You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?

AMEN. Happens to me all the time when I hold the door for people. Some have the nerve to just walk right past me and not hold any other doors along the way.
especially women.... ive seen times to which they will literally stand there like um well..... that and expect you to give up your seat....especially young chicks and fat chicks... Im like im doing you a favor by allowing you to stand...if you young your young you aint tired.... Stand yo SSS up

Also, someone turning on the lights to wake you up...nothing (or not much) can irk me more than this.
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Those lowkey racist comments in class grind my gears.

Had a white chick raise her hand in my human geo class last week and claim blacks/africans have extra muscles that makes them physically superior and that's why we dominate sports.

That tops my list, but plenty other incidents that make me regret not going HBCU
This has been proven scientifically true though... im black btw

White girl low-key humble bragged for the black race and dude got mad? :smh:

Shoulda thanked her by showing her your physical superiority and dominating her after class...

Alluding to how we're physically superior and mentally inferior.

And no, it is not true. It's 2014, have you really not come to realize that race is nothing but a societal construct and any anatomic variation is present ONLY on the individual level?

Not a single research that has been peer-reviewed has ever validated this racist pseudo-science. Not a single one.

Y'all gotta wake up man. Please.

I did not make that post in any way to be taken seriously.
Those lowkey racist comments in class grind my gears.

Had a white chick raise her hand in my human geo class last week and claim blacks/africans have extra muscles that makes them physically superior and that's why we dominate sports.

That tops my list, but plenty other incidents that make me regret not going HBCU
This has been proven scientifically true though... im black btw

White girl low-key humble bragged for the black race and dude got mad?

Shoulda thanked her by showing her your physical superiority and dominating her after class...

Alluding to how we're physically superior and mentally inferior.

And no, it is not true. It's 2014, have you really not come to realize that race is nothing but a societal construct and any anatomic variation is present ONLY on the individual level?

Not a single research that has been peer-reviewed has ever validated this racist pseudo-science. Not a single one.

Y'all gotta wake up man. Please.
I did not make that post in any way to be taken seriously.
I know dawg my bad you just had the most recent quote of a quote of a quote
AMEN. Happens to me all the time when I hold the door for people. Some have the nerve to just walk right past me and not hold any other doors along the way.
yeah some guy who lives in my building keeps doing it. Cant remember his face but when I do ima get him good.
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Those lowkey racist comments in class grind my gears.

Had a white chick raise her hand in my human geo class last week and claim blacks/africans have extra muscles that makes them physically superior and that's why we dominate sports.

That tops my list, but plenty other incidents that make me regret not going HBCU
This has been proven scientifically true though... im black btw

White girl low-key humble bragged for the black race and dude got mad? :smh:

Shoulda thanked her by showing her your physical superiority and dominating her after class...

Alluding to how we're physically superior and mentally inferior.

And no, it is not true. It's 2014, have you really not come to realize that race is nothing but a societal construct and any anatomic variation is present ONLY on the individual level?

Not a single research that has been peer-reviewed has ever validated this racist pseudo-science. Not a single one.

Y'all gotta wake up man. Please.

I did not make that post in any way to be taken seriously.

I know dawg my bad you just had the most recent quote of a quote of a quote :lol:

When girls w/ BFs wanna talk to you, like chill shorty. :smh:

When you do things and they aren't appreciated, not even a simple thank you

Yeah I feel you, but sometimes it's partially my fault. I never feel appreciated at all though. :lol:


Also, someone turning on the lights to wake you up...nothing (or not much) can irk me more than this.

Breh, I thought I had went blind a couple times when my mom did that. :rofl:

Also, someone turning on the lights to wake you up...nothing (or not much) can irk me more than this.

Breh, I thought I had went blind a couple times when my mom did that. :rofl:

Word! :lol: :lol:

When I have a son/daughter, they gonna hate me for doing the exact same thing. I remember I'd sleep with an extra shirt in my hand or a hanger or some object that could reach the light, so when moms turned it on, I'd barely have to get outta position to turn it right back off. :lol:
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Mannnnnnn tell me about it :lol:

Especially if the light of the hallway that the open door led to was on, in addition to your own...I honestly just hate lights :lol:
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Those lowkey racist comments in class grind my gears.

Had a white chick raise her hand in my human geo class last week and claim blacks/africans have extra muscles that makes them physically superior and that's why we dominate sports.

That tops my list, but plenty other incidents that make me regret not going HBCU
This has been proven scientifically true though... im black btw

White girl low-key humble bragged for the black race and dude got mad? :smh:

Shoulda thanked her by showing her your physical superiority and dominating her after class...

Alluding to how we're physically superior and mentally inferior.

And no, it is not true. It's 2014, have you really not come to realize that race is nothing but a societal construct and any anatomic variation is present ONLY on the individual level?

Not a single research that has been peer-reviewed has ever validated this racist pseudo-science. Not a single one.

Y'all gotta wake up man. Please.

You've never played FIFA then :lol:
Man, NT is running rampant with this weak **** :smh:

You dudes EXPECTING people to thank you for kind acts are doing it for the wrong reasons then. It's supposed to be selfish; you feel good because of your acts, not because others recognize your acts.

I mean I still hold the door for repeat offenders lol. It'd just be nice if they acknowledged me rather than blow right by me like I was in their way or something. But maybe I'm just a whiny little b.

Now that I think of it, me holding the door for one person and being passed by like a doorman ill let slide. It's when I hold the door open for one or two peeps and a train of people just stream in and I'm stuck there holding the door while all these people just ignore me, as if I don't have somewhere to be too. Screw being nice, next time I'm slamming that door backwards next time. This is grinding my gears just thinking about it >:
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Now that I think of it, me holding the door for one person and being passed by like a doorman ill let slide. It's when I hold the door open for one or two peeps and a train of people just stream in and I'm stuck there holding the door while all these people just ignore me, as if I don't have somewhere to be too. Screw being nice, next time I'm slamming that door backwards next time. This is grinding my gears just thinking about it >:

Made the mistake of doing this for a elderly couple at a restaurant didn't realize they just hopped off a church bus and there was a line of people behind them :smh:

Not one person grabbed the door they all just kept walking. After a old woman in a wheel chair got in, I just walked away. It was hot as hell outside too.
I hate explaining myself/ situations through texts messages..
I hate text convos in general...its cool like if a brief statement etc.... but to have some long drawn out convo...just pick up the damn phone... That and ppl who put responses important info etc... like on twitter/facebook etc... and get upset surprise when you don't know or aren't informed. Ex.... Oh how didn't you know, I posted it on twitter... Or its updated on my facebook status. Im like if its that important and you wanted me to know hell just call/text me.
Man, NT is running rampant with this weak **** :smh:

You dudes EXPECTING people to thank you for kind acts are doing it for the wrong reasons then. It's supposed to be selfish; you feel good because of your acts, not because others recognize your acts.
It's common curiosity for a simple gesture. I still do the stuff I do like holding door but if you went out your way to buy shoes for a NT and ship it to him for retail and shipping, you wouldn't want a thank you? (just an example)
I mean I still hold the door for repeat offenders lol. It'd just be nice if they acknowledged me rather than blow right by me like I was in their way or something. But maybe I'm just a whiny little b.


I wouldn't say you're a whiny B or anything like that :lol: But I would rather not operate based on what the response to my actions are. Leaves room for disappointment when I don't get a response/it isn't a favorable one.

It's common curiosity for a simple gesture. I still do the stuff I do like holding door but if you went out your way to buy shoes for a NT and ship it to him for retail and shipping, you wouldn't want a thank you? (just an example)

Not really, but I've become selfishly selfless over the years if that makes sense. I would go out of my way to buy shoes for an NTer and send it off with not a dime of profit because other NTers have been kind enough to do it for me over the years and because I like the feeling when I reflect upon something like that a week later. "Thank You"s don't mean a thing to me.
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I wouldn't say you're a whiny B or anything like that :lol: But I would rather not operate based on what the response to my actions are. Leaves room for disappointment when I don't get a response/it isn't a favorable one.
Not really, but I've become selfishly selfless over the years if that makes sense. I would go out of my way to buy shoes for an NTer and send it off with not a dime of profit because other NTers have been kind enough to do it for me over the years and because I like the feeling when I reflect upon something like that a week later. "Thank You"s don't mean a thing to me.
i see what you mean. I personally just feel that person comes off as ungrateful for not acknowledging it or rude like the other whiny b said :lol: (just kidding bscarrillo427)
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