You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?

Yea bout to move out maybe during spring break .. Dude is really not paying me back instead is going on a vacation... Good thing I never signed a lease or paid a deposit here.. It's just so hard to find a open apartment here that is as good a deal or cheaper..

Wats worse is dude picking urinals next to da only other open sink...(one of the bathrooms in our school is really old and setup really weird ).
How do you store your kicks when dorming? My pairs would probably take up the amount of space that the other dude would need for himself anyways :lol:
People who don't look where they walk.
People who don't use signals to get over when they drive.
People who just stop right in front of you in the mall. They don't step over or anything, they just stop right in walking traffic like they're the only person in the ******* mall.

People who cough/sneeze and don't cover their damn faces
People who yell into the phone like thats going to make them any clearer.

Virginia drivers
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Some of y'all are what's wrong with the world especially dude complaining about kids. You need help. In other news things that grind my gears are all these fake creative individuals and so called misunderstood geniuses.
You know what really grinds my gears?

The fact that in our modern era Twerking is praised more than education. Societies priorities are backwards. Girls will learn the definition of the term "twerk," before they learn how to properly fill out an application. Parents will check their boyfriends texts before they check their own child's homework. Kids will be able to write a synopsis on WSHH, but wont know their Bill Of Rights. People will watch BET, The Housewives Of Atlanta, and Love & Hip Hop all day but wont take 2 hours out of their lives to watch a Huey Newton, Angela Davis, or Stokely Carmichael documentary. People will know what Rihanna wore last night, Beyonce's new hair due, whos fu***** who, but wont know what a government shutdown is. Kids will learn the Nae Nae, and how to create a Facebook account, but wont understand proper grammar. Girls will pay hundreds of dollars on 8 inch weaves, hair extensions, makeup, shoes, and their nails to impressive strangers online but wont spend a dime on pencils, paper, and books. So that maybe one day they'll become a Lawyer, a Nurse, or an Actress. Instead of flipping, spinning, and doing somersaults around a pole for men to degrade, and refer to you as a b****, and or a  t***.

I'm tired of women who post on Facebook: "I need a real man, someone who knows how to treat a woman. I have been hurt so many times." When they're the ones that put themselves into these predicaments by dating losers. I'm tired of these bittys living luxury lifestyles off of child support like its a yearly income. I am also tired of men impregnating these women, as well as not taking care of these children. Lastly, I am tired of WSHH, side-chicks flexing, women posing in booty shorts, and a low cut tanktop but getting an attitude when approached in a derogatory way. Our youth being brainwashed by heavily violent, and materialistic music they hear on the radio. People labeling dark-skinned as ugly, and light-skinned as pretty. Individuals who use skin bleaching cream. Folks partying, humping, and acting a fool in the club on Saturday, but posing as a saint on Sunday. The fact that obesity is at an appalling rate globally. And, urban communities being overpopulated with fast food restaurants and not grocery stores. As well as a lot more.

That grinds my gears.

Best post in this thread.

Needs to be printed and framed.
When people don't walk on the right side i.e walking on a narrow sidewalk or hallway and someone is walking towards you on the left side and doesn't move leading to an awkward moment.
You know what really grinds my gears?

The fact that in our modern era Twerking is praised more than education. Societies priorities are backwards. Girls will learn the definition of the term "twerk," before they learn how to properly fill out an application. Parents will check their boyfriends texts before they check their own child's homework. Kids will be able to write a synopsis on WSHH, but wont know their Bill Of Rights. People will watch BET, The Housewives Of Atlanta, and Love & Hip Hop all day but wont take 2 hours out of their lives to watch a Huey Newton, Angela Davis, or Stokely Carmichael documentary. People will know what Rihanna wore last night, Beyonce's new hair due, whos fu***** who, but wont know what a government shutdown is. Kids will learn the Nae Nae, and how to create a Facebook account, but wont understand proper grammar. Girls will pay hundreds of dollars on 8 inch weaves, hair extensions, makeup, shoes, and their nails to impressive strangers online but wont spend a dime on pencils, paper, and books. So that maybe one day they'll become a Lawyer, a Nurse, or an Actress. Instead of flipping, spinning, and doing somersaults around a pole for men to degrade, and refer to you as a b****, and or a  t***.

I'm tired of women who post on Facebook: "I need a real man, someone who knows how to treat a woman. I have been hurt so many times." When they're the ones that put themselves into these predicaments by dating losers. I'm tired of these bittys living luxury lifestyles off of child support like its a yearly income. I am also tired of men impregnating these women, as well as not taking care of these children. Lastly, I am tired of WSHH, side-chicks flexing, women posing in booty shorts, and a low cut tanktop but getting an attitude when approached in a derogatory way. Our youth being brainwashed by heavily violent, and materialistic music they hear on the radio. People labeling dark-skinned as ugly, and light-skinned as pretty. Individuals who use skin bleaching cream. Folks partying, humping, and acting a fool in the club on Saturday, but posing as a saint on Sunday. The fact that obesity is at an appalling rate globally. And, urban communities being overpopulated with fast food restaurants and not grocery stores. As well as a lot more.

That grinds my gears.

bruh deserves the rock clapping gif
a slow clap
the golf clap
& the banderes gif all at the same time
Yea bout to move out maybe during spring break .. Dude is really not paying me back instead is going on a vacation... Good thing I never signed a lease or paid a deposit here.. It's just so hard to find a open apartment here that is as good a deal or cheaper..

Wats worse is dude picking urinals next to da only other open sink...(one of the bathrooms in our school is really old and setup really weird ).
How do you store your kicks when dorming? My pairs would probably take up the amount of space that the other dude would need for himself anyways :lol:
I am not a sneaker head .. :wow: but just have 6-10 shoes
People who don't look where they walk.
People who don't use signals to get over when they drive.
People who just stop right in front of you in the mall. They don't step over or anything, they just stop right in walking traffic like they're the only person in the ******* mall.

People who cough/sneeze and don't cover their damn faces
People who yell into the phone like thats going to make them any clearer.

Virginia drivers

mannnnnn!! I swear next time it happens im pushing folks straight up
somebody's jimmies got rustled...

how is it selfish if someone doesn't want kids around? ... its more selfish to impose their presence on people when not everyone wants them at why even take them somewhere at times when places are geared towards are adults? 

....the selfish ones are the clueless *** parents...

and for the record, I generally LEAVE places when parents with their heads up their ***** show up with their unruly *** children...but again, why even risk the possibility of ruining something for others just because you wanted to take junior out? 

the 4 word sentence i knew would follow my statement.... zero originality

childern are everywhere & you once were a child yourself...just in case ya didnt kno

no one says bring a kid into a romantic restaurant, your asking for it , but saying keep them in places that cater to them is dumb , EVERY restaurant caters to children because NEWSFLASH they are people too & need to eat

no one says bring kids into the scary movie like its spongbob but saying they only should be around mid afternoon when "the theatre caters to them" is another dumb statement kids movies play all day long just like the ones that cater to adults, everyone's not a housemom without a job toting kid's to the afternoon movie while other are at wk

...children ruin everything...they may be a "blessing" to you but are a burden to the rest of people, if their presence is known other than being seen...
I am not a sneaker head ..
but just have 6-10 shoes
I thought all nters had 50+ pairs of kicks minimum.
Thats messed up about "children ruin everything" damn homie.... most aint that bad and at the end of the day its the parents responsibility/fault if they got some bad kids. Take the hate out on them, not the kids.
alright i can agree with that...and you and the others are right...most aren't bad...

I've had a lot of bad experiences with unruly kids...and seen too many parents who either brush their kid's unruly actions off as some sort of rambunctious, age-appropriate behavior or have them get offended when someone or myself complained about how their kids were acting...even from family and close friends...

...but you are right, its on the parents for not putting their foot down when need be...
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I am not a sneaker head .. :wow: but just have 6-10 shoes
:lol: I thought all nters had 50+ pairs of kicks minimum.

[thread="584597"]I got like 12 pairs :lol: [/thread]

I got a lil over 20. Favorite color ways of favorite models from childhood.

I honestly feel sometimes that thats too much. But its sort of dope having a "collection" just for hobby feels.

Dudes who OD on kicks and take footwear/fashion too seriously in general grind my gears. Like dawg, they're just clothes :smh:
I got a lil over 20. Favorite color ways of favorite models from childhood.

I honestly feel sometimes that thats too much. But its sort of dope having a "collection" just for hobby feels.

Dudes who OD on kicks and take footwear/fashion too seriously in general grind my gears. Like dawg, they're just clothes :smh:
20 ain't that much. There are ppl that have thousands of pairs. It's not about quantity, it's about the quality of your collection imo
People that talk on the phone while driving going 10 below speed limit. I think I just hate driving anywhere from 4-6pm
When I'm watching a video online and right at the climax of the vid it freezes or buffers ie dunk highlights, knockout videos, funny videos etc
The sleekness of the iPhone 5. I never seen anything get lost so easily. Leave it on the couch and move, the couch swallows it. Leave it on the bed and move, the bed swallows it. Leaving it anywhere in the car, take a turn, the car swallows it.

Read this number: 489045660752678540. If you said forty nine, ninety.....jump off a bridge.

NT's insecurity....YOU'RE NOT HIDING IT AT ALL
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