*'11-'12 LAKERS Thread; 41-25* 1st Rd: DEN (go to 1st Rd. Thread)

Originally Posted by knightngale

smh @ fisher getting praised for his only good play in 5 games
I know he is slow and old but he was also playing rookie defense biting on every little move by Lawson
Lawson had 9 points...Calm down...

Also Fisher +10. Blake -7.. Lawson -13..

We are appreciating Fish's hustle and his basketball IQ.. That's all... No one says and no one needs him to be DRose out there.

And the fact of the matter is even though we were bailed out by terrible play by the Nuggets in the last few minutes.. Had Fisher not hustled to save the ball from going out of bounds put up a desperation three to beat the shot clock, then ran across court to get the ball, Lawson had a free lane to take the ball on a fast break and put the Nuggets up 4 with about 2:20 left, and with the way things were going we would have lost.
I was holding my breath when Andrew dove into the front row for that loose ball.
That game was a great way to start his season. Let's hope he keeps it going.
Originally Posted by Bean Pie Slanga

Denver were averaging 111 until today. We straight 89'in teams with Mike Brown.

I love how he calls out Kobe (without words). Dude will call a quick timeout after a poor decision by Kobe that leads to points. Also, vs the Knicks when Kobe had almost all 3rd qtr points, he called Kobe out during the pre-4th interview saying "We need to move the ball around on offense"..... LOVE IT.

For me, Mike Brown is already a better coach than Phil was......................................................................................... in the regular season.
Agreed.  IMO, this will keep Kobe playing well all around for more years.  Kobe needs this different element he needs to be checked more on his errors.

If Drew keeps this up, and stays healthy, Orlando may not have much of a choice.  It would take Brook Lopez a week to get 13 boards. 

2nd best center in the NBA.  But tomorrow that kid might be jello and will wear down immediately.  Not to mention, this will be what, games in 8 days?  In the thin air of Denver?  
No matter how good Bynum will be even if he puts up 25 & 13 all year.. We have to trade him...

The injury risk is just too much... And D12 could come to LA & get injured every year, but I like his chances with no injury history than Tin Man Bynum no matter how good he plays.. He could put up Wilt numbers and we would still have to trade him...

Well cheers to Bynum staying healthy for another 75 days

Would be nice if we could pull the ILL 3 team deal:
Lakers get: D12, Lowry, Scola
Magic get: Bynum, Thabeet, Courtney Lee, Patrick Paterson, 2012 1st Rounder from Lakers
Rockets get: Gasol, Hedo, 2014 1st Round from Lakers

Lowry/Kobe/ Ebanks / Scola/ D12

Fish/ Kapono/ Artest/ Murphy/ McBob
Blake/Barnes/ Caracter

I'm confused with what Brown did with Ebanks and now Barnes.  So Ebanks starts early, then Bynum comes back and he sits? 
  Barnes couldn't play the first couple games much, now he's starting.  Was it a shape issue or something?  I'm havin a hard time figurin out Brown's patterns like I had Phil.  I had P Jax down cold.  Now I'm confused every possession. 

Kobe hits 28,000 points tomorrow.  Or, maybe it gets adjusted to 14K, Vanessa gets the other half. 

Was there anything ever said about if his wrist will get better thru the year?  Or does he have to play with it messed up for the next 6 months?  He certainly won't get much rest for it during the year, hell, the most rest he will get will actually be in the playoffs when they go back to a normal schedule. 
Originally Posted by knightngale

Kobe looked annoyed when Brown called the last timeout with 13 secs left

kobe almost made us lose the game yet again. i swear dude needs to stop doing that @#%@. you know damn well that wasnt the play brown called. Kobe really is a ball stopper. he just holds on to the ball until the last seconds. it would have never worked with chris paul. im going to start losing my hair 

im just glad we got the w. i thinkwe lose tomorrow in denver. 
Originally Posted by CP1708

I'm confused with what Brown did with Ebanks and now Barnes.  So Ebanks starts early, then Bynum comes back and he sits? 
  Barnes couldn't play the first couple games much, now he's starting.  Was it a shape issue or something?  I'm havin a hard time figurin out Brown's patterns like I had Phil.  I had P Jax down cold.  Now I'm confused every possession. 

Kobe hits 28,000 points tomorrow.  Or, maybe it gets adjusted to 14K, Vanessa gets the other half. 

Was there anything ever said about if his wrist will get better thru the year?  Or does he have to play with it messed up for the next 6 months?  He certainly won't get much rest for it during the year, hell, the most rest he will get will actually be in the playoffs when they go back to a normal schedule. 
No it will not get any better..

A simple fall could give him a serious injury if he falls wrong...

Even strenuous activity could throw the entire wrist alignment and require immediate surgery to "fix"..

Say he makes it all season and playoffs without getting injured... It will still never be the same

As for Ebanks I'm assuming it was done to rest him.. Or he just doesn't like him as a starter

Everyone outside of Kobe, Gasol & Fish (since Fish only plays about half a game)  will probably have games where they don't start or play to rest them
Originally Posted by CP1708

I'm confused with what Brown did with Ebanks and now Barnes.  So Ebanks starts early, then Bynum comes back and he sits? 
  Barnes couldn't play the first couple games much, now he's starting.  Was it a shape issue or something?  I'm havin a hard time figurin out Brown's patterns like I had Phil.  I had P Jax down cold.  Now I'm confused every possession. 

Kobe hits 28,000 points tomorrow.  Or, maybe it gets adjusted to 14K, Vanessa gets the other half. 

Was there anything ever said about if his wrist will get better thru the year?  Or does he have to play with it messed up for the next 6 months?  He certainly won't get much rest for it during the year, hell, the most rest he will get will actually be in the playoffs when they go back to a normal schedule. 
I think Barnes was just behind the depth chart because Ebanks had played so well in training camp-preseason and MWP was penciled in as the backup. I guess it took two subpar games for Brown to bench Ebanks in favor of Barnes, who's played well when given the playing time.

I still think Ebanks deserves playing time in the rotation. I wonder if the staff thinks he can play SG like Phil did.
I was at the game & Andrew looked real impressive
Straight beasted against Nene. 
Hope he keeps it up for the rest of the season.  He is definitely easily capable(as always, just gotta stay healthy).  Good win to finish off the New Year & for Bynum's return.
C'mon NT Lakers fam...

We've seen this before with Bynum the past 3 years and we know what type of stats he's capable of putting up on a consistent level.

The key as always with him has been just staying healthy for a full season.

Seriously it's not laughable to say that Bynum has better footwork and a better post game than D12. I don't care what anyone says but... D12 even though he's worked with Dream during the past couple of summers still looks like a robot down low on the block offensively.

Defensively though it's no comparison between Bynum & D12. Bynum has his moments where he shines while protecting the paint and getting a few blocks. But c'mon now D12 is a game changer on D and can dominate on D for a full 48 minutes on the floor while not getting into foul trouble and that's another problem with Drew is that he often time picks up dumb fouls and gets into foul trouble early in games which hurts his offensive rhythm and the Lakers team defense.

That's the reason why come around March 15th the trade deadline is near and the Magic are desperate to get something for D12 the Lakers still have to pull the trigger and get D12.

Here are the complete Bynum highlights from today's game:
CP- I think the thing with Barnes is a combination of a ton of things.

First off, word on the street was that Barnes had a minor injury (hip or back or something in the mid torso area). I didn't buy that at first, but hell, maybe.

Second, this compacted season. I think he really wants to make sure to keep everyone on the roster fresh, and you're not going to do that by constantly starting the same 5, and only having like 2-3 main bench players. Come February, those 8 to 9 guys will be wore the %$%@ out. I really think he really plans on really using the entire roster… really.
I think at different times throughout the season, we will find ourselves asking "Why has _______'s minutes been down the past few games?" about everyone except Kobe, Fish, Bynum, Gasol, and Dwight (
). Ebanks, Murphy, Barnes, Caracter, Artest, Kapono, McRoberts… there will be times throughout the entire season where we wonder why their minutes are down; apparently it was Barnes' turn right from the jump.

Third, I think he's one of these rare breed of old school coaches who doles out minutes according to practice. If that's the case, maybe Ebanks and McNob just started off the season outworking Barnes in practice.
No matter how good Bynum will be even if he puts up 25 & 13 all year.. We have to trade him...

The injury risk is just too much... And D12 could come to LA & get injured every year, but I like his chances with no injury history than Tin Man Bynum no matter how good he plays.. He could put up Wilt numbers and we would still have to trade him
All of that. Well, except for the Wilt part; if he puts up Wilt numbers, I'll finally agree with all of you who say we should keep him.
Otherwise, I agree with all of that.
Great game today. Bynum looked strong out there, hopefully he keeps this up. Turnovers still remains to be the issue with this team. Kobe still taking crazy shots
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by knightngale

smh @ fisher getting praised for his only good play in 5 games
I know he is slow and old but he was also playing rookie defense biting on every little move by Lawson
Lawson had 9 points...Calm down...

Also Fisher +10. Blake -7.. Lawson -13..

We are appreciating Fish's hustle and his basketball IQ.. That's all... No one says and no one needs him to be DRose out there.

And the fact of the matter is even though we were bailed out by terrible play by the Nuggets in the last few minutes.. Had Fisher not hustled to save the ball from going out of bounds put up a desperation three to beat the shot clock, then ran across court to get the ball, Lawson had a free lane to take the ball on a fast break and put the Nuggets up 4 with about 2:20 left, and with the way things were going we would have lost.

This is not about how much Lawson scored. It is about him getting to any spot on the floor any time he wanted. He was breaking down fisher too easily.
Wow. Cant believe some of you guys STILL want to trade Pau and Bynum for Howard. That's idiotic right there.
Originally Posted by ORSRT8

Wow. Cant believe some of you guys STILL want to trade Pau and Bynum for Howard. That's idiotic right there.

No one is saying both..  At least not just for Howard..

But the consensus is Bynum has to be traded... Not because he's not good enough... But because we need to get the INJURY POSSIBILITY off our minds...

Every year since 09 has been Bynum is a stud player, he is the second best center in the league, can do it on offense and defense, he gives the Lakers great height, and makes them a difficult team to defeat... If he can stay healthy...

And it's never if he gets injured... It is when... If Bynum can go for the next 74 days play great and doesn't get injured and we can get rid of Bynum and Barnes + Trade Exception & Pick for D12 & Hedo I'd do it before Otis can finish the name of the Second Player we'd be getting..

Bynum is 24 and has worse knees than Kobe... And not to mention he is a big man who are even more susceptible for knee problems.. D12 is 2 years older, a far better player.. And has no injury history.. Since 04 he's only missed 7 games...

No one is downgrading Bynum's skills at all.. We all think he is a great player... And if he only had 1 year of injury problems as opposed to missing large portions of the season for the last 4 years none of us would want to trade Bynum...

As for Pau I'd trade him for Scola & Lowry if the trade was there... I'd take a decrease in scoring from the 4 (Notice Scola is just as good on the boards and defensively as Pau, much more aggressive and tougher as well).. For an increase in Scoring, Defense & Passing Ability from the 1.

Not idiotic to decrease your talent at 1 position to vastly improve your talent in 2 other positions..
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by ORSRT8

Wow. Cant believe some of you guys STILL want to trade Pau and Bynum for Howard. That's idiotic right there.

No one is saying both..  At least not just for Howard..

But the consensus is Bynum has to be traded... Not because he's not good enough... But because we need to get the INJURY POSSIBILITY off our minds...

Every year since 09 has been Bynum is a stud player, he is the second best center in the league, can do it on offense and defense, he gives the Lakers great height, and makes them a difficult team to defeat... If he can stay healthy...

And it's never if he gets injured... It is when... If Bynum can go for the next 74 days play great and doesn't get injured and we can get rid of Bynum and Barnes + Trade Exception & Pick for D12 & Hedo I'd do it before Otis can finish the name of the Second Player we'd be getting..

Bynum is 24 and has worse knees than Kobe... And not to mention he is a big man who are even more susceptible for knee problems.. D12 is 2 years older, a far better player.. And has no injury history.. Since 04 he's only missed 7 games...

No one is downgrading Bynum's skills at all.. We all think he is a great player... And if he only had 1 year of injury problems as opposed to missing large portions of the season for the last 4 years none of us would want to trade Bynum...

As for Pau I'd trade him for Scola & Lowry if the trade was there... I'd take a decrease in scoring from the 4 (Notice Scola is just as good on the boards and defensively as Pau, much more aggressive and tougher as well).. For an increase in Scoring, Defense & Passing Ability from the 1.

Not idiotic to decrease your talent at 1 position to vastly improve your talent in 2 other positions..
I am so paranoid that I rarely enjoy Bynum's games that much because I get worried about his knees.
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