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  1. linus vp


    Every place ain't CA though. Waiters/waitresses a lot of places make less than $3 an hour. I think some of what you're saying is fair - tipping according to service. But, saying go to a job fair is not. How do you know what job fairs they've been to? I have a friend who has a doctorate, works at...
  2. linus vp


    No idea what kind of place this restaurant is, but people don't always realize that a lot of restaurants aren't just rolling in cash (I understand that some are, and things change from place to place, location to location)...especially mom&pop type places. These usually aren't businesses with...
  3. linus vp

    NFL Discussion Thread: Pats win SB XLIX. Offseason begins

    Why do people keep bringing up AR? He said he likes overinflated balls and when the refs inspect the balls they take air out to meet the required pressure levels. When did he hire someone to add air AFTER they were already inspected, secretly? This dude called himself the deflator in May 2014...
  4. linus vp

    Boardwalk Empire Season 5 Thread - Series Finale - Eldorado

    Didn't look that up, and I have rewatched the first few seasons semi-recently and more than twice :lol
  5. linus vp

    Boardwalk Empire Season 5 Thread - Series Finale - Eldorado

    Joe Harper is the best friend in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Tom. Tommy? Tom Sawyer is also the book Chalky pretended to know how to read when we met Purnsley in the jail.
  6. linus vp

    what is a film or television quote that can make someone become your friend immediately if they get

    "That. Was. Awesome." "I'm ready. I'm ready." "Turn the page, wash your hands." "mmm hmm I wrote that." "Everybody got guns!" "It's kind of easy to win when you never move your back row!"
  7. linus vp

    Can i move out? vol. tired of living at home

    I took home like $2200 per month right out of college, but only had $230 student loans per month, so we'd be about even. I worked a minimum wage retail job 25+ hours per week during school, but that's how I lived so I didn't have near your $9k savings... I graduated late May and moved out of my...
  8. linus vp

    Half Of America Makes Less Than $27,520 A Year And 15 Other Signs The Middle Class Is Dying

    I don't think a lot of young people (or their parents for that matter) really have a firm understanding as to how loans/interest rates work or think about monthly payments post-college. I know more than a handful of people that were taking out $100k+ not thinking about actual income after...
  9. linus vp

    One less lonely [slur deleted] - Justin Bieber. Vol Sterling part 2.

    I once got lost coming home from school and had no idea where I was. Stopped at this convenience store and the dudes were all laughing saying you ain't from around here huh? Calling me Ben Affleck or something and asking if I wanted directions to the hockey rink and stereotypically "white"...
  10. linus vp

    One less lonely [slur deleted] - Justin Bieber. Vol Sterling part 2.

    I don't disagree, but assuming someone has a certain view just because of their skin color is considered "racism."
  11. linus vp

    Beyonce cheating on Jay-Z? vol. 99.9 problems

    :lol can't breathe...
  12. linus vp

    A Third Of America's 18-34 Years Olds Live With Their Parents

    It's commendable to stay home to help out your parents because they can't pay their own bills, I would never argue that. But, I hope some of your guys' parents are millionaires because saying "times is tough" over and over again means that things are probably rough for them too and they might...
  13. linus vp

    A Third Of America's 18-34 Years Olds Live With Their Parents

    This is mind-blowing for the fact that in any thread about the economy/higher costs/etc. 90% of the posters judge those that the stories are about and tell them to stop flipping burgers and do something better....then I get into this thread and see 90% of the people saying you should stay at...
  14. linus vp

    The RETRO Gaming Thread!

    Man, these games you guys are posting bring back so many memories. We used to go rent two games from the video store on Friday night, get 2 pizzas, and just have the time of our lives. I am 27 and honestly haven't been much into gaming in like a dozen years. I have a PS3, played Madden a few...
  15. linus vp

    Eating in the grocery store is wrong - VOTE -

    When I was a kid, I never saw this (aside from free samples). Now half the people in the store are eating something. A lot of people disagree with me, I just think it is odd. They also put cupholders in the carts now...people are that hungry and thirsty that they can't wait 15 more minutes to...
  16. linus vp

    Yo NT, I'm engaged. Tips/Advice welcome. ***UPDATE*** NEED HONEYMOON SUGGESTIONS!

    Congratulations!  I got engaged about 6 months out of college (my wife was in her last year at the time) and have been married for 2.5 years now. Everyone's relationships/situations are different, so some advice may not apply in your case, but here's a few things I think: The wedding will be...
  17. linus vp

    Fast food workers protest for $15 minimum wage.

    Maybe I was misunderstood...but I 100% support anyone working anywhere, especially those working low-wage retail and service jobs. My point was that minimum wage jobs weren't originally meant for adults to raise their families...but now it is the only option for a lot of people, even college...
  18. linus vp

    Fast food workers protest for $15 minimum wage.

    That generation is the kids born in the 1990s though. I agree that a lot of those people aren't well-equipped to deal with stress or adversity....but I think this affects a lot more people than those people 24 and under. The problem is that these jobs should be for teens looking to work 15 hours...
  19. linus vp

    Fast food workers protest for $15 minimum wage.

    Our labor force participation is around 1970s levels, while we have a population of nearly 100 million more people. Median household income is flat or down, but groceries and heating oil have been creeping up for awhile. We have more than a trillion dollars in student loan debt. Income (and even...
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