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  1. moemza

    Irony, defined [PIC]

    Animal Farm anyone?
  2. moemza

    How Do You Feel About This Picture

    What he said
  3. moemza

    His Airness breaking the backboard...vol. late and I don't care....

    Off-season summer camp in Italy, 1986 (wearing 1s).  It was an exhibition game with Italian and American players.  There is a youtube video with entire game highlights.
  4. moemza

    Guy with plan for Airport security. Is he nuts or onto something. Video included.

    I say we profile for CIA/FBI agents. The recent alleged terrorist act in Detroit was a setup to have justification to go into Yemen and have a military presence in that country......SO OBVIOUS!
  5. moemza

    sometimes Mos Def should just keep his mouth shut..

    Oh boy.....Not arguing whether MOS DEF presented a viewpoint or not. But the fact that, as you say, Mos Def had NO viewpoint, strenghthens my real argumentthat this is a partial/unfair set-up. Who cares what Mos Def is expecting by coming on the show, not my point. Please read carefully.
  6. moemza

    sometimes Mos Def should just keep his mouth shut..

    Uh yeah, still was unfair set-up. Were you trying to prove otherwise? The show's platform is political discourse with a hint of comedy. Where's the entertainment and intellectual value gained when you put MOS DEF withCHRISTOPHER HITCHENS knowing full well that they have completely opposite...
  7. moemza

    sometimes Mos Def should just keep his mouth shut..

    Quite clearly a set-up, and completely unfair. Mos Def, a Muslim, is pitted against two 'intellectual' anti-Islamists. If producers wanted parity, they would've booked an Islamic political scholar of some sort, not an extremely opinionated music artist.
  8. moemza

    Palestine vs Israel.. VERY sad pictures. some (Graphic).

    UN Report: Israel Forced Civilians Into Single House Then Repeatedly Bombed It
  9. moemza

    *** Rockets Fired From Lebanon Into Northern Israel ***

    Ahhhh, the satisfaction of history. Isreal attacks itself or blames others for it's attacks all the time. I think you should process your thoughts a bit more. It must suck to be uninformed, or maybe even misinformed.
  10. moemza

    *** Rockets Fired From Lebanon Into Northern Israel ***

    FALSE FLAG ALERT! The first day of the bombing campaign in Gaza where the Lebanese border patrol found a bunch of rockets set up and ready to fire into Israel? They destroyedthem and Israel started flying warplanes over Lebanon trying to provoke a confrontation...
  11. moemza


    Do you know who created Hamas? How about Isreal. But that's besides the point....right? Nonetheless, you've thoroughly revealed your stupidity. Using your twisted logic, Isreal can massacre 1.5 million Palestinians in Gaza, and at the end...
  12. moemza


    If I bytch slap your mother for stealing my car. Are you gonna kill my whole entire 60 member family in return who had nothing to do with the original issue? I think she deserves the bytch slap by someone, she commited a crime.........right? Just saying.
  13. moemza


    If I $%%++ slap your mother for stealing my car. Are you gonna kill my whole entire 60 member family in return who had nothing to do with the original issue? I think she deserves the $%%++ slap by someone, she commited a crime. Just saying.
  14. moemza


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  15. moemza

    NYC Hot Dog Vendors = Baller Status?

    Extra white sauce please.
  16. moemza


    Isreal bombs an apartment building in Gaza yesterday. Killing 25 CIVILIANS (no militants). Earlier in the day, Isreal bombed two U.N. Schools killing 39 CIVILIANS, mostly children (no militants). WARNING: Not for the weak. (could not embed)
  17. moemza

    RAW (Graphic): Scene After IDF Attack In Gaza 1/1/09 *VERY GRAPHIC*

    Logic escapes you. You're the type that would be provided with all types of evidence to prove a fact, yet you'll feverishly attempt to argue otherwise. The facts on the ground regarding the video have already been established. Again, the barbaric, ruthless, aggressors known as the IOF dropped...
  18. moemza

    RAW (Graphic): Scene After IDF Attack In Gaza 1/1/09 *VERY GRAPHIC*

    WARNING: COMPLETE MISINFORMATION FROM THE CREATOR OF THIS THREAD! This bombing was by the Isreali Forces at a Marketplace in Gaza. Hamas reps were indeed present, BUT IS WAS NOT A PARADE, NOR WAS THERE ANACCIDENT. Simply a terrorist act by the rogue 'state' of Isreal with it's American...
  19. moemza

    2009: BUY GOLD. NOW.

    Gold is a safe investment, NOT great. More importantly, gold is 'great' if your trying to maintain the purchasing power of your savings. As for the figures you gave, you have to realize (and save yourself) that it's all based on the inflating dollar. Compare the price of gold to any...
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