Your election was rigged . . . . .again

Theres so much money to be made off of people like Pig Love that will believe anything in print or video form.
No doubt, PT Barnum was right.
19,605 to zero is statistical proof of outright vote fraud in 2012 presidential election

J. D. Heyes
Natural News
November 14, 2012

In the weeks leading up to the Nov. 6 election, there were scattered concerns from across the political spectrum that vote fraud could occur in some sections of the country. While many of those fears did not come to fruition, based on final vote tallies in some polling districts, it’s hard to fathom that some form of fraud did not occur.

Take Philadelphia, for instance – the “city of Brotherly Love” – where, once again, New Black Panther Party members were seen at some of the same polling places they were at in 2008, when charges of voter intimidation were leveled against them. In 59 districts around the city, GOP presidential challenger Mitt Romney got zero votes.

Zip. Nada. None.

Granted, in heavily Democratic urban districts in the city, it’s not unusual for that party’s candidate – in this case, President Obama – to win a heavy proportion of the vote. But all of them?

Sure, say analysts. It’s not unusual at all. Nothing to see here.

Saddam Hussein always got nearly 100 percent of the vote too

“We have always had these dense urban corridors that are extremely Democratic,” Jonathan Rodden, a political science professor at Stanford University, told, a joint website of the Philadelphia Inquirer and Philadelphia Daily News newspapers.

“It’s kind of an urban fact, and you are looking at the extreme end of it in Philadelphia,” he said.

That’s because most large cities are 75-80 percent Democrats, making them practically politically homogenous and much easier to organize than, say, rural areas where folks live far apart, said Sasha Issenberg, author of The Victory Lab: The Secret Science of Winning Campaigns.

“One reason Democrats can maximize votes in Philadelphia is that it’s very easy to knock on every door,” she said.

But isn’t it just as easy to knock on doors in Republican strongholds, even if they are farther apart? And that’s another issue – if we are to believe there are Democratic “corridors,” doesn’t it follow that there are Republican “corridors” as well?

Some GOP officials are asking these very same questions, especially after learning that, in 59 Philadelphia voting districts Obama out-polled Romney by a stunning 19,605 to zero. Even in heavily Democratic Philly, are we to believe that in nearly 60 polling districts there is not a single dissenting voter? The last political candidate in recent member to poll that overwhelmingly was Iraq’s Saddam Hussein.

Those districts were concentrated in overwhelmingly black sectors of the city. But again – not a single Romney supporter? Not even one?

That’s a huge stretch, to say the least, says Steve Miskin, a spokesman for Republicans in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.

“We believe we need to continue ensuring the integrity of the ballot,” he said, referencing his party’s voter ID initiative that, perhaps not surprisingly, was held off the state ballot for this election.

No such thing as a 100 percent Republican voting precinct

University of Virginia political scientist Dr. Larry Sabato, who has studied voting in African American-dominated precincts, told he had occasionally seen instances where 100 percent of the vote went to the Democratic candidate, citing precincts in Chicago and Atlanta which recorded no votes for the GOP’s candidate, Sen. John McCain, in 2008.

“I’d be surprised if there weren’t a handful of precincts that didn’t cast a vote for Romney,” he said.

Still, the high number of zero precincts in Philadelphia deserves examination, he added.

“Not a single vote for Romney or even an error? That’s worth looking into,” he said.

In a city with 1,687 of the ward subsets known as divisions, each with hundreds of voters, 59 is about 3.5 percent of the total, reported.

Not much has been made about this voting phenomenon by the mainstream media, but we suspect the outrage and uproar would have been loud and boisterous, to say the least, if there were wide swaths of voting districts where not a single Democratic vote was cast.

This happens on both is that not simple enough for you to comprehend? What's the point of posting these things? You're annoying
I have a hard time taking things seriously when they make fear mongering comparisons to Saddam. It's bad journalism and an obvious sign that the author is trying to scare the reader. Wouldn't the facts make your point? Why make these sinister comparisons unless there's an obvious bias or underlying intention?

From the same article.
University of Virginia political scientist Dr. Larry Sabato, who has studied voting in African American-dominated precincts, told he had occasionally seen instances where 100 percent of the vote went to the Democratic candidate, citing precincts in Chicago and Atlanta which recorded no votes for the GOP’s candidate, Sen. John McCain, in 2008.
Yes, he adds that it warrants a second look and I'm sure the immediate response would be "WELL THATS JUST PROOF OBAMA CHEATED IN 2008 AS WELL" but it's happened before and it certainly isn't a smoking gun. And I'd love to see articles or complaints from people in these counties that claim they voted for Romney, yet not a single vote was counted. I'm not even being sarcastic, I'd really like to see some first hand complaints of people living in these areas that didn't cast a Romney vote come forward and say they voted for him. That would be a lot more credible. If I'm missing these reports, my mistake.


Even in the first point of the original article, what's that mean exactly? 70,000 people couldn't cast their ballot? 70,000 people complained about long lines? 70,000 people asked for directions to their polling place? Define these problems exactly and I will consider that source.

I click randomly throughout that list at the "sources" and it's sketchy news at best. Heavily democratic or poor areas voted in high numbers for Obama? Shocking. 

Another link upon further investigation, the one citing 8,000 more people registered to vote in Wood county than the voting age population, well that population would be taken from the 2010 U.S. Census. Which means it's not an accurate reflection of those who were in the voting district a full two years later. It's well within reason at least 8,000 more people were age eligible to vote since the Census. So how does that prove fraud again?

If the article uses "evidence" without carefully considering the facts of the matter, then I struggle to take the article seriously. 
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19,605 to zero is statistical proof of outright vote fraud in 2012 presidential election
Either way champ who cares.  At the end of the day the right man won so that's all that really matters
.  With that being said you and your conspiracy theories will have to be put on hold until the next election.  Just like Mitt Romney and Ron Paul, your run is up Pig Love. 
Either way champ who cares.  At the end of the day the right man won so that's all that really matters :D .  With that being said you and your conspiracy theories will have to be put on hold until the next election.  Just like Mitt Romney and Ron Paul, your run is up Pig Love

Thanks for admitting I'm right. :D

I swear it still hasn't set in for Romney Stans

Time to move on, Mitt and his constituents clearly didn't pray hard enough
OP didn't even read that ****
If he did, he doesn't care about it's accuracy. I already pointed out a flaw in one of the pieces of evidence and there's no response to it. And as I said, a lot of those points are poorly sourced, they're from a bunch of tweets, or they're vague and misleading, or they're just empty accusations of something sinister without further proof.
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This happened to me. I voted for Obama but it elected Romney. In reality I wanted Romney, so I am the one that cheated the system. 
Just say you don't want a black man as your president, it's past subtle at this point. 
Just say you don't want a black man as your president, it's past subtle at this point. 
Maybe he just really wanted Romney, because he had a better plan for the United States. People just bring race into it, when in reality, it doesn't matter. 
Just say you don't want a black man as your president, it's past subtle at this point. 

Yeah I must be a racist right?

Maliyah doesn't think I'm a racist, neither does Tazz or Solarius.

Do you folks really think this was legitimate?
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If Obama was white with the same policies, Romney would've won. Most people know nothing about politics and vote for the most popular candidate. Democracy of this country is in rapid dissension. 

I've never witnessed a president who caught SO MUCH flak for WINNING the election and not his policies, THEN to add insult to injury the racist firestorm on Twitter really affirmed suspicion. Tweets along the lines of "Black people voted this year because he was black", as opposed to what? African-Americans are a minority, meaning even if EVERY black voted for him against every white he would've lost. With that being said, Obama won because views of this country are slowly changing on race and he's actually being measured by his HARD WORK and not the color of his skin.

People just bring race into it, when in reality, it doesn't matter. 
Really? Explain terms likes "White Working Class Voters" blaring across the screen on Nov 6th. 
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Just say you don't want a black man as your president, it's past subtle at this point. 
People like you who say this are the worst. Anyone who voted for Romney is a racist...and you wonder why the conservatives are so annoyed with liberals. Wait, is that racist too?
Question: Do you really think this article would've been written if Romney had won?
Im assuming you're defending Obama thinking this article WOULD NOT have been written if Romney won?

But yes there probably would have been an article saying it was rigged for Romney to win. Everyone thought it was rigged for Bush too, everyone always thinks its rigged.

Except this time if Romney would have won people like The Nomad would be saying it was rigged to hold the black community down. 
Serious question though. Lets say it is rigged. Lets say it was rigged for Bush to win and it was rigged for Obama to win.

Who is the one rigging it? Is there some higher up who has control over everything including the president?
OP didn't even read that ****
If he did, he doesn't care about it's accuracy. I already pointed out a flaw in one of the pieces of evidence and there's no response to it. And as I said, a lot of those points are poorly sourced, they're from a bunch of tweets, or they're vague and misleading, or they're just empty accusations of something sinister without further proof.

he never responds to anything when we point out holes in his/his article's logic/evidence. if he does reply, his retorts are always "I don't respond to (NTer)" or he posts another conspiracy theory article as if it's some concrete evidence.

not sure why we keep feeding this dude.
If he did, he doesn't care about it's accuracy. I already pointed out a flaw in one of the pieces of evidence and there's no response to it. And as I said, a lot of those points are poorly sourced, they're from a bunch of tweets, or they're vague and misleading, or they're just empty accusations of something sinister without further proof.
this fool doesn't pay attention when you point out their points are flawed or incorrect.
People like you who say this are the worst. Anyone who voted for Romney is a racist...and you wonder why the conservatives are so annoyed with liberals. Wait, is that racist too?
First off people like me? My response was keeping in mind this is a SNEAKER forum, however I've been a member of a PAC since 2007. A die hard supporter of Dr. Cornel West and the Democratic Socialists of America. 

I am a small business owner, I pay taxes and I expect my government to ethically make use of my tax dollars, I felt the Romney-Ryan budget wasn't beneficial to me or my family. His proposal would've cut more than 57% of the budget on things like education, medicaid and research. He was gonna put more than HALF into defense systems. You really think the most hated country in the world needs more reasons to be feared and attacked? We lost 3000 lives in the 9/11 attacks.

He's an industrialist in bed with China, if they ever decide to ask for their money and we say no, he's in a conflict of interest to protect his investments before the safety of this country.

Race has nothing to do with MY decision, Obama made a miracle happen in the past 4 years fixing 8 years of debt and failed policies, yet no one can give a solid answer on why they vote against him. Even Romney during the debate found it HARD not to agree with some of his policies, and when he did he could NEVER back his claims.

Obama could have been white as Bill Clinton, and I would've have voted because he REACHED OUT to my appeals as an AMERICAN.

Your cognitive schemata is broken my friend, you had me pegged WRONG because unlike YOU, I'm not about race. But you're quick to defend it. But even less enthusiastic to improve social-political cries of the Black and Latino communities until it affects you. People like YOU are the worst.
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First off people like me? My response was keeping in mind this is a SNEAKER forum, however I've been a member of a PAC since 2007. A die hard supporter of Dr. Cornel West and the Democratic Socialists of America. 

I am a small business owner, I pay taxes and I expect my government to ethically make use of my tax dollars, I felt the Romney-Ryan budget wasn't beneficial to me or my family. His proposal would've cut more than 57% of the budget on things like education, medicaid and research. He was gonna put more than HALF into defense systems. You really think the most hated country in the world needs more reasons to be feared and attacked? We lost 3000 lives in the 9/11 attacks.

He's an industrialist in bed with China, if they ever decide to ask for their money and we say no, he's in a conflict of interest to protect his investments before the safety of this country.

Race has nothing to do with MY decision, Obama made a miracle happen in the past 4 years fixing 8 years of debt and failed policies, yet no one can give a solid answer on why they vote against him. Even Romney during the debate found it HARD not to agree with some of his policies, and when he did he could NEVER back his claims.

Obama could have been white as Bill Clinton, and I would've have voted because he REACHED OUT to my appeals as an AMERICAN.

Your cognitive schemata is broken my friend, you had me pegged WRONG because unlike YOU, I'm not about race. But you're quick to defend it. But even less enthusiastic to improve social-political cries of the Black and Latino communities until it affects you. People like YOU are the worst.
O. MY. GOD. You've been apart of the PAC since 2007 AND you're a die hard supporter of Dr. Cornel West??? Thats cool but I dont care. I didnt ask you why you were liberal. I never even attacked you for being a liberal. 

You attacked OP though for hating black people because he's conservative and liked Romney though. You lied. You are about race. You liar. I never brought race into the discussion so what do you mean "[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]unlike YOU, I'm not about race"[/color]?? You brought race into the discussion. You said "[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Just say you don't want a black man as your president, it's past subtle at this point."[/color]  so YES you are about race. Again you're liar. If it was ME who was about race. I would have said "Nomad just admit it you hate the idea of having a white president back in office, its past subtle at this point" But I didnt say that. YOU did. Not ME. YOU. Not ME. YOU. Liar. 
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