Zack Morris is Trash...

Yo :rollin

These eps are making the actual SBTB even better with the deconstruction break down :lol

Rod Belding is traaasssh

Total 90s sitcom writing that Mr. Belding would even have a brother like that. Dude looked like the skinny Fabio and acted wild wreckless to even be anywhere near the same profession as Mr. Belding lol
Too much Zack slander going on. Zack has endearing episodes. The one with the oil spill will get you in your feels :blush:
Tried to apologize by prozy, WHICH IS NOT A THING :lol:

So funny :rofl:
Damn the recipe being stolen sounds like a Zack thing to do anyway :lol:

Cuz he didn't want to impede the profit margins of a business that has ZERO overhead cuz every part of it is stolen :rollin :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Zack giving Belding the damn evidence to the illegal spending of school funds was wild dumb :lol:
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Zack wore the most hideous sweater in this episode.

Zack Morris is traaaaaaash.

Never forget that Will tricked a girl that was saving herself for marriage by having Jazz pretend to marry them so they can smash.

Or when Will took Baby Nicky to college so he can pretend to be a single father to get some poon and win some prizes along the way.

Zack and Will. These were our Mf ing heroes as kids man
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