no idea what you're talking about. Have you every experienced racism?
Real racism. Has a cop ever followed you into a store? Have you been pulled over and searched for NO reason?
Understanding something and actually experiencing it are two different things. People act like the Civil Rights Movement happened centuries ago.
Are you telling me that we're all equal in America? Stop it. Have things gotten better for minorities?
Sure, but we still the playing field is faaaaar from even and you know it.
Why are minorities incarcerated at an exceptionally higher rate than whites when the same crime is committed?
I'm not coming at you, but I can't stand when someone tries to tell us our truth when they'll never in their life experience it at an elite level.
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Plain and simple: People are afraid of change. They are afraid of what they've always known changing. Some change is good, some isn't. But at the end of the day, more people fear it than welcome it.

And that is partially the reason why we have fallen so far behind other countries like China and Japan. That is part of the reason why we are no longer the global powerhouse we once were.

Also, I hate to "play this card" but if you're not a person of color, you just wouldn't understand. You might have every intention of being sympathetic towards minorites. You might be married or be very close with people of color.But it's just not going to happen. That's just how it is. And that is just how this country is. It might take a while to change or it may never change at all. The fact that you stick out like a sore thumb when you grow up in a predominantly white society not because of the color difference. But because all eyes are on you for being different.

Not a "all whites are racist" rant, just stating the facts
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Get out of here with that manifested truth bs.
You aren't black so you have no idea what you're talking about. Have you every experienced racism?
Real racism. Has a cop ever followed you into a store? Have you been pulled over and searched for NO reason?
Understanding something and actually experiencing it are two different things. People act like the Civil Rights Movement happened centuries ago.
Are you telling me that we're all equal in America? Stop it. Have things gotten better for minorities?
Sure, but we still the playing field is faaaaar from even and you know it.
Why are minorities incarcerated at an exceptionally higher rate than whites when the same crime is committed?
I'm not coming at you, but I can't stand when someone tries to tell us our truth when they'll never in their life experience it at an elite level.
 Pretty much posted the exact same thing I said at the exact same time
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And no I don't hate black people. No I'm not against having a black president. It's just that my idea of our first black president was that of a typical African-American with a typical African-American name, and with typical African-American family roots in the United States. I didn't picture it being a man named Barack Huessein Obama who was born by a Kenyan Muslim and a white woman. Am I really alone on that? If I am alone can you at least see what I'm getting at?

But you're not particularly fond of them, it seems.

You essentially said you don't approve of our president because he isn't the historically accurate/typical n word with the er at the end. Because he has roots different from those of the majority of African Americans in this country (whose history is that of slave labor, rape, murder, etc), you don't trust him. Do you not see how your own subtle notions of bigotry are spewing out? People like you have "no problem" with normal black people who you can understand. You know the past shared between blacks and whites, and because your side had the upper hand, you're content with saying you don't hate black people. Your understanding comes from being the beneficiary of their extortion. You can't understand how a man could become president when he is of darker pigmentation, African descent who doesn't have the traditional background of the people your people kept in bondage.

You, and a lot of other white people out there would be comfortable with 44 year old Hakeem Johnson of South Carolina as the president. A black man whose lineage can be traced back to the wonder years of slavery.
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OP: Obama isn't like all the black people I see on TV therefore I can't trust him.

Just say it already. 

You can't trust a knee-grow if his name doesn't start with "Da-, La-, or De-" or end in "Jenkins, Johnson, or Jones" 
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If you can't begin a debate about the 2012 election with the following you've already lost the debate:

"I (insert name here) take issue with our U.S born-- loving christian president because..."
I'm not acting like a political genius. That's what bugs me about politics is everyone's a genius. You're never wrong the other person is always wrong. They're not just wrong though, they're wrong and they're a complete idiot. Always hostility, always people coming in saying "you sound like a backwoods republican, they would like to have you" Thats why typically I stay out of politics but I made this thread because I wanted to see who else saw this, what they thought and why.
I do feel Obama has had a past that was different than any typical candidate and got voted in for different reasons than any typical candidate. That's what intrigued me the most. He's been hopping around from place to place through out the world which leaves not as much to be known.
This is why it worried me that his father hated places like America. Him being associated with countries that hate us simply because we're modern and rich. It worries me that he was mentored by people like Frank Marshall Davis, roommates with Bill Ayers, Edward Said who hates Israel, Jeremiah Wright, and Roberto Unger.
Unless this was proven false that he was ever associated with these people? If that's been proven cool, I have no problem knowing our President isn't a communist who didn't grow up influenced by those who hate what America stands for.
This is why it worries me the most. For 4 years we have people questioning his past. Questioning whether he has a birth certificate. There's never been a reason to do this for any other candidate. Bush is sitting there owning a baseball team and McCain was busy fighting a war for America. We are in serious trouble right now economically. Assuming it hasn't been proven Obama was never associated with those people... Right now would be the prime time to do as much damage as possible if he got re-elected. Stick to his word here and there for 4 years so ppl stay by his side while we continue to be in a recession. Blame the other stuff on Bush so the rest stay by his side as well. Then the new term he does what he really wants.
I don't enjoy the feeling of being broke or America collapsing so I have no problem being told this mans past was proven false. Call me ignorant, call me a racist, call me oblivious, but from the very beginning I didn't like Obama because he seemed sketchy. Its because we voted a president in for being black who I don't view as black. If I were to wake up from a coma and you told me our current president was black I would assume his name was something like James Anderson. But if you told me his name was Barack Hussein Obama and we're at war with those named Hussein and killed a dictator who was committing genocide named Saddam Hussein I wold have answered, how the hell did that happen? Those thoughts I had to begin with along with seeing this doc have me worried. I do hope it's just me being gullible though.
 You're broke not because of the President. You're broke because you let yourself be broke. I'm sick and tired of people expecting the President to give them a handout and hand them a job on a silver platter.

You don't wanna feel broke? Well be a man, get off your butt, and do something about it.
I'm 21. I was wound up on adderall last night for homework before I watched it and posted on here so I know I rambled a bit, hence the walls. But it doesn't change how I feel about Obama. Forget the political stand point I'm focusing on the people who he's accused of being associated with and who is father is being portrayed as. Has anyone gone in and proved this guy wrong that Obama hasn't had relationships with those people? Is that who is father really was? If so, the question shouldn't be what makes you sure Obama has the same dream as his father...it should be why are you writing a book about him in the first place.
And no I don't hate black people. No I'm not against having a black president. It's just that my idea of our first black president was that of a typical African-American with a typical African-American name, and with typical African-American family roots in the United States. I didn't picture it being a man named Barack Huessein Obama who was born by a Kenyan Muslim and a white woman. Am I really alone on that? If I am alone can you at least see what I'm getting at?
 Yep and Nope.

And for the record, even if you didn't mean to, you have offended a lot of people on this board with this very ignorant post.
I haven't read anything in this thread, but Dinesh D'Souza is a piece of ****....and it has little to do with this 'film.'

A few off the top of my head.....

This guy blamed 9/11 on liberals.

Even conservatives have slammed the book, The Roots of Obama's Rage, the book that spawned Obama's America, as conspiracy nonsense.

He's against gay marriage. He said something to the effect of 'Marriage doesn't civilize men. Women do.'

He blamed the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse on America's liberal views on sexuality. He even downplayed the living conditions of the prisoners there.

Christopher Hitchens has killed this guy numerous times.

He's asserted that the President would side with the Palestinians if it weren't for 'Jewish money.'

He doesn't believe in evolution

He uses conjecture as the driving force behind his propaganda.

He's equated gay marriage to bestiality.

While writing for The Dartmouth Review, he outed gay students using stolen mail between members of the Dartmouth Gay Student Alliance

While writing for The Dartmouth Review, he penned racist articles railing against affirmative action including one titled "Dis Sho Ain't No Jive Bro," which was written entirely in 'black speech.' Oh and an interview with a KKK leader accompanied by a photo of a black man being lynched.

He is obviously a birther.

He thinks parts of the Civil Rights Act pertaining to private companies should be rolled back.

He's anti-science

He's criticized feminist for striving for equal standing in the work place because it devalued women who stay at home.

There you go, that's your director of Obama's America. I'm sure I've missed some of D'Souza's CV of idiocy. If you can read all of that stuff and still want to see the movie, you probably don't need to see the movie, if you know what I mean
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@ D Staxx, i feel you- and yet again we have another thread turned into a race thread (where I'm right down the middle, and the extremists are coming at me as always). Yes, I've been around it- I'm from there. Yes ive been profiled (because of my record and appearance moreso than color though). I've felt prejudice, not real racism- but since my school was majority black growing up- of course some of them just didnt like me cuz i was white. Do i hold that against anybody, nope. I wasnt trying to tell you or anybody their own truth, but what i am saying is (like i have said) its necessary to take in everybodys truth, everything isnt about color, and everybodys position or lack thereof isn't a direct result from racism or prejudice (if theres any connection at all). When i see something i dont agree with, i chime in sometimes- and im sure some of yall are sick of hearing from me. But if you reread what i said, i think it was taken the wrong way (or maybe i couldve composed it better). Either way- you and AF 1 1982 are good peeps in my book, IBlink and Thorrocks too- it can be a good thing for us all to chop it up sometimes. I just thought somebody was taking things too far on account of one knucklehead
 Yeah fam, I wasn't coming at you or anything. I know your intentions are good and you're nothing but good to people around here and it is appreciated.Don't sweat it my dude

 I just enjoy having these type of discussions. Apart of the pure malarkey that OP posted, a lot of it is filled with good info I didn't even know about
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I haven't read anything in this thread, but Dinesh D'Souza is a piece of ****....and it has little to do with this 'film.'

A few off the top of my head.....

This is guy blamed 9/11 on liberals.

Even conservatives have slammed the book, The Roots of Obama's Rage, the book that spawned Obama's America, as conspiracy nonsense.

He's against gay marriage. He said something to the effect of 'Marriage doesn't civilize men. Women do.'

He blamed the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse on America's liberal views on sexuality. He even downplayed the living conditions of the prisoners there.

Christopher Hitchens has killed this guy numerous times.

He's asserted that the President would side with the Palestinians if it weren't for 'Jewish money.'

He doesn't believe in evolution

He uses conjecture as the driving force behind his propaganda.

He's equated gay marriage to bestiality.

While writing for The Dartmouth Review, he outed gay students using stolen mail between members of the Dartmouth Gay Student Alliance

While writing for The Dartmouth Review, he penned racist articles railing against affirmative action including one titled "Dis Sho Ain't No Jive Bro," which was written entirely in 'black speech.' Oh and an interview with a KKK leader accompanied by a photo of a black man being lynched.

He is obviously a birther.

He thinks parts of the Civil Rights Act pertaining to private companies should be rolled back.

He's anti-science

He's criticized feminist for striving for equal standing in the work place because it devalued women who stay at home.

There you go, that's your director of Obama's America. I'm sure I've missed some of D'Souza's CV of idiocy. If you can read all of that stuff and still want to see the movie, you probably don't need to see the movie, if you know what I mean
AND he lost his religious job because he cheated on his wife gawker.com/5953049/married-dinesh-dsouzas-mistress-also-married
@ D Staxx, i feel you- and yet again we have another thread turned into a race thread (where I'm right down the middle, and the extremists are coming at me as always). Yes, I've been around it- I'm from there. Yes ive been profiled (because of my record and appearance moreso than color though). I've felt prejudice, not real racism- but since my school was majority black growing up- of course some of them just didnt like me cuz i was white. Do i hold that against anybody, nope. I wasnt trying to tell you or anybody their own truth, but what i am saying is (like i have said) its necessary to take in everybodys truth, everything isnt about color, and everybodys position or lack thereof isn't a direct result from racism or prejudice (if theres any connection at all). When i see something i dont agree with, i chime in sometimes- and im sure some of yall are sick of hearing from me. But if you reread what i said, i think it was taken the wrong way (or maybe i couldve composed it better). Either way- you and AF 1 1982 are good peeps in my book, IBlink and Thorrocks too- it can be a good thing for us all to chop it up sometimes. I just thought somebody was taking things too far on account of one knucklehead

Same here. You're good people in my book.
You always make valid points and use objectivity in these kind of threads and you'll admit when you're wrong.
What HS did you go to?
I woulnd't mind watching it for entertainment purposes so I can laugh. I wouldn't go out of my way to rent it though.

OP, this film looks like it's full of propaganda, so why use it as a basis? If you want to know about Obama's life and career, I would recommend the following.

FRONTLINE | "The Choice 2012" (full episode, English) | PBS

The Life of Barack Obama


I particularly recommend "The Choice 2012" for first-time voters or those who haven't been following the campaign closely and want to get a better sense of both candidates. I thought it provided thorough and balanced portrayals of Romney and Obama.
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Thanks fellas, @ DStaxx- i went to Lancaster (south Dallas). Same as Dorrough and TaronicaisMusic (and the First 48 episode titled "black out")

No $%^&?
My cousins went there.
I went to Mesquite.
I'm at school now but when I come home maybe we can have a mini NT summit and grab a beer or a Maverick game.
Thanks fellas, @ DStaxx- i went to Lancaster (south Dallas). Same as Dorrough and TaronicaisMusic (and the First 48 episode titled "black out")
No $%^&?
My cousins went there.
I went to Mesquite.
I'm at school now but when I come home maybe we can have a mini NT summit and grab a beer or a Maverick game.
What year did you graduate form Mesquite? I know someone that went there. 
It didn't take a genius to see that Obama got voted in due to slogans and a racially motivated election. I knew that when he got in. No one gave a **** about what his plan was. He was voted in by those because either they were already liberal which is the majority, the people who voted cause he's black, and the people who thought the saying "Yes we can" made them feel good.
If you actually believe that you are even crazier than I thought.
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