College vol. How NOT to go broke

damn im broke as hell. My mom just gave me $100 today, on that you look really skinny
. Just keep in mind you cant put in the hours you used to unless you can handle a part time job and school work. I still manage like 8-16 hours but that still means i'm not going to parties and kicking it with people. I'm a Junior btw
damn im broke as hell. My mom just gave me $100 today, on that you look really skinny
. Just keep in mind you cant put in the hours you used to unless you can handle a part time job and school work. I still manage like 8-16 hours but that still means i'm not going to parties and kicking it with people. I'm a Junior btw
Originally Posted by JordanHead718212

What's up NT,
I'm starting college in the fall and the number one complaint I hear  is how broke everyone is. For people currently in college, what are some tips to save money and avoid this?

It's not even about saving money.....just MAKE money.

If you get an internship EVERY summer during college, you  will be way ahead of the curve financially and professionally at most schools. Also, working during the year also helps. But those part time jobs pay peanuts compared to internships so sometimes it's not even worth your time.

Again, summer internship not a summer job (i.e. footaction, movies, etc.).  You should know the difference.

You're a college student now.....leverage your credentials.
Once you get there, probably about a month after you move, apply for food stamps. Google Department of Welfare for that state. File the paper work and make it happen. Good stuff.
Originally Posted by JordanHead718212

What's up NT,
I'm starting college in the fall and the number one complaint I hear  is how broke everyone is. For people currently in college, what are some tips to save money and avoid this?

It's not even about saving money.....just MAKE money.

If you get an internship EVERY summer during college, you  will be way ahead of the curve financially and professionally at most schools. Also, working during the year also helps. But those part time jobs pay peanuts compared to internships so sometimes it's not even worth your time.

Again, summer internship not a summer job (i.e. footaction, movies, etc.).  You should know the difference.

You're a college student now.....leverage your credentials.
Once you get there, probably about a month after you move, apply for food stamps. Google Department of Welfare for that state. File the paper work and make it happen. Good stuff.
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by JordanHead718212

What's up NT,
I'm starting college in the fall and the number one complaint I hear  is how broke everyone is. For people currently in college, what are some tips to save money and avoid this?

It's not even about saving money.....just MAKE money.

If you get an internship EVERY summer during college, you  will be way ahead of the curve financially and professionally at most schools. Also, working during the year also helps. But those part time jobs pay peanuts compared to internships so sometimes it's not even worth your time.

Again, summer internship not a summer job (i.e. footaction, movies, etc.).  You should know the difference.

You're a college student now.....leverage your credentials.
This. think of a business venture and make money. you'll have a lot of free time. I wish while in College I would have spent my summers using student loans to start businesses. 

because getting small business credit is not what's up
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by JordanHead718212

What's up NT,
I'm starting college in the fall and the number one complaint I hear  is how broke everyone is. For people currently in college, what are some tips to save money and avoid this?

It's not even about saving money.....just MAKE money.

If you get an internship EVERY summer during college, you  will be way ahead of the curve financially and professionally at most schools. Also, working during the year also helps. But those part time jobs pay peanuts compared to internships so sometimes it's not even worth your time.

Again, summer internship not a summer job (i.e. footaction, movies, etc.).  You should know the difference.

You're a college student now.....leverage your credentials.
This. think of a business venture and make money. you'll have a lot of free time. I wish while in College I would have spent my summers using student loans to start businesses. 

because getting small business credit is not what's up
-Buy green in bulk, never by the G
-Leave any cash or credit/debit cards at home whenever you go out. I have no idea how much money I spent on drunk pizza this semester, prob 15 dollars a weekend :smh
-Make a sandwich or something and leave it in the fridge before you go out. That way you'll have food for when you come back
-Keep $20-40 in a lockbox or something so when money is tight towards the end of the semester, you have that extra dough
-Blood plasma if you are desperate
-If you choose to buy liquor, go for anything cheap (Vlad, Admiral Nelson, etc...). Mix it and you won't tell the difference
-Get a hookup and buy liquor in bulk. Sell it to kids on your floor and make a small profit
-Buy a case or two of beer and charge kids $5 to drink as much as they want. If you get 4 kids, your up $5.
-Buy green in bulk, never by the G
-Leave any cash or credit/debit cards at home whenever you go out. I have no idea how much money I spent on drunk pizza this semester, prob 15 dollars a weekend :smh
-Make a sandwich or something and leave it in the fridge before you go out. That way you'll have food for when you come back
-Keep $20-40 in a lockbox or something so when money is tight towards the end of the semester, you have that extra dough
-Blood plasma if you are desperate
-If you choose to buy liquor, go for anything cheap (Vlad, Admiral Nelson, etc...). Mix it and you won't tell the difference
-Get a hookup and buy liquor in bulk. Sell it to kids on your floor and make a small profit
-Buy a case or two of beer and charge kids $5 to drink as much as they want. If you get 4 kids, your up $5.
Thread Is Very Helpfull... 

Headed To College In The Fall, Possibly In The Spring... Had The Same Question OP...
Thread Is Very Helpfull... 

Headed To College In The Fall, Possibly In The Spring... Had The Same Question OP...
o... and if you can, throw college parties. rent out a warehouse or a club and throw major parties every month.

my roommate did this and dude parties were EPICCC and he was caking off that... from tshirts and entry fees. he also hired security (cops) who would come and stand outside the door and issue hand tags for those over 21+.

I would DJ a few college 200 a night, I was bawssing
o... and if you can, throw college parties. rent out a warehouse or a club and throw major parties every month.

my roommate did this and dude parties were EPICCC and he was caking off that... from tshirts and entry fees. he also hired security (cops) who would come and stand outside the door and issue hand tags for those over 21+.

I would DJ a few college 200 a night, I was bawssing
Originally Posted by meb03

Originally Posted by chuck67

Dont buy any green, just bum off your friends when they light up. 

yea dude do this people will love you
 lmao i do this to my roomate and his buddys all the time. dude comes from a wealthy family and has no problem sharing the smoke wit me so 
don't be afraid to hit the grocery store too

stock up on some bread, PB and J, TOP RAMEN.
hit up a Sam's Club or BJ's and buy boxes of oatmeal.

just budget your money playa
Originally Posted by meb03

Originally Posted by chuck67

Dont buy any green, just bum off your friends when they light up. 

yea dude do this people will love you
 lmao i do this to my roomate and his buddys all the time. dude comes from a wealthy family and has no problem sharing the smoke wit me so 
don't be afraid to hit the grocery store too

stock up on some bread, PB and J, TOP RAMEN.
hit up a Sam's Club or BJ's and buy boxes of oatmeal.

just budget your money playa
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