You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?

they dont really wanna talk to you
lol that's what I'm saying. I get it if they got places to go or something like that. But of all the things to say, why ask me a question if you don't have time for a response? When I don't have time to talk I leave it at "Hey" or give them the head nod and keep it moving. Little thing I know, I just don't get why people to it. 
-Wet socks

-Losing my phone n it's dead so I can't even call it


-People driving slow as **** in the carpool/fast lane

-Seeing police on their cell phones while driving

-Getting pulled over for nothing,but when I ask, "Why did you stop me?" they get uppity

-Being asked, "So where's the drugs?", "Where you going?", "Where you coming from?", etc

-Girls starting long *** convos with me while their dude is standing right next to them, like c'mon I ain't trying to fight anybody

-People unplugging my phone from the charger to charge theirs, c'mon bruh where''s your charger?

-Ignorant people masquerading as knowledgable
People being on public assistance and eating better than me. Feeling like they're owed it
Mannnn I go to some of my friends cribs from back in the day, generally lazy people, all on public assistance, I'm out here two jobs barely food in the fridge..they be like...

Not saying this the norm, but sometimes I be feeling like a republican on my "takers" steez.
^^^^^^I feel you bro. I know a girl that gets section 8 cause of her income, her daughter and being a single parent and her rent is like $200 for a place way bigger than mine and I pay $1100 for 250 square foot studio.
When I see this..

People being on public assistance and eating better than me. Feeling like they're owed it

it translates to..

People being on public assistance and eating better than me. Feeling like they're owed it that I thought was beneath me, which makes me feel like the lesser.

If you wasn't so worried about what everyone else of doing, you'd be eating just as well.
When I see this..

People being on public assistance and eating better than me. Feeling like they're owed it

it translates to..

People being on public assistance and eating better than me. Feeling like they're owed it that I thought was beneath me, which makes me feel like the lesser.

If you wasn't so worried about what everyone else of doing, you'd be eating just as well.

Oh Rly? Nah, it translate to a middle class problem homie. I work in Public Assistance so I see it first hand. But u right
-Getting pulled over for nothing,but when I ask, "Why did you stop me?" they get uppity
happened to me last was dark out & a car was following me I was making all type of sharp turns and he kept up with me..finally I get to a stop sign he pulls up behind me and turns his lights pissed I asked him what I did..instead  of answering he ask me why am i making all types of wild turns
so im like you dont  have reason to pull me over...he's like holdon let me see your license n insursnce  and goes back to his car.after sittin his car for 5 minutes he comes back n tells me my license are suspended..I kinda figured they were from racking up mad speeding tickets but i didnt care to after we get everything settled i asked him when did he see first..dude tells me ive been following you from the time you got in your  car smh
-Getting pulled over for nothing,but when I ask, "Why did you stop me?" they get uppity
happened to me last was dark out & a car was following me I was making all type of sharp turns and he kept up with me..finally I get to a stop sign he pulls up behind me and turns his lights pissed I asked him what I did..instead  of answering he ask me why am i making all types of wild turns :smh: so im like you dont  have reason to pull me over...he's like holdon let me see your license n insursnce  and goes back to his car.after sittin his car for 5 minutes he comes back n tells me my license are suspended..I kinda figured they were from racking up mad speeding tickets but i didnt care to after we get everything settled i asked him when did he see first..dude tells me ive been following you from the time you got in your  car smh

& you didnt get booked or you car impounded?
happened to me last was dark out & a car was following me I was making all type of sharp turns and he kept up with me..finally I get to a stop sign he pulls up behind me and turns his lights pissed I asked him what I did..instead  of answering he ask me why am i making all types of wild turns
so im like you dont  have reason to pull me over...he's like holdon let me see your license n insursnce  and goes back to his car.after sittin his car for 5 minutes he comes back n tells me my license are suspended..I kinda figured they were from racking up mad speeding tickets but i didnt care to after we get everything settled i asked him when did he see first..dude tells me ive been following you from the time you got in your  car smh

Get your license sorted fam. 
What are you doing apexing turns when you know a police officer is following you?
Word. I think that may be seen as reckless driving. Don't give them an actual reason to pull you over bruh, you won't win that one. Get your **** straight so you can actually put them in their place when they test you. The whole thing is to abide by traffic laws, don't pigeonhole yourself into being pegged as a just another stereotype. That just justifies their actions kuz you were in the wrong. However, you could say you felt you were in danger n tried to remove yourself from the situation. But in that case, go to a public place so you have witnesses n never do it in a residential area. You never know what could happen n could actually get into even more trouble. I ain't tryna come off as preachy, but I hate it when people try play the victim when they are actually in the wrong just as much as I hate the police n their frequent crooked ways.
& you didnt get booked or you car impounded?
nope boy came and drove my car home
Word. I think that may be seen as reckless driving. Don't give them an actual reason to pull you over bruh, you won't win that one. Get your **** straight so you can actually put them in their place when they test you. The whole thing is to abide by traffic laws, don't pigeonhole yourself into being pegged as a just another stereotype. That just justifies their actions kuz you were in the wrong. However, you could say you felt you were in danger n tried to remove yourself from the situation. But in that case, go to a public place so you have witnesses n never do it in a residential area. You never know what could happen n could actually get into even more trouble. I ain't tryna come off as preachy, but I hate it when people try play the victim when they are actually in the wrong just as much as I hate the police n their frequent crooked ways.
I didn't know the dude was a cop thats why I was making wild turns lol..if I knew that I would of drove normal and  I kinda was in a public space..I was across the street from a grocery store

Oh naw I wasn't trying play a victim if i gave that vibe out from  what I wrote my bad..I was just agreeing with dude when getting pulled over for no reasons..I know I made dumb *** mistake by not taking care of responsibilities
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& you didnt get booked or you car impounded?
nope boy came and drove my car home
Word. I think that may be seen as reckless driving. Don't give them an actual reason to pull you over bruh, you won't win that one. Get your **** straight so you can actually put them in their place when they test you. The whole thing is to abide by traffic laws, don't pigeonhole yourself into being pegged as a just another stereotype. That just justifies their actions kuz you were in the wrong. However, you could say you felt you were in danger n tried to remove yourself from the situation. But in that case, go to a public place so you have witnesses n never do it in a residential area. You never know what could happen n could actually get into even more trouble. I ain't tryna come off as preachy, but I hate it when people try play the victim when they are actually in the wrong just as much as I hate the police n their frequent crooked ways.
I didn't know the dude was a cop thats why I was making wild turns lol..if I knew that I would of drove normal

Oh naw I wasn't trying play a victim if i gave that vibe out from  what I wrote my bad..I was just agreeing with dude when getting pulled over for no reasons..I know I made dumb *** mistake by not taking care of responsibilities
Yeah, that's what I thought initially. That's why I said you could say you thought you were in danger. But **** the police anyways. I've had nothing but bad experiences my whole life...well, there was this one time an older cop got me off the hook for something I didn't do. Dude had been at my house a week earlier n saw how another cop treated me, n saw how I conducted myself n vouched for me. That was cool, so he the only one good in my book. Every rule has its exception.
You didnt get taken in for the suspended L?

Spent 18 hours once for a revoked license. Not the same as suspended but im sure they could take you in as well for that. They were gonna letme go to (checkpoint) but the LT. was there and she wasnt gonna have that.
When cars ride beside you with nothing but room ahead of them...the ultimate of pet peeves.
Naw, turn the light on + leave the door open


I will find you!! And I will kill you!

I hate when my mom does this, I just lock it now and I'm usually at peace.

Mannnnnnn tell me about it :lol:

Especially if the light of the hallway that the open door led to was on, in addition to your own...I honestly just hate lights :lol:

Nothing like the door closed the hall light on reflecting under the room door.

Another thing I dislike is when I cop food of my specifics and my fam wants some, then throws the part I gave to them away cause they ain't like it. :smh:
You didnt get taken in for the suspended L?

Spent 18 hours once for a revoked license. Not the same as suspended but im sure they could take you in as well for that. They were gonna letme go to (checkpoint) but the LT. was there and she wasnt gonna have that.
naw he didnt take me in
I hate when you go to bdubs and they give you celery when you clearly asked for carrots. 
drunk ppl in the bars/clubs...I almost got into a fight tonite I was talking to a chick and dude threw his empty box of cigs at me..then tried to play it off like it slipped when I checked him smh
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