Zack Morris is Trash...

Kelly m************ Kapowski
I want a Kelly Hug :blush:


That ending scene won't fly today though :lol:
It was a rough season of SBTB that year for Zack. I think it was also the same season that Zack and Lisa tried starting a fling. Screech wasn't having none of that. Confronted Zack about it in the same hall way, ripping his shirt and knocking his books on the floor.
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Zack pimping out Lisa? Zack Morris is traaaaash.


It's messed up that when I read that I thought of a completely different ep of Zack pimping out Lisa and the other girls :smh:

The summary :lol: :rofl: Yo this narrator emphasis on what Zack does makes it all the more horrible and thus funnier.
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Zack pimping out Lisa? Zack Morris is traaaaash.


It's messed up that when I read that I thought of a completely different ep of Zack limping out Lisa and the other girls :smh:

The summary :lol: :rofl: Yo this narrator emphasis on what Zack does makes it all the more horrible and thus funnier.

Yo - I am DONE at this episode. Son truly pimped her out. I think you’re referencing the episode where he had them pose in swimwear for the calendar. There’s one of these that :lol:
I know every last one of these episodes of SBTB like the back of my hand. Zack’s scumbag-ness was part of his charm.

Wait til they do the episode where he made the video yearbook into a call girl video line or the drunk driving episode from the Tori season :lol:
Yo - I am DONE at this episode. Son truly pimped her out. I think you’re referencing the episode where he had them pose in swimwear for the calendar. There’s one of these that :lol:
Yeah I saw that one.

I'm thinking of an auction episode or a win a date episode. Something like that :lol:
So I was looking into it and I imagine this season of Zack Morris is Trash will be 10 episodes like the other two seasons. There are 86 episodes of SBTB (regular). Assuming they stop at Season 3, that means Zack was a scumbag over 1/3 of the time :wow: :wow: :wow: . I know we all do some trash things occasionally but to be trash over 1/3 of the time is OD. This man needs help :lol:

They also had 19 episodes of the college years so I’m sure half of the time he was on the same trash MO as well.
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