*'11-'12 LAKERS Thread; 41-25* 1st Rd: DEN (go to 1st Rd. Thread)

^ Yeah, but an 0-9 second half or 0-16 or whatever it was?

Like, no buckets? Not a layup? Little uncontested floater after a blowby? Wiggle to the FT line and bust one real quick? Nothing? The whole half?

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Ska is defending these obvious trolls so hard you would think they are his cousins
if it's so obvious to 99% of us what they are trying to do in this thread I don't see how it can't be noticed.
It's obvious to you 99% because 99% of you 99% deify Kobe, so if someone speaks neutral or negative about him, you lose your !+%%%$@ minds. The ONLY thing that you guys want to see from people is "OMG, Kobe is the greaterest of all time!" Anything less than that is trolling or hating.

"Ska, he's being a meanie face. He said my best friend has pooh-pooh breath. "

I have nO problem with peoPle who don't like us coming in and discussing the games or the team
"… but say something against Kobe? Shouldn't be allowed."


Why did you say 'you guys'?
Where did I defend Kobe in that post? Where did i talk about any of the Kobe hate at all? It has nothing to do with me talking about two specific people who are well known around NT for stirring things up. Cole world specifically is known around the music forum for entering threads and continuously hating on peoples favorite artists just for the hell of it, I dont have the time to go through those threads and find all the backlash he's gotten for his obvious attempts of annoyance.

But back to the point...I don't know if its a short memory span or that you just didnt see my posts, but a couple pages ago did i not agree with you on most of your views on Kobe?

Did i not tell you i agree about most things you said about Kobe; his selfishness, his arrogance, his shoot-first mentality through a majority of his career? Did I not tell you very clearly that I did not like Kobe Bryant the person.

I have had no problems acknowledging that there have been times when he's been a complete douche-bag to his wife (obviously), to his teamates, to Shaq specifically (snitching), to his coaches (Phil's book after he retired), to the refs (i've always disliked his cry-baby attitude about every call made), and so on...

He has been my favorite player for some time now, but I in no way bow down to Kobe and think he is some angel sent from heaven to the hardwood NBA courts. 

I don't want to sound all sensitive and everything, because in a way that helps your argument about people taking comments about kobe too serious...but this is more about being disappointed to be categorized in that category of fans who see no negative in Kobe the person or Kobe the basketball player.

I told you a couple pages ago, there are times when Kobe is not given enough credit (like for example when you mention how the Lakers would of won the same 5 championships if AI was on the squad instead of him...which is your opinion and fine, but i dont agree with)...

and there are times when he is given too much credit (like games when he has had a horrible shooting night and we have still pulled the W out). 

There are SOOOOO many games where ive thrown my television controller because he single handedly cost us the game with his stupid shot selections...there are soooo many times when ive expressed that frustration on NT... 

so yeah, I don't think hes the perfect basketball player nor do I think he has ever been... but he has been my favorite player, on my favorite team, and I have stuck it out with him and the team through the bad and the good years... 

one thing i dont do is over-react or panic, i know he'll have bad games and i know he'll do good... i dont give him free passes nor do I blame him for every single loss, I just thought after these years and these posts you would notice that. (boy does that sound sensitive...
)...oh well.

By the way...what the hell @ the 'ska is a meanie' comment? 
 what am i a kid? I have never considered you 'mean' lol... like i said a couple of pages ago, i very often enjoy reading your posts. I lurk a lot more than most laker fans, so i dont always reply or quote...but i read everything, and I've never been annoyed by your comments. I just questioned why you so strongly believed what a couple of those dudes were saying was not trolling... never thought you were being a hard-$+# 

anyways, ill end my essay there and wait for a response before i continue on.
Originally Posted by mogzz04

CP1708, excellent post on Phil & Kobe/Ray comparisons. 
Yeah, I'm kind of awesome. 


Laker fans that are up on Twitter, my dude Chester finally got on there, so make sure you look him up and yell at him when we lose tomorrow night. 

CP1708 wrote:
Laker fans that are up on Twitter, my dude Chester finally got on there, so make sure you look him up and yell at him when we lose tomorrow night. 

Yeah, chalk up another L. We've only won once in the last couple years up there. 
L2B- you don't want to be lumped in with 'those guys'; well neither do I.

Sure, the group of 'those guys' is different for both of us, but the fact remains that we don't want to be lumped in with 'them'.

Your group of 'those guys' and 'them' is 'blind Kobe fans who hold Kobe in such high regard that anything neutral or negative said about him %%+%! their whole world up'.

My group of 'those guys' and 'them' is 'blind Kobe haters who hold Kobe in such low reguard that anything neutral or positive said about him %%+%! their whole world up'.

Telling me I'm defending them groups me with them, and I hate that. But do I hate it enough to make sure I only say positive things about Kobe and make sure I ban anyone who says anything negative or neutral about Kobe? ++*% no.
But I know that's what every one of 'those guys' you want no part of are hoping for.
Fair enough, i understand that you felt the way i just felt based off of my comments...and i apologize for that. I see now that it came off the wrong way, kind of grouped you the way i felt grouped...which I didn't mean to do.

glad were on the same page now. 

Like I've always said since even before Kobe was in the league and when he was a high school phenom.

Michael Jordan fans who IMHO are worse blinded worshipers of him are also the BIGGEST Kobe haters not only on here on NT.

But in real life, message boards, bar talk, barber shop talk, girlfriends, moms, dads, grandmas, grandfathers, sisters, brothers, cousins, uncles, aunties...etc.

You get the point.

Seriously if you aren't at least 30 years old and didn't see both Michael Jordan & Kobe Bryant both in the prime of their careers you honestly have no business debating who's better.

Unless your like the usual NT TROLLS like HANNSUM, or this new kid Cole World.
Like Kobe said himself in a couple interviews he can't compare with Michael Jordan because dude is like a URBAN LEGEND.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

^ Yeah, but an 0-9 second half or 0-16 or whatever it was?

Like, no buckets? Not a layup? Little uncontested floater after a blowby? Wiggle to the FT line and bust one real quick? Nothing? The whole half?

He had a 5-27 game against the Bucks in the previous round.

He missed his first seven. He had another stretch where he missed 9 in a row. And another stretch towards the end where he missed his last 3.

He was being guarded by Ray Allen. Who was hardly a great defender in Milwaukee.
Originally Posted by ill steelo

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

^ Yeah, but an 0-9 second half or 0-16 or whatever it was?

Like, no buckets? Not a layup? Little uncontested floater after a blowby? Wiggle to the FT line and bust one real quick? Nothing? The whole half?

He had a 5-27 game against the Bucks in the previous round.

He missed his first seven. He had another stretch where he missed 9 in a row. And another stretch towards the end where he missed his last 3.

He was being guarded by Ray Allen. Who was hardly a great defender in Milwaukee.

Well ain't that something?
We better have Drew gaurding LaMarcus tomorrow night or else we're going to get eaten up in the paint. Pau wont be able to do anything defensively against LA. Drew needs to be physical because LA has the quickness to get around him if he has too much space.
Originally Posted by MR J 858

 Michael Jordan fans who IMHO are worse blinded worshipers of him are also the BIGGEST Kobe haters not only on here on NT.
This. It's just like that guy Bruceblitz on YouTube. We know MJ is light years ahead of Kobe. But he is the closest one. Not Bron, not Wade, not Durant, not Rose. What I mean by that is, Kobe is strictly the poor man's Mike. He follows his game from the fadeaways, dunks, all the way to his tongue lashing poses. Kobe will be ridiculed with MJ's name no matter on what he does. He wins championships, MJ is still greater. He loses and he's no MJ. That's why it's easy to compare the two but at the same time there is no comparison. 
Anyways, can we get back to talking Laker basketball again!!!!
Originally Posted by LiCeNseD To BaLL

We better have Drew gaurding LaMarcus tomorrow night or else we're going to get eaten up in the paint. Pau wont be able to do anything defensively against LA. Drew needs to be physical because LA has the quickness to get around him if he has too much space.

Actually the way I'd approach this is let Sheed 2.0 minus the weird hair deform, minus the weed, head band, and technical fouls

Is let Aldridge get his points & boards and other stats. But make sure that 2 or 3 other Blazers don't get hot and have career games against us like what Steve Blake did to us during his Blazers day.

You have Drew guard him and he's going to get into foul trouble with dumb fouls which will take him out of the game and mess him up from dominating down low on the block.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I liked it a lot better when it was just "both teams played hard."
You and me both, brother.

 I feel responsible for the back and forth essays. I'm not even gonna trip anymore, got carried away. Do you Ska, Do you. 
Quick question?

Has Lamar always been so damn 3 point happy? Dude chucks up like 4 a game like hes prime Larry Bird.
Originally Posted by MR J 858

Like I've always said since even before Kobe was in the league and when he was a high school phenom.

Michael Jordan fans who IMHO are worse blinded worshipers of him are also the BIGGEST Kobe haters not only on here on NT.

But in real life, message boards, bar talk, barber shop talk, girlfriends, moms, dads, grandmas, grandfathers, sisters, brothers, cousins, uncles, aunties...etc.

You get the point.

Seriously if you aren't at least 30 years old and didn't see both Michael Jordan & Kobe Bryant both in the prime of their careers you honestly have no business debating who's better.

Unless your like the usual NT TROLLS like HANNSUM, or this new kid Cole World.
Like Kobe said himself in a couple interviews he can't compare with Michael Jordan because dude is like a URBAN LEGEND.
bold for emphasis.

MJ fans are some of the worst fans. Brain washed by media. MJ get a pass for everything despite being a complete douche on and off the court

Quick question?

Has Lamar always been so damn 3 point happy? Dude chucks up like 4 a game like hes prime Larry Bird.
I've been noticing that, and I can't help but think that's what Carlisle wants him to do. Because to answer your question, no. I mean, yeah, of course, every now and then. But you're right: he's launching 'em for you guys.
Originally Posted by SneakerPro

Quick question?

Has Lamar always been so damn 3 point happy? Dude chucks up like 4 a game like hes prime Larry Bird.
Not to my knowledge. He was so unselfish and got everyone involved first. He knows not to do that because he'd be in Phil's doghouse. 
MJ fans are some of the worst fans. Brain washed by media. MJ get a pass for everything despite being a complete douche on and off the court

Agreed. But check this out:

*grabs toolbox*

*takes out screwdriver*

Alright, let's change this a little bit here, make an adjustment over there… aaaand…

"MJ Kobe fans are some of the worst fans. Brain washed by media. MJ Kobe get a pass for everything despite being a complete douche on and off the court


Now, obviously, I'm sure you didn't mean all MJ fans, and I don't mean all Kobe fans, but you get the point; blind, diehard Kobe fans hate blind, diehard MJ fans without realizing how similar they are.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Quick question?

Has Lamar always been so damn 3 point happy? Dude chucks up like 4 a game like hes prime Larry Bird.
I've been noticing that, and I can't help but think that's what Carlisle wants him to do. Because to answer your question, no. I mean, yeah, of course, every now and then. But you're right: he's launching 'em for you guys.

If he's on the perimeter and his defender gives him any airspace he lets it fly. Like they aren't good shots for the best three point shooters in the league.
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