Your first memories of NT when you joined?

Originally Posted by jm2000

Got all the way to the 2nd page and saw JRose post and was like "hol' up". This joint is 2 years old man...
Same here
Thought I saw a ghost.

If we're on topic, I remember making a b/s thread in the wrong section and got instantly locked
PYPs every week, mayor being a legend, everyone wondering about thbs face and true age, jrose banning people
the monthly SNs that didnt get approved
team sigs
sick avys
60 x 60 pixel avys

internet beef.
haze, goldenrods, am90 dqms, calis, homers, supremes, nas and jay-z beef, eminem and ja rule beef, 50 cent beef, davitzd(?), jacket girl, the website that shall not be named, constant leah dizon vs misa campo, jrose, dirty, bas, ska, airant DF!!, meth, 206, muscle

Found the site attempting to find out what SB Jedi's were in 04 after I saw some dude wear them in high school.

Fell into the whole SB scene after that, was super geeked that I knew shoe release dates before everyone.

PYP Threads.  
 Straight clowning of everyone with absolutely no sympathy.
Forgot all about that finger. 
Just got goosebumps on my head that I haven't felt since I saw that years ago.

Jordan Brand was the place to be back then
Damn, still haven't gotten used to the finger pic. smh

I came in 03 looking for the retro White/Cement 3s release date.
I remember that sticky post in JB with that long list of release dates. That's how I found NT.
And all the crazy collections that people posted. I remember a dude I think his name was something like LovetheXIV, and he always took those circle shoe collection pics.
Originally Posted by enlightenedespot

Damn, still haven't gotten used to the finger pic. smh

I know it's lamprey mouths and all, but still. Wonder if it's still banned.

The oldest memory I have is the night Obama won even though I joined a little while before that. @@## was crazy
Real life...

Walls of stoneface...
I remember dudes used to make like a wall of stonefaces, copy and paste em and the. Copy and past those etc etc...

Daviditz 's post was like one of the first posts in general I looked at.

This wasnt from
When I first started but I remember when NTs facinTion of selvedge jeans popped off and people were copping the ones from the gap and cuffing them so you can see the "selvedge" lining
Real life...

Also when, noobs used to ask and make threads tombout " what is stoneface" or what does "smh" stand for

(stopped in like 06)
I remember some of this stuff

I remember JB forum had legit checks, price checks, collection posts, & WDYWT.
I also remember a lot of users who don't post anymore...

The other site

Tons more...
JB forum...BabyJ dropping info on new releases....DMP's. I lurked for a while even before that, only went to JB and Nike Retro though. Then one fateful day I stumbled into General. My life has never been the same
Originally Posted by cucumbercool

i remember snuggles mcdougal.

This! My boy used to always say that name, then he passed away in a car wreck
dont remeberBlakes sn but R.I.P. he got me lurking with him back in 02'
I'm one of the few that still post that came over from NikePark, if you guys seen the site you'd know why NT rules are so strict...

JB/ XI retro forums were tight...

Was never into General until that whole Shynop PYP thing happened lol...

That 9/11/01 post is something I'll never forget, crazy...
I remember joining because nike park was burning to the ground and this community eliminated alot of the b.s that was going on at that web site
Originally Posted by bigtimejerky

i remember something like this can you explain what this was though i was never sure

i also remember something about a guy getting at someone for a coat and he got back at him

said something about a michael jackson monkey coat and dude looking like the hurt locker i think

something i dont really know
People need to not quote the fingers

My first memory was seeing a 50 page long PYP and deciding I would never ever participate in one
the first thread i saw in General was a ninjahood thread, someone said a dude had to sleep Indian style in his room cause his room was so small and had me in tears for a minute

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