Ear Piercing

Got both ears pierced when i was 18, also got an industrial, gauged both ears (4g), and 2 cartilage piercings when i was 21...took out the industrial andcartilage piercings recently...
2 in each around 17 yrs old
stopped wearing them around 27.
will throw them in every once in awhile, like when im wearing dark colors
Got two
recently at 18 both ears
parents dont know
when i come home from colleg i take em off
they dont notice the hole
got both ears pierced at 17 and I'm 21 now

my mom went with me to get my ears pierced

I pretty much stopped wearing them when I was 19. I only wear them sometimes when I go out to bars/clubs, never in school or work...
both ears
18 years old
dad wouldnt shut up for a day, mom didnt care
ill stop wearing them when the time is right.
I got my ears pierced in 8th grade so 15 years ago (jesus), only have the two I never really liked the look of multiple ear piercings on dudes.

In 10th grade I started streaching my ears and went up to 00g for quite a while, took them out in college for a few years and am now back to 4g in both.
interesting based off of some of the responses they just got it done for a fad and had no intent on wearing them later on in life
Got my left ear done when I was like 3 or 4 years old.
Got my right lobe pierced when I was 10 years old in 1998.
I use to wear them heavily back in the 90s and early 2000s while in elem, middle, and high school.
I wear them sometimes now. Like, when I go out to events, sometimes work. Im trying to wear them on the daily basis now.
both ears
10 years the 1st time, 14 second
both parents were cool with it
i'll stop rockin em whenever
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Both ears
18 years old
Dad was kinda like @%# did you do that for? Mom wouldn't stop making fun of me asking if I wanted to wear any of her earrings.
I'll stop wearing them once I feel like it.

I dont have any piercings, but I was thinking about gettin my ears pierced... Then I thought twice since I know that my skin keloids sometimes...
Same thing with me...I might take a chance and get one on my 18th bday
Both ears
Got the left when I was 16 and got the right a few months later
My parents are divorced but neither one cared
I feel naked if I dont have them both in so i wll probably never stop rocking them
the only way i'm getting my ear pierced is if i am gettin paid and can get a THICK diamond in each ear.

any of you got this look goin...

I got both ears pierced when I was 17 because my parents didn't want me to do it until I graduated. I'll probably stop wearing em when I graduate fromcollege.
One just my left ear... right one comin soon
Mom was mad at first just cuz i did it witout tellin her... other than that she aint care/ dad didnt care
and idk... whenever i get tired of wearin em
3 piercings 2 on the left 1 in the right
Got my 1st one done at the age of 11 my parents let me get it. Then I got my other one when I was 14. My right ear I pirced it when I was 16. I don'treally wear the top one on my left just wear both on each side. I don't plan to ever stop wearing em. Parents don't trip so is all good.
got em pierced my sophmore year of HS. Now I wear small hoops which I can mos. def pull off.
Originally Posted by rsdplaya

the only way i'm getting my ear pierced is if i am gettin paid and can get a THICK diamond in each ear.

any of you got this look goin...

Looks like you're never getting your ears pierced.
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