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  1. kingsuperbiv


    Heres the girl who was beaten.
  2. kingsuperbiv

    The hate for successful minorities is strong... SMH

    So how is this racial profiling?? You admitted to speeding and you there were 3 people int he car.. i would pull you over to make sense.. why pull over 1 person in car, pull over 3 and you might hit something big whether your white or black
  3. kingsuperbiv

    The hate for successful minorities is strong... SMH

    So it really didnt happen to you. You were speeding and he caught you. How is this racial profiling??  Going 60mph in a 55mph is speeding which give cops cause, to pull you over
  4. kingsuperbiv

    Lab animals see sunlight and grass for the first time

    OLD saw this a week ago... I think they are somewhat stupid for handling them LAB dogs. No telling what they have. They were used in experiments and given all kind of crazy stuff and viruses
  5. kingsuperbiv

    Apple iTunes flaw 'allowed government spying' / Android recording everything you do

    And let the lawsuits begin
  6. kingsuperbiv

    Do cops really have a quota?

    So if your a cop and you never ever write a ticket in say 3 months. You dont think your supervisor is going to say hey, what are you doing? You need to write some tickets
  7. kingsuperbiv

    The hate for successful minorities is strong... SMH

    You did have a choice. all you had to do is say " I do NOT consent to a search of my car" They should stop after that and call the dogs or if they do search then you have a nice lawsuit on your hands. Now if you were under arrest thats something diffrent Also if you driving 3-4 deep with your...
  8. kingsuperbiv

    The hate for successful minorities is strong... SMH

    you dont have to allow them to search your car. tell them NO you may not search my car. if they do you, then you have a good lawsuit on their hands.. Also the cop probably thought you were somebody else. He is just doing his job
  9. kingsuperbiv

    Apple iTunes flaw 'allowed government spying' / Android recording everything you do

    RIM adds it.. ./IQAgent/com/carrieriq/agent/rim/ public int getMCC( com.carrieriq.agent.rim.IOSVariant, net.rim.device.api.system.GPRSInfo$GPRSCellInfo ); ./IQAgent/com/carrieriq/agent/rim/ public int getMNC( com.carrieriq.agent.rim.IOSVariant...
  10. kingsuperbiv

    The hate for successful minorities is strong... SMH

    u dang right especially if your in my upper scale neighbor hood because nobody dresses that way unless your up to no good
  11. kingsuperbiv

    The hate for successful minorities is strong... SMH

    NO But the majority people who say this is always the suspect looking ones with baggy pants du rag and new era fitted over their eyes leaned back driving in a nice car looking suspect If I saw a white person in my neighboor looking suspect I would stop him too
  12. kingsuperbiv

    The hate for successful minorities is strong... SMH

    Man i got 2 cars... A bently and a 2010 Mustang Gt and a Chrysler 300 and I never get racial profiled. All the people who say this is full of it. when i get pulled over its because Im doing something wrong
  13. kingsuperbiv

    The hate for successful minorities is strong... SMH

    You probably was dressed like young thugs, How would you feel if you were a cop and you never saw people looking like and dress like you probably were in a good neighbor hood and nice car. I would stop you too and check you out! Then I would apologize. You should be happy he did that
  14. kingsuperbiv

    The hate for successful minorities is strong... SMH

    Man i got 2 cars... A bently and a 2010 Mustang Gt and a Chrysler 300 and I never get racial profiled. All the people who say this is full of it. when i get pulled over its because Im doing something wrong
  15. kingsuperbiv

    Apple iTunes flaw 'allowed government spying' / Android recording everything you do

    And blackberry suppose to be the most secure phone..LOL Anyway why you thought they were making everyone buy androids and smart phones within last few years Why do you think more and more celebrities , corporate people having being getting indicted
  16. kingsuperbiv

    Apple iTunes flaw 'allowed government spying' / Android recording everything you do

    Youtube video showing you how they record everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Big lawsuits is coming soon
  17. kingsuperbiv

    Apple iTunes flaw 'allowed government spying' / Android recording everything you do

    About two hours ago Senator Al Franken sent their CEO a letter asking for an explanation... http://www.appleinsider.c...tiny_from_us_senate.html I bet all those custom roms and jailbreaks have this installed as well. Thats why i never rotted my droid or ipad because those developers that do...
  18. kingsuperbiv

    Carrierr IQ. Once again phones are spying on us

    if youy havent watched the news carrier iq is a software cell phone companies have been installing on our phones. Records keystrokes, dropcalls, sms, emails and more. a person who worked for the company who developed the software blew the whistle...
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