Your election was rigged . . . . .again

obama wins so the election is rigged... how ironic
No its not ironic. Many like to think that it. But its not ironic.

It was rigged for Bush too. How ironic.

Wait, why is any of this ironic? Let me guess...shoot idk
. I never even attacked you for being a liberal.
People like you who say this are the worst. Anyone who voted for Romney is a racist...and you wonder why the conservatives are so annoyed with liberals.
First you was like this....
Wait, is that racist too?
This isn't you either huh? Then you was like this.....
I never brought race into the discussion so what do you mean "unlike YOU, I'm not about race"??
You self-check on the court

 You've been apart of the PAC since 2007 AND you're a die hard supporter of Dr. Cornel West??? Thats cool but I dont care.
These quotes are from your words
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welp i hate to say it BUT.... us AFRICAN AMERICAN's cant have anything.... They wouldnt let us have golf, we still cant get the NBA or NFL when clearly our kind dominates both sports, and now in terms of running a country we cant have that as well. Whether it is Obama or Romney neither one of them are going to please eveyone, its always going to be someone that feels the president is doing a terrible job and ruining the country in the process. And blacks will forever be loooked at in a negative light even when they are trying to do something positive....He won, but let someone else tell it HE CHEATED..WTF.. let him be and when someone else wins in the next four yrs people are still going to complain and cry about whats he/she is doing wrong.. LOSE LOSE SITUATION. :smh: :smh:
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Pig Love - keep doing your thing man

a lot of people seem programmed to dismiss your voice
they disagree but don't even know why

dudes should stop clowning on you just to make themselves feel better or in more control of their lives
First you was like this....

This isn't you either huh? Then you was like this.....

You self-check on the court

These quotes are from your words
lol wow.

I never said if I was conservative or if I was liberal. I didnt say anything that would lead to me being conservative. I'm neutral. Although, I did say now you know why conservatives would be annoyed with liberals though. Because you keep bringing race into everything unnecessarily. 

And now you're trying to turn it on me saying im the one who brought race into the discussion? lol. I responded to YOUR unnecessary comment about OP being a racist. You brought race into the thread. Not me, you did. I responded to it so obviously I am now discussing race. But I wouldnt be if you never called OP a racist for no reason. 

Your gif doesnt make sense. I said I didnt care that you are apart of some democratic association because you ranted about your political beliefs for no reason. I never questioned how pro-democrat you were. I never said "You're a liberal? Ha as if, from my knowledge you are definitely not a liberal." I simply stated my feelings due to you coming in here accusing others of being racist.
I would... But what's the point...

You haven't had any idea what you were talking about before, why would you start now.

By the way if you want to talk about not getting a lot of votes

NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finds Romney with no measurable support among black voters

First to show zero; others less than 10%
Aug 25, 2012

Is it possible that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney could receive no support from African-Americans in the November election?

A recent NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll shows Romney with 0 percent of the African-American vote, while President Barack Obama receives 94 percent.

Obama continues to lead Romney among key parts of his political base, including African Americans (94 percent to 0 percent), Latinos (by a 2-to-1 margin), voters under 35-years-old (52 percent to 41 percent) and women (51 percent to 41 percent).

Pig do you research anything you post, or do you just blindly post it because it says it on the internet...

Is this you Pig?
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I like dudes like PigLove :smokin pause, dude has a deficit of damns for your mainstream opinions lol
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Why do people go so hard for obama? What did he do that was so special? He always talked about change and hope but our country isnt doing much better 4 years later?

When will u guys realize all these politicians are the same and they are going after what they want.
Why do people go so hard for obama? What did he do that was so special? He always talked about change and hope but our country isnt doing much better 4 years later?

When will u guys realize all these politicians are the same and they are going after what they want.

If you really think this country is not doing better today 11/16/2012 than it was 11/16/2008, you severely underestimated, and misunderstood how deep 2008 was.

It's not going hard for him.. It's called looking at the facts.. There is not one single fact that this election was rigged.

Could he be a 100x better president? Yes. Has he been a good president? In contemporary times, yes, and even if you look at his presidency in historical context, and put it up against presidencies of the past, there is an even stronger case.

As for your last statement that is just a cop out excuse not to stay informed by weak minds.

Your quote from the Ron Paul Thread "I didn't cry when Jordan retired but i will when ron paul does. Wonder what he will do next." :rofl:
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i support obama but i lost a lot of respect and no longer trust the government after the signing of the "if we think you're a terrorist we can detain you indefinitly" law
Why do people go so hard for obama? What did he do that was so special? He always talked about change and hope but our country isnt doing much better 4 years later?

When will u guys realize all these politicians are the same and they are going after what they want.

bro. 4 years ago, the economy was in the ****ter, the worst it's been since the great depression 70+ years prior. the economy is now on the up-and-up and the forecast looks good (from what i've read).

oh and:

Why do people go so hard for obama? What did he do that was so special? He always talked about change and hope but our country isnt doing much better 4 years later?

When will u guys realize all these politicians are the same and they are going after what they want.

If you really think this country is not doing better today 11/16/2012 than it was 11/16/2008, you severely underestimated, and misunderstood how deep 2008 was.

It's not going hard for him.. It's called looking at the facts.. There is not one single fact that this election was rigged.

Could he be a 100x better president? Yes. Has he been a good president? In contemporary times, yes, and even if you look at his presidency in historical context, and put it up against presidencies of the past, there is an even stronger case.

As for your last statement that is just a cop out excuse not to stay informed by weak minds.

Your quote from the Ron Paul Thread "I didn't cry when Jordan retired but i will when ron paul does. Wonder what he will do next." :rofl:
Im not saying dont pay attention to politics im just saying alotta these politicians are similar.
To tell u the truth im just kinda sick of only having two options.

i support obama but i lost a lot of respect and no longer trust the government after the signing of the "if we think you're a terrorist we can detain you indefinitly" law
Yes this is very important and alot of people overlook this. Which shows how some people dont know much about politics. Like my coworker i kept pressing him about why he voted for obama and he didnt know much he was just telling me how if we voted for Romney everybody would depend on god and People would not be moving forward. :smh: im not saying all obama supporters are like this but hes not the only voter that is clueless and supporting a candidate for no concrete reason.

Why do people go so hard for obama? What did he do that was so special? He always talked about change and hope but our country isnt doing much better 4 years later?

When will u guys realize all these politicians are the same and they are going after what they want.

bro. 4 years ago, the economy was in the ****ter, the worst it's been since the great depression 70+ years prior. the economy is now on the up-and-up and the forecast looks good (from what i've read).

oh and:


The forecast is always saying it will be better.
i support obama but i lost a lot of respect and no longer trust the government after the signing of the "if we think you're a terrorist we can detain you indefinitly" law

I agree that is an egregious thing.. But let's be honest, it has always been legal to do it. You can find a loophole in a law for everything, and the justice department in the past and today have been legally astute to circumvent those loopholes.. Far before Obama, far after Obama.

Now that doesn't quell the disappointment, or the anger about it... You wish he would have shut it down. I wish he did, and I think it should go against him.
Why do people go so hard for obama? What did he do that was so special? He always talked about change and hope but our country isnt doing much better 4 years later?

When will u guys realize all these politicians are the same and they are going after what they want.

If you really think this country is not doing better today 11/16/2012 than it was 11/16/2008, you severely underestimated, and misunderstood how deep 2008 was.

It's not going hard for him.. It's called looking at the facts.. There is not one single fact that this election was rigged.

Could he be a 100x better president? Yes. Has he been a good president? In contemporary times, yes, and even if you look at his presidency in historical context, and put it up against presidencies of the past, there is an even stronger case.

As for your last statement that is just a cop out excuse not to stay informed by weak minds.

Your quote from the Ron Paul Thread "I didn't cry when Jordan retired but i will when ron paul does. Wonder what he will do next." :rofl:
Im not saying dont pay attention to politics im just saying alotta these politicians are similar.
To tell u the truth im just kinda sick of only having two options.

You have more than two options.. Don't lie as if you only have two. Because you and 100 million people don't vote independent doesn't mean it isn't there. It's like the paradox that your vote doesn't count, so you abstain from voting. For example 42.5% of the electorate didn't vote.. Somewhere around 40,000,000 people. You mean to tell me that 40,000,000 more voters wouldn't swing an election.. That if 40,000,000 people voted throughout the country, countless numbers of Congressional Races, State Races, Local Races, ballot initiatives, and even the Presidential Election couldn't have looked drastically different.

Your options are not limited. If the 42.5% of the electorate wasn't apathetic, and voted, called their congressman, state senator, assemblyman or what have you.. They not only listen, they are deathly afraid of it.. That even goes to a large margin of the 57.5% who did vote, and then wash their hands of it, to never care again. One thing trumps money in politics, and that's votes. Power can be easily challenged, but there's so many apathetic people, who "don't want to be bothered" or "don't care" or "my voice doesn't matter, they'll do what they want." "My vote doesn't count, so I won't vote." That really taught them. You really showed them, that they took advantage of you so much, that you'll relinquish your ability to get rid of the guy you dislike. It's comical who badly organized this argument of political apathy is. Not singling you out, because it's tens of millions of people, but that apathetic nature toward politics is why you have no power. And it is an excuse to absolve yourself of all responsibility, and just say well "It doesn't matter."

By the way ask European Countries what happens when you have 8-9 parties all running for the same position, Eastern Europe especially, but it does happen in Western Europe, but far less often. The most organized and lock step group wins. Because the other 7-8 candidates just eat votes from each other... You know who wins those races? Right Wing Fanatical Hate Groups. Reason being is socialist groups take votes from other socialist groups. Moderates take votes from slightly Liberal and slightly conservatives. Fiscal Conservatives & Social Conservatives fight to lessen each others base.. The group that is left is the one that can keep its ranks entirely together. Nationalistic Groups that are anti-immigrant, anti-minority.
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Who's cares about popular vote. PEPs need to educate them selves about electrolar college
Who's cares about popular vote. PEPs need to educate them selves about electrolar college

I'm going to make this statement for you that shouldn't be revolutionary or mind blowing:

The 51 (including D.C... 53 if you count Nebraska and Maine's arrangement for Electoral Votes) different Electoral Vote allotments are decided by, get this "The candidate who gets the most votes" :wow: Mind Blown

It would be political suicide for any one delegate to go against what voters decided in that specific state. It has happened, and that person is normally wiped off the face of politics.

Sooooooooo popular vote does matter... The person who wins the electoral votes for the state, receives the electoral votes.... Something I assume your civics class, had to have taught you.

View the electoral college as 53 separate races.. Person who wins that State by getting the most votes, gets their electoral votes.

:wow: Mind Blowing right?
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Thanks for breaking it down essential.

I was more tryin to say that for the presidential race its very unlikely that someone other than a Democrat or Republican will win, but that constitute not voting at all? No it doesn't. Overall i agree with what u said.
a lot of people seem programmed to dismiss your voice
You mean Alex Jones' voice.

Pig Love is merely an instrument of Alex Jones, think of him as a loudspeaker and instead of talking out of his *** on a daily basis its more like Jones speaks into his *** and the words come out of Pig Loves mouth.

2 Weeks ago this guy was on here saying that Obama was at the steering wheel of Hurricane Sandy.  Deliberately making it more powerful and steering it into NYC/PA.  You believe that?

He even warned that the video proof he posted about it would "likely be deleted" by the government so watch it fast!  Well, its still there.
You have more than two options.. Don't lie as if you only have two. Because you and 100 million people don't vote independent doesn't mean it isn't there. It's like the paradox that your vote doesn't count, so you abstain from voting. For example 42.5% of the electorate didn't vote.. Somewhere around 40,000,000 people. You mean to tell me that 40,000,000 more voters wouldn't swing an election.. That if 40,000,000 people voted throughout the country, countless numbers of Congressional Races, State Races, Local Races, ballot initiatives, and even the Presidential Election couldn't have looked drastically different.
Your options are not limited. If the 42.5% of the electorate wasn't apathetic, and voted, called their congressman, state senator, assemblyman or what have you.. They not only listen, they are deathly afraid of it.. That even goes to a large margin of the 57.5% who did vote, and then wash their hands of it, to never care again. One thing trumps money in politics, and that's votes. Power can be easily challenged, but there's so many apathetic people, who "don't want to be bothered" or "don't care" or "my voice doesn't matter, they'll do what they want." "My vote doesn't count, so I won't vote." That really taught them. You really showed them, that they took advantage of you so much, that you'll relinquish your ability to get rid of the guy you dislike. It's comical who badly organized this argument of political apathy is. Not singling you out, because it's tens of millions of people, but that apathetic nature toward politics is why you have no power. And it is an excuse to absolve yourself of all responsibility, and just say well "It doesn't matter."
By the way ask European Countries what happens when you have 8-9 parties all running for the same position, Eastern Europe especially, but it does happen in Western Europe, but far less often. The most organized and lock step group wins. Because the other 7-8 candidates just eat votes from each other... You know who wins those races? Right Wing Fanatical Hate Groups. Reason being is socialist groups take votes from other socialist groups. Moderates take votes from slightly Liberal and slightly conservatives. Fiscal Conservatives & Social Conservatives fight to lessen each others base.. The group that is left is the one that can keep its ranks entirely together. Nationalistic Groups that are anti-immigrant, anti-minority.
Either way champ who cares.  At the end of the day the right man won so that's all that really matters
.  With that being said you and your conspiracy theories will have to be put on hold until the next election.  Just like Mitt Romney and Ron Paul, your run is up Pig Love. 

Thanks for admitting I'm right.
Not even close champ.  You have and will always been seen as puppet to myself and many others on here.  That makes you not only wrong but dead wrong all the time.  FRAUD status to the 10th power.
Not even close champ.  You have and will always been seen as puppet to myself and many others on here.  That makes you not only wrong but dead wrong all the time.  FRAUD status to the 10th power.

What a child. What are you ten years old?
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