09 Real Deal College Football Discussion/No Homers - Lets geh geh GET IT!

[h2]Auburn hit with recruiting penalties[/h2]

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Associated Press

AUBURN, Ala. -- Auburn football recruiting has taken a hit because of secondary NCAA rules violations during its "Big Cat Weekend" last May.

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Auburn was temporarily barred from contacting a half-dozen recruits who participated in the event. Assistant coach Trooper Taylor was banned from off-campusrecruiting until the end of last month. Other coaches received reprimands.

Auburn released the penalties Thursday night in response to open-records requests from media outlets. Coach Gene Chizik said the football program is movingon.

The penalties stemmed from a recruiting event in May where recruits participated in the school tradition of toilet-papering Toomer's Corner. Members ofthe media were on hand.

Auburn acknowledged the event violated some minor NCAA rules and imposed penalties on itself, but the Southeastern Conference added to the punishment.
Damn, my time is all +*#%%# up

I was thinking May was when he started to give Auburn a look, but I guess that was later in the summer.


he does

and Les Miles offered Frank Wilson (Tenn WR coach) the same position at Double what he makes at UT. Looks like he's a goner. and thatsmajor cus CFW was the lead recruiter for Dequan Menzie, Ken Adams, Risean Broussard and (2011) Anthony Johnson. most likely we will lose out on all them dudes

Harbaugh's a Fool for that one
hopefully Coach O. CLK or even Monte gets involved with Menzie. he is Desperately needed.
If not, he's headed to Ole Miss.
Can someone explain to me why Notre Dame would decide to not play in a bowl game? This is baffling me.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Bro, we're just as lost as you.

That decision is extremely Vaginal

Alright good, I want sure if I was missing something or not. Ive never heard of anything like this.
Pride issue. You play for a premier bowl you don't play for the Not Ray's Pizza at the Sheraton Hotel.com bowl. Even if it gives you additionalexposure and gives someone an additional game to increase draft stock I could see why they voted no.

Additionally, am I the only one that thinks UO fans/stans are underestimating OSU? I may be in the minority but they get the victory.
Originally Posted by Lazy B

Pride issue. You play for a premier bowl you don't play for the Not Ray's Pizza at the Sheraton Hotel.com bowl. Even if it gives you additional exposure and gives someone an additional game to increase draft stock I could see why they voted no.

Additionally, am I the only one that thinks UO fans/stans are underestimating OSU? I may be in the minority but they get the victory.

its because people hate ohio state is why they are going for oregon

and the ND beat writer was on the Dan Patrick show pretty much saying the team turned down the bowl game because they think they are better then the littlebowls which is dumb to me
they're not better than anything.

Fulmer wants it to be know he has interest in the ND job, lol.
I don't understand the mentality of thinking you're too good for a certain bowl game when that's as good as you can get.
It's the ND mentality. They have declined bowl invites before ( I believe at least 3 other times, with the last being in 1996). It's not as if somelower tier bowl benefit$ them in anyway.
yea but thats a month extra of intense practices.

and those practices are invaluable for building towards the future.

they continue to prove that they are not to be taken serious and they arent a top football program.
Originally Posted by Basketballsavant

It's not as if some lower tier bowl benefit$ them in anyway.

This can be said for almost any elite team that has a down year. Like if USC has a down year and isn't in the Rose Bowl or some other BCS game. Playing inthe San Francisco peanut bowl or some BS isn't going to do them any good. But they would still play. It's just another B-move by a B-made team and andB-made school. I'm not even discussing ND anymore. They haven't been relevant in so damn long I don't even know why people care what the hell theydo or who they hire. It's just pointless. I'll start talking about ND football again when they win a BCS game. Bunch of clowns.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

so why did they go to the hawaii bowl last year?
For starters Charlie was still the coach and his job was safe at the time, so he/the program wanted the extra month of practice (just like anysensible coach/program in the country).

Also, it was in Hawaii.

I know I've said I'm boys with 2 Seniors on ND's football team before (one of whom most of you would know), and they are livid about the decision. Most of the Seniors are as well.

All I can say is it looks like ND's program is full of quiters/lazy bums from their current Junior to Freshman classes.

EDIT: Which doesn't bode well AT ALL for the incoming coach to say the least...
A decision like that had to be taken out of the seniors hands. The votes probably outnumbered them. I know im not in that locker room but if I were a senior idbe heated.
Bowl practice is a head start for Spring ball... Tennessee, for example, is losing 4 starting OL. and today was first bowl practice and they moved a DT toCenter and he is getting reps already. thats like 20 extra practices for young players. u cant tell me that shouldnt be first and foremost in the AD andFootball office minds..
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