10-15 years from now....Drake, top 10 DOA?

Originally Posted by Peep Game


Drake is a top ten mainstream rap artist right now, in a watered down field of mainstream rap. In 10-15 years, since those lists are based on history (meaning the
past up until the present), there's no logical way he could make a top ten DOA list, based on all the other people already in front of him, no matter out "irrelevant"
some of the rappers on those lists may be now.
There was a bunch of crap on the radio 10-15 years ago too! there were just as many bad artists during that time as there is now.

Originally Posted by MrWavez

Originally Posted by IamMD

Originally Posted by Rolaholic


And I'm a Drake fan...

where do people get this idea that Kanye can rap????? I never understood this.  

this. i mean hes good, but no where near this lyrical god ppl make him out to be...its just that he makes GREAT music alltogether

And the same could be said for Drake theres times where Drake comes in and kills a track but Kanye does that way more often than Drake
Where is Drake's Reasonable Doubt?

His Illmatic?

His Ready to Die?

His Dear Mama and Keep Ya Head Up?

His The Bridge is Over or Criminal Minded?

His Capital Punishment?

His Marshall Mathers LP?

His Paid in Full?

His Be?

His College Dropout?

Dude doesn't have the talent level or versatility to make anything as impactful or flat out dope as those above mentioned projects. He'a a watered down pre-packaged LL Cool J and y'all dudes are falling for it.

I don't hate the kid as a matter of fact I enjoy his work and I put a lot of people back in the Comeback Season days....but y'all wyling with this GOAT talk.

Hes not even the best out of his peer group at the moment. See Kendrick, Skyzoo, Cole etc.

He's a novelty artist and that's all he'll ever be. He doesn't have the life experience or lyrical versatility to speak on the same type of stuff that Pac, Jay or Em does. He's going to whine about the burden of fame and ex girl friends until people get tired of the act shortly.
I don't think he'll still be in music a decade from now. The way hip hop is going mainstream wise rappers have an even shorter time to shine and they're getting thrown out for the younger new artist.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

I don't think he'll still be in music a decade from now. The way hip hop is going mainstream wise rappers have an even shorter time to shine and they're getting thrown out for the younger new artist.


Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Where is Drake's Reasonable Doubt?

His Illmatic?

His Ready to Die?

His Dear Mama and Keep Ya Head Up?

His The Bridge is Over or Criminal Minded?

His Capital Punishment?

His Marshall Mathers LP?

His Paid in Full?

His Be?

His College Dropout?

Dude doesn't have the talent level or versatility to make anything as impactful or flat out dope as those above mentioned projects. He'a a watered down pre-packaged LL Cool J and y'all dudes are falling for it.

I don't hate the kid as a matter of fact I enjoy his work and I put a lot of people back in the Comeback Season days....but y'all wyling with this GOAT talk.

Hes not even the best out of his peer group at the moment. See Kendrick, Skyzoo, Cole etc.

He's a novelty artist and that's all he'll ever be. He doesn't have the life experience or lyrical versatility to speak on the same type of stuff that Pac, Jay or Em does. He's going to whine about the burden of fame and ex girl friends until people get tired of the act shortly.
I see what you mean by saying Drake didn't have it as hard coming those rappers listed. I'm also sure it wasn't easy for him to get embraced by hip hop as well, by being Jimmy from Degrassi. Everyone has their own path though. There's not a rule book in how you become great, you just do it by being the best at what your doing. So saying he's not a real hip hop artist is just false, even Pac said he rapped about stuff his friends wen't through not himself. Hopefully Cole, Kendrick, and skyzoo lol can get their buzz going so more people would agree with you. 
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

Off top,

I dont think he'll be top 10 DOA, by a long shot, but he will have considerable clout. I dont think he wants "it" that bad. He never came from an adverse circumstance like Jay, Big, Pac, Nas, or KRS so he's never had to develop a sense of desperation that it's either rap and be good at it or bust.

I like Drake, but to me sometimes, i feel like he's just rapping because it's what he wanted to do after acting. It just so happens that he's damn good at it.

You hit it on the head. When dude wants to really spit he can do it he just has to be consistent at it.
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Honestly?...I don't have a set top 10 because I haven't really had a chance to take the time and listen to every LP by all of the "Greats"... Most cats put rappers in their top 10 based off singles and hype and havent even heard all of their material... I like to be fair.

But based off my musical tastes and what I've heard, My Top 5 (No particular order)

Thats your first problem.......................... Drake is nothing but singles at this point in his career, first LP was a lukewarm reponse (sales proved this), and yo real talk I dont care how far back you go with Drake and what mixtapes you heard before everybody, pount blank, before 2009? the man was irrelevant to EVERYBODY,  you mention that no other rapper came hard like this, maybe Earl Simmons Discography will let you know about a spark with the capapity to EXPLODE, but as far ar Aubrey is concerned....Way too young, way too green, and not really original to have him go down as a legend already, stop it.........

BTW- your top 5 list has become way status quo to the pount that we argue about the 5th spot..........IMO Snoop takes it over Jadakiss in terms of every statiscal rap category you can think of (Most sales, most consistent, impact in hip hop, clothes, language, you name it.......)

Hon. Mention = LL and White Boy.......
Originally Posted by illphillip


I applaud this, a mixture of both can kill.

Drake isn't going to be one of the best in my opinion, "I'm on one" and all that %+@+ is for the birds.
Cool, the kids like him, the Girls like him,  but that fan base doesn't make you one of the best.
something has to give. And I think someone should knock him off this pedestal he is on and let him know he isn't that special.
Hype can be the biggest killer. With that being said, it doesn't matter what he puts out, idiots will still think it's "SWAGGIN'".
listen to drake in a year when he still makes the same ol' %+@+ he has been making and not progressing on that wack lable with that dumb %@% flow.
Oh and do you think JA RULE is one of the goats? he consistently put out hits in the early 2000's with no substance, drake is following that path.
Originally Posted by IamMD

Originally Posted by Peep Game


There was a bunch of crap on the radio 10-15 years ago too! there were just as many bad artists during that time as there is now.

Once again, there was actual balance of all types of hip hop/rap on the radio in that timeframe, unlike right now.  
Originally Posted by IamMD

Originally Posted by red mpls

As completely ludicrous as this notion is, I tried to bring some actual content to the discussion but you Drake guys ignored it.

Bottom line is that Drake is a decent rapper and singer who makes good radio and club songs.  Nothing about him is exceptional as an MC - not his flow, his lyrics, his storytelling, his emotion or passion, his voice, his vocabulary, his energy, his social commentary, etc.  The best things he has going for him are his ear for beats, his ability to make catchy songs, and his ability to sing relatively decently.  And y'all sincerely think he's going to be widely considered one of the greatest of all time??

He's arguably not even Top 5 of the past five years when you put him up against Kanye, Wayne, Ross, TI, Game, and whoever else people want to throw in there...

i'm convinced you've never heard a drake tape.

You're apparently also convinced that Drake will go down as one of the greatest rappers of all time.  Wrong on both counts.

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by illphillip

Because he isn't as talented as any of them?

...Say whaaaat? Drake is MILES ahead of Kanye Lyrically and right there with him musically imo ...and at any given time lyrically just as good as Em and Lupe... You may not agree about the subject matter on which he chooses to rap about, but he's a great  lyricist...

That right there just lets me and others know everything that we need to know about you regarding hip hop.  Best of luck to you in your future endeavours champ, and God bless.


Originally Posted by Enchanted1


Drake is�the most introspective rapper in hip hop right now,�he's a well rounded artist�with enough talent to speak on differnet topics like any artist should.�

That's what constitutes exceptionally introspective to you?  This represents exceptional talent to you?  That song is like the embodiment of mediocrity in nearly every sense which only confirms my previous comments...
Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

There are some ridiculous statements in here.

SFG is a classic? The word classic lost it's meaning.

The music forum is garbage.

 the most mediocre dudes have the largest threads, and then are called goat because the front page is filled up with other mediocre artists. And classic is equivalent to saying i kinda liked it... for now.
KayCurrency wrote:
illphillip wrote:
KayCurrency wrote:
Kanye, Lupe and Em made peoples lists....and they've been in the game for just about 10 years or less....so Why cant drake make the list in TEN years?....

Because he isn't as talented as any of them? 

and at any given time lyrically just as good as Em and Lupe...
I want to lock some dudes in this thread in the warehouse with the Ark of the Covenant.

Did ninjahood come through yet or did I miss it?
suprised the OP isnt the guy with the transformers avy....come on drake top dead or alive?! you serious b? is son really a rapper though? more like a pop artist. no doubt drake makes good music, but he doesn't belong on any top DOA list.
Maybe not NOW... but in due time...watch...

And what do you mean is he a rapper?....He'll rap circles around most of these cats out now...
Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Starting to think this dude KayCurrency is trolling....he gots to be

I'm not trolling, Some of my comments are extreme and stretched a little for a debatable sake....But I honestly do think in due time Drake will be considered one of the top musicians in Hip-Hops history

So you acknowledge that your comments are "extreme and stretched"....then you do it again?

Straight comedy.
Nah, I really do think Drake will be considered one of the Greats in due time... Some of my comparisons were "extreme", Yeah....But I seriously think buddy will be one of the greats.
drake is a cool artist...

but to rate him as top 10 rapper is ******ed....

he makes cool songs but I cant put him past 20 rappers off the top with creativity, variety of flows, wordplay and charisma.... his presence on certain track sound so annoying to me.. his voice sometimes get so whiny it sounds like he's damn near bout to cry rapping...

im not knocking drake but i aint slobbing him either...
Its like when Lebron first entered into NBA, I knew he had the potential to be one of the greats...So did other people....Now that he's statistically proven himself people are saying "Well he has no rings, the greats have Rings"....Ok, he gets 3-4 Rings...Then what?...Can he be one of the greats then?

Now take Drake, The man is obviously musically inclined ...You're in denial if you think other wise. "Oh....Well, Drake doesnt have any Classics under his belt....He cant be considered one of the greats"...Ok, He's only ONE LP into his career....Let the man put in work... He has the proven potential to drop classics.

I honestly think if Drakes next 2-3 LP's were Flawlessly put together, some of ya'll STILL wouldn't give the man any credit....

If Drake doesnt have the potential to be top10 in 10-15 years....Can you name another new artist who does have that type of potential?
Drake will be remembered as a radio/pop artist, not as a great Rap artist.

Will Flo-Rida be top 10 in 10-15 years because he made radio hits??
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