Zadehkicks pre orders

I submitted a claim via PayPal and then called to get it escalated to an official case. It took about 6 weeks but they refunded me my $232 I had paid for Chicago 1 Reimagined preorder. I reported it as soon as I heard something was going on with Zadeh, which was about 8 weeks ago. I think I was still in the initial 3 month window when I submitted the claim (claim submitted within 90 days of payment).

Just wanted to share my result.
I do think everyone who used PayPal will be okay. PayPal is just taking it's time to honor their guantees because they are eating a fat L.

I'm sure those Senior Leaders at PayPal are pissed at Zadeh. A lot of people took loses but PayPal is almost sure to be left holding some of the bag too.
With not one single legit confirmed case of someone receiving a fake from him? I'm certainly not defending him here. I tried one purchase from him that went wrong (Reimagined 1's, Fire Red 3's, Chicago 2's), so I'm not saying he's not a scumbag. But there's a whole bunch of people who never bought from the guy who keep screaming fake because of the "too good to be true" look, and just way too many folks who got legit pairs with absolutely zero evidence he sold any fakes. That's all I'm saying.

Counterfeits are damn near indistinguishable from the real thing now. These aren't the Air Randy days anymore. If Zadeh is doing the volume the documents claim he says, who's to say that he didn't develop a rapport with a China based connect who can fulfill bulk quantities? StockX can't verify. eBay can't verify. GOAT can't verify. Your local consignment shop can't verify. I know for a fact that a pretty popular one in NYC has pushed through counterfeit Trophy Room 1s.

I follow this closer than I should being that some of my colleagues online buy real and counterfeits to save themselves the hassle of dealing with resale. The Kobe VI Grinch batch that was just dropped is a damn good replica and from what I've been told, the comfort is there to wear beyond casual use. We have gotten to the point where if you are not getting these from an official retailer the day of, you are playing a risky game on the secondary market. There are a lot of dishonest sellers out here who will do anything to get over on a prospective customer.
This is what I keep saying. The counterfeit narrative makes absolutely no sense. It's kinda weird that people still seem to want this to be true so badly. :lol:

And you guys don't want this to be real, because many of you would be crushed that you were deceived. The counterfeit and authentic narrative is one of those things that will always persist in collecting whether it be autographs to paintings.
Exactly. So the argument back and fourth here about fakes is kinda stupid.

People assume with zero proof when eventually we will get facts whenever this goes to trial.

Assuming it goes to trial. He might take a plea for 7-12 years instead of taking his chances at trial for 15-20+. Alot of federal attorneys depending on the district do not like going to trial
Counterfeits are damn near indistinguishable from the real thing now. These aren't the Air Randy days anymore. If Zadeh is doing the volume the documents claim he says, who's to say that he didn't develop a rapport with a China based connect who can fulfill bulk quantities? StockX can't verify. eBay can't verify. GOAT can't verify. Your local consignment shop can't verify. I know for a fact that a pretty popular one in NYC has pushed through counterfeit Trophy Room 1s.

I follow this closer than I should being that some of my colleagues online buy real and counterfeits to save themselves the hassle of dealing with resale. The Kobe VI Grinch batch that was just dropped is a damn good replica and from what I've been told, the comfort is there to wear beyond casual use. We have gotten to the point where if you are not getting these from an official retailer the day of, you are playing a risky game on the secondary market. There are a lot of dishonest sellers out here who will do anything to get over on a prospective customer.

As someone who dabbles pretty heavily in legit checking and knows people in the business of it, if Zadeh was doing it, it had to happened so infrequently that it was never detected which feels pretty impossible. His primary clientele were resellers. Some of these pairs probably changed hands and went back and forth through authentication platforms multiple times. If Zadeh was selling fakes with the kind of business he ran with the kind of buzz and speculation that was around his business practices for so long, the news would have made its way back to him in a loud and public way. I’m not saying these authentication platforms are perfect, but as good as fakes have gotten they’re not good enough to be sold in large amounts and be passed off as real. Even shoes that stock x flags for level 3 authenticators only aren’t perfect
And you guys don't want this to be real, because many of you would be crushed that you were deceived. The counterfeit and authentic narrative is one of those things that will always persist in collecting whether it be autographs to paintings.

frenchbreadbuilds frenchbreadbuilds said it about as well as anything I could've come up with. I don't give AF because I own not one single shoe from him. You guys are the ones who keep throwing this out there with your chests puffed out, without one single shred of evidence. I'm looking at this logically, not from a collector standpoint. What French just said is spot on.
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