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  1. meb03

    Bill Gates and 47,500 Cases of Paralysis

    ok so that article is just copied and pasted from an april 20th infowars post. Lets take a  look at the original articles sources two of the five source are the same @##@@%$ site! do you seriously think everyone with a phd is involved in some ridiculous conspiracy to control the world...
  2. meb03

    RON PAUL mature Discussion:
  3. meb03

    RON PAUL mature Discussion: 
  4. meb03

    Rick Santorum wants to ban hard-core pornography

    when has rick santorum ever said anything that could be considered perfectly sensible 
  5. meb03

    NT Idk what I wanna be when I grow up

    I dont think thats how it works muh dude
  6. meb03

    Kim Jong Il dead at age 69

    Check this link: "Kim also had a collection of Nike sneakers. "We only dreamed about having such shoes. He was wearing them," recalled Kovacevic, who estimated the price of each pair at around US$200.  " its possible Kim...
  7. meb03

    nyc heads..NE help

    just bring something waterproof. does it not precipitate in other parts of the country?
  8. meb03

    The People vs. Goldman Sachs- Matt Taibbi does the damn thing...again.

    videos worth a watch. person being interviewed is mentioned in your article
  9. meb03

    The People vs. Goldman Sachs- Matt Taibbi does the damn thing...again.

    videos worth a watch. person being interviewed is mentioned in your article
  10. meb03

    College vol. How NOT to go broke

    yea dude do this people will love you
  11. meb03

    College vol. How NOT to go broke

    yea dude do this people will love you
  12. meb03

    Kemba Walker is filthy...This deserves its own thread

    didnt realize how many nters we had at uconn gonna be all self-conscious when im on NT at the library now
  13. meb03

    Kemba Walker is filthy...This deserves its own thread

    didnt realize how many nters we had at uconn gonna be all self-conscious when im on NT at the library now
  14. meb03

    I Was Arrested for Posession, Am I Going To Do Time???

    youre not gonna go jail
  15. meb03

    I Was Arrested for Posession, Am I Going To Do Time???

    youre not gonna go jail
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