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  1. illuminati217

    nt, whats ur fav video game of all time?

    Final Fantasy 8 Final Fantasy 7 Final Fantasy 3 Zelda Master Quest/OOT Super Mario 3 Mario Kart 64 Sonic 2 Wild Arms 2
  2. illuminati217

    How many tabs do you have open? Vol. Rolling

    i have 11...things i wanna get back to but forget...
  3. illuminati217

    At what age will you tell your kids they have to roll up out of your house?

    depends...if they go to college probably 24-25, i only say this because this will give them an opportunity to save up money for went or to buy a place...themore time to save up money the better...i would expect them to help pay for utilities etc but no charge on rent or nothing...the last thing...
  4. illuminati217

    Post Your Birthday

    June 28th
  5. illuminati217

    St. John's University Heads please check in! (new yorkers also welcome)

    I went to St.Johns for 2 years and i must say it was a terrible experience...i was an accounting major though and the academics were jus awful...i have a fewfriends who are in the pharm program though and from what ive heard its definitely worth it if your going for pharm...very competitive, a...
  6. illuminati217

    How Many Song Do You Have in iTunes?

    i have 6554 songs...a few duplicates etc...every few months i try and delete a bunch of crap i know i won't ever listen to...
  7. illuminati217

    The Bad Girls Club vol. Guilty Pleasure (PICS NOW UP!!!!)

    she was jus tryin to piss her off...
  8. illuminati217

    The Bad Girls Club vol. Guilty Pleasure (PICS NOW UP!!!!)

    the show is on oxygen...dumb hot chicks who drink a lot and fight for no reason all the time...gotta love it...
  9. illuminati217

    PoSt YoUr FavEoritE Pok3Mon!!!1

    Raichu, Ampharos
  10. illuminati217

    What should i get my girlfriend for christmas??

    its a pretty bad sign when you have to ask people who don't know her or anything about her what to get least you could have asked her friends orsomething...
  11. illuminati217

    Atheist, could you marry someone who believes in god?

    yeah i could...i would just hope that she would respect the fact that im an atheist and not try and convert me...also...i would prefer if they wouldn't tryand force religion on our kids if we have any...
  12. illuminati217

    Post Your Tattoo Vol. Who Cares.

    I have 9... First when i was 19 Second-Fifth when i was 21 Sixth-Ninth when i was 22 I'm 22 now...ive gotten 7 this year Mom didn't know bout my tattoos until my 4th one...she hates all of them but whatever Plan to get another one in a week or two
  13. illuminati217

    Do You Smoke and/or Drink?

    Drink 2-3 times a week, smoke stogs regularly...gotta quit smoking soon...
  14. illuminati217

    best game of all time

    Super Mario Bros 3 Final Fantasy 7/8 (toss up, loved them both equally) Ocarina of Time : Master Quest (much harder than the original)
  15. illuminati217

    Ear Piercing

    Got both ears pierced when i was 18, also got an industrial, gauged both ears (4g), and 2 cartilage piercings when i was 21...took out the industrial andcartilage piercings recently...
  16. illuminati217

    The Official NT what STATES have you been to?

    Live in NY Been to Connecticut Florida Virginia Maryland Pennsylvania Iowa Minnesota Illinois Massachusetts New Jersey Ohio (Cincinnati Airport) Georgia (Atlanta Airport)
  17. illuminati217

    What phone do you have?

    8gb iphone 3g...kinda want a back up phone
  18. illuminati217

    NT what song(s) cant you stop playing right now?

    Kanye- heartless JT- Nothin Else LLyod- Girls all around the world John Legend- Green Light
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