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  1. wade3county

    SMH Dwayne Wade...

    if i was Wade's boii, i would clown him for life. that truely was the worst rap.
  2. wade3county

    Offical Bulls VS Celtics game 6 post

    while watching the game i was trying to remember who Chicago traded to get John Salmons n Brad Miller. i still don't know. Great Game.
  3. wade3county

    Yo, did anyone just hear Stu Scott use the N-word?!?!

    i can believe that. i remember when Digger Phelps, from college gameday, called DeJuan Blair " a big ____ there." lol it was so funny cuz the rest ofthe show was awkward for the co-anchor.
  4. wade3county

    Game 4: Portland Trailblazers (4) @ Houston Rockets (5) 4/26 9:00EST TNT (HOU 2-1)

    so now that the rockets have a 3-1 r they gonna f it up and lose the series?
  5. wade3county

    Props System for NT

    i guess ur right, props system wouldnt do anything to filter out the nonsense, im gonna make my own board
  6. wade3county

    Props System for NT

    I was thinking, Niketalk should put in a Props System. members can give props to whoever makes a good point/post. theres way too much nonsense going aroundthis board. i sometimes feel dumber for reading some of the ******ed-ness people write. just makes no sense. so i propose we install a prop...
  7. wade3county

    LA Fitness VS. 24 Hour Fitness???

    got an L.A. Fitness memebership and its great but now thinking about switching 2 24 hour fitness, can't beat open 24 hours
  8. wade3county

    Heat vs Pistons: 1PM ABC (D Wade Show)

    Hate on Haters, its only fuel for my boy Dwyane Wade. Great game, can't wait to see what happens in the playoffs. plus a wise man once said if someone ishatin on u then u must be doing something right
  9. wade3county

    Great gif that shows how small earth is compared to everything else in space

    its crazy to think that we are alone in the universe when we are just a grain of sand compared to everything else.
  10. wade3county

    If the Rockets win the championship this year......

    the rockets will never make it past the first round with t-mac on their team
  11. wade3county

    DWAYNE WADE theory

    it's DWYANE son, get it right
  12. wade3county

    what's your motto?

    Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici (By the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe) also gonna get it tattooed one day
  13. wade3county

    Official: 01-11-09 Miami Heat @ Los Angeles Lakers 6:30PM PST Vol. I hate Radman

    Does any1 have video of phil jackson's post game press conference???
  14. wade3county

    NBA on ESPN: Celtics @ Hawks .. 7pm

    I haven't seen a choke like that since Miss Chokesondick had her some Dirk! Now she had some Johnson! + + =
  15. wade3county

    NBA on ESPN: Celtics @ Hawks .. 7pm

    smooth   /smuð/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [smooth] Show IPAPronunciation adjective, -er, -est, adverb, verb, noun-adjective1. free from projections or unevenness of surface; not rough: smooth wood; a smooth road. 2. generally flat or unruffled, as a calm sea. 3. free...
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