Yooo, Kanye on Sway in the Morning. (updated)

if you dont consider that throwing the p around then i can only imagine the type of females you mess around with

you mustve failed math then papi, i never suggested such a thing

that's exactly how the comment read

you qualified your statement with "reserved" as if that'll stop women from choosing
plenty of reserved females that dont throw the p around, dudes are exaggerating on here too muh

Thank you. Thats all I'm saying.
plenty of reserved females that dont throw the p around, dudes are exaggerating on here too muh
So a girl having one partner per year since 16 and is now 26 equaling 10 bodies is exaggerating? That's not even considered throwing the P around and it's actually a under estimation :lol:

Who said she started ******g at 16 though?

Some of ya'll act like some chicks weren't virgins throughout high school, or like they didn't break their virginity in college with their boyfriend of 3 years.

Like c'mon man :lol:

Every chick ain't out here getting rammed by a new dude every year.

I'm not saying there aren't ******* out here with milage. I'm saying there are also some out here who don't have that sort of history.

Some of ya'll completely throw out the possibility of a chick having long term relationships and only having a handful of partners throughout her life.

Ya'll standards and expectancies for women are that low now that you just assume that she's been through squads of dudes? Cotdamn...

This is why I selectively choose the women I seriously go into relationships with. Some **** does matter to me, and that **** is one.

I'm saying that 10 bodies isn't mileage.  So you're saying that you wont mess with a girl who lost her virginity at 16?

A girl who has had 1 partner a year since that point?  Thats mileage to you?

When did I say I wouldn't mess with a chick like that though? Pages back I stated that I would take a chick out and have a casual relationship (dates and smashing) with a chick like that, but theres a fine line between casual dating and wifing for the long haul. I've messed with those types of chicks, AND I've had the chicks with less milage. Thats why I know the difference between the two.

I said I wouldn't wife a chick who's had a graveyard of bodies piled up.

So you'd wife a 36 y/o chick who's smashed 1-2 dudes a year since she was 16?

You see where ya'll logic is going with this? At what point do you sit and say "damn, this chick has been too promiscuous". At what point does her sexual past begin to taint her value in accordance to your self values? This ***** might be on a ex gf tube site and you ain't eem know it.

and smh at equating reserved with women not liking the d

buncha reserved women praying for some new meat as i type

How can you expect most females in their 30s to not have at least 20 bodies is mind blowing. They get offered D 24/7. Get off the internet and step out into the real world.

Y'all boys living in fantasy worlds... :rofl:

This is how I KNOW y'all are clueless about these yambs... Or just naive.

1. Reserved chicks GENERALLY are MORE willing than the sloots you see acting slooty, grabbing breasts and flirting with every guy
2. Reserved chicks can move amongst several D's but b/c of the way people perceive them. No one expects them to be out there like that
3. Reserved chicks HOP ON D quick b/c they don't frt attention like the sloots. I've seen dimes literally not get approached... While the twerker w/ the busted face get all the love on a club
4. Chicks coming off long term relationships GENERALLY GO ON SLOOT SPREES... Especially if they were bogged down in college/high school
5. Y'all think women don't love D? Sorry bros... But women would much rather have a stiff one in them than sitting at work... Just has to be the right stiff one. The difference between men and women is women want an emotional connection ALONG with the D...

It is EXTREMELY rare to come across a chick that has had less than 20 Ds by 30 unless they were clamped down from ages 18-30...


To an extent....

You live in a stereotypical world and your points are driven to extremes. I can tell you right now that I've had both sides of women and while what you say is true for some women, you can't sit and say thats how it goes for pretty much all women. SOME reserved chicks are that way. Insecure, spiteful, and revenge driven women are all that way. A chick who has no self confidence and who's sense of judgement during a time of crisis is easily talked out her draws after a bad breakup/long term breakup. Thats all women, b.

Thats like me saying "Alot of people who drink and drive end up getting in accidents"


You can't speak on it like its law. There is middle ground to this. I know from experience that there and some more reserved chicks who still ain't trying to put out thinking they're going to meet their "prince charming" and has only had 3 boyfriends since high school. I know these types of broads my dude. And I'm 25...

But then I also know the more reserved chicks that only need a bottle of ciroq and a red box movie to get some ***.

I've been there before. So there isn't any telling me that all these ******* are the same. Cause they ain't.

I'm not sitting here saying reserved chicks don't want and take advantage of the D. I'm saying not all these broads are out here suckin' and ******g like ya'll think they are.

I got over 20 bodies my damn self at 25. So it aint like I'm some dude who isn't getting any *** speaking all randomly.

Maybe its just my experience with women, but I know that all of them weren't the same. And some were way more strict on the P than others... I've had to leave some chicks based off their pre-requisites for getting the ***.
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Man ya'll ****** in here living your life scared about how society gonna view you... do what the **** you wanna do it's a simple concept.
Some dudes aint got it like that
im 30 bro.i dont get down like that. 

 only stuck my p in 7 girls. i been in committed relationships for 8 years of my twenties. i dont want to sleep with a ton of ppl im straight. i enjoy being wit one person. i know its  uncommon but not everyone wants to be with  a ton of ppl. 
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the real question is how many of ya'll been touched by that germ?

talmbout smashing women with more miles than a 82 honda.

thats cool once in a blue but some of yall are talking like that's all you get into.
plenty of reserved females that dont throw the p around, dudes are exaggerating on here too muh

Thank you. Thats all I'm saying.
plenty of reserved females that dont throw the p around, dudes are exaggerating on here too muh
So a girl having one partner per year since 16 and is now 26 equaling 10 bodies is exaggerating? That's not even considered throwing the P around and it's actually a under estimation

Who said she started ******g at 16 though?

Some of ya'll act like some chicks weren't virgins throughout high school, or like they didn't break their virginity in college with their boyfriend of 3 years.

Like c'mon man

Every chick ain't out here getting rammed by a new dude every year.

I'm not saying there aren't ******* out here with milage. I'm saying there are also some out here who don't have that sort of history.

Some of ya'll completely throw out the possibility of a chick having long term relationships and only having a handful of partners throughout her life.

Ya'll standards and expectancies for women are that low now that you just assume that she's been through squads of dudes? Cotdamn...

This is why I selectively choose the women I seriously go into relationships with. Some **** does matter to me, and that **** is one.
I'm saying that 10 bodies isn't mileage.  So you're saying that you wont mess with a girl who lost her virginity at 16?

A girl who has had 1 partner a year since that point?  Thats mileage to you?

When did I say I wouldn't mess with a chick like that though? Pages back I stated that I would take a chick out and have a casual relationship (dates and smashing) with a chick like that, but theres a fine line between casual dating and wifing for the long haul. I've messed with those types of chicks, AND I've had the chicks with less milage. Thats why I know the difference between the two.

I said I wouldn't wife a chick who's had a graveyard of bodies piled up.

So you'd wife a 36 y/o chick who's smashed 1-2 dudes a year since she was 16?

You see where ya'll logic is going with this? At what point do you sit and say "damn, this chick has been too promiscuous". At what point does her sexual past begin to taint her value in accordance to your self values? This ***** might be on a ex gf tube site and you ain't eem know it.
and smh at equating reserved with women not liking the d

buncha reserved women praying for some new meat as i type
How can you expect most females in their 30s to not have at least 20 bodies is mind blowing. They get offered D 24/7. Get off the internet and step out into the real world.

Y'all boys living in fantasy worlds...

This is how I KNOW y'all are clueless about these yambs... Or just naive.

1. Reserved chicks GENERALLY are MORE willing than the sloots you see acting slooty, grabbing breasts and flirting with every guy
2. Reserved chicks can move amongst several D's but b/c of the way people perceive them. No one expects them to be out there like that
3. Reserved chicks HOP ON D quick b/c they don't frt attention like the sloots. I've seen dimes literally not get approached... While the twerker w/ the busted face get all the love on a club
4. Chicks coming off long term relationships GENERALLY GO ON SLOOT SPREES... Especially if they were bogged down in college/high school
5. Y'all think women don't love D? Sorry bros... But women would much rather have a stiff one in them than sitting at work... Just has to be the right stiff one. The difference between men and women is women want an emotional connection ALONG with the D...

It is EXTREMELY rare to come across a chick that has had less than 20 Ds by 30 unless they were clamped down from ages 18-30...

To an extent....

You live in a stereotypical world and your points are driven to extremes. I can tell you right now that I've had both sides of women and while what you say is true for some women, you can't sit and say thats how it goes for pretty much all women. SOME reserved chicks are that way. Insecure, spiteful, and revenge driven women are all that way. A chick who has no self confidence and who's sense of judgement during a time of crisis is easily talked out her draws after a bad breakup/long term breakup. Thats all women, b.

Thats like me saying "Alot of people who drink and drive end up getting in accidents"


You can't speak on it like its law. There is middle ground to this. I know from experience that there and some more reserved chicks who still ain't trying to put out thinking they're going to meet their "prince charming" and has only had 3 boyfriends since high school. I know these types of broads my dude. And I'm 25...

But then I also know the more reserved chicks that only need a bottle of ciroq and a red box movie to get some ***.

I've been there before. So there isn't any telling me that all these ******* are the same. Cause they ain't.

I'm not sitting here saying reserved chicks don't want and take advantage of the D. I'm saying not all these broads are out here suckin' and ******g like ya'll think they are.

I got over 20 bodies my damn self at 25. So it aint like I'm some dude who isn't getting any *** speaking all randomly.

Maybe its just my experience with women, but I know that all of them weren't the same. And some were way more strict on the P than others... I've had to leave some chicks based off their pre-requisites for getting the ***.
so you've been smashing 1-2 chicks a year.....so you dont think any woman should want to seriously date you?
Yeah I'm kinda with you on this one...I could see it being a lot for a early 20 something YO but that's 15 is like one partner a year since the legal age. Lol
i dunno seems like alot to me. just cuz ppl do higher numbers doesnt make it not a small amount imo. 

. i think as a male or female thats a lot of numbers. 
Bro I'm 27, I have exponentially more bodies than that smh.

You tryna tell me that you cant get 1 or 2 new chicks a year?

That's not what he said.
Yeah I'm kinda with you on this one...I could see it being a lot for a early 20 something YO but that's 15 is like one partner a year since the legal age. Lol
i dunno seems like alot to me. just cuz ppl do higher numbers doesnt make it not a small amount imo. 

. i think as a male or female thats a lot of numbers. 
Bro I'm 27, I have exponentially more bodies than that smh.

You tryna tell me that you cant get 1 or 2 new chicks a year?

That's not what he said.

Hes saying that a woman who gets one or two dudes per year is promiscuous. So either he isnt lumping himself into that category, or hes a hell of a hypocrite
what in the world...

i dont know what girls you guys are messing with that have 30 partners by the age of 30..

my home girls dont even have half of that and they are all fine..

maybe in the south or the projects but that aint normal.
prime introducing some actual common sense into this thread, like i said ya'll taking things to the extreme.
especially mr. casanova yambs expert over here who tries to break it down as if his words are law or something :rolleyes
just like there are sloots there are females that have little to know sex drive. met both.

that's exactly how the comment read

you qualified your statement with "reserved" as if that'll stop women from choosing
so you're trying to tell me what I meant by reserved? :lol:
i meant reserved as sticking to long term relationships, thus having one or two partners for a long while
what in the world...

i dont know what girls you guys are messing with that have 30 partners by the age of 30..

my home girls dont even have half of that and they are all fine..

maybe in the south or the projects but that aint normal.
:lol: @ throwing the south under the bus.
:lol: @ thinking you know all th D's your homegirls have had
:lol: @ thinking 30 by 30 makes you a hoor...

Generally, women get more D than you guys think...

And from the looks of posts on here, there will always be guys that believe them...

Until the amount of D's doesn't matter.... Women will most likely lie.

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