*'11-'12 LAKERS Thread; 41-25* 1st Rd: DEN (go to 1st Rd. Thread)

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

There has to be a deal for Howard that's done. Mitch is too smart to give up that much length for a 6'2 guard. 

Let's hope so. Inside points will be hard to come by if not.
Originally Posted by GuttaGetsBusy

Not sure how I feel about this 

Me neither....i want to like it cause it brings us a top 3 PG, but all the size/versatility we had is now gone :/ ............so long pau and Lamar
Feels good to be a Lakers fan right now
excited for this season. Hopefully my sixers can get in on this action soon
Originally Posted by thaSOLEful1

if we dont get Dwight Howard this might be fail cuz we have no one to rebound

This trade without bringing in D12 is not that great.  You give up 2 big guys, one an all star for CP3, I am not buying into that being a good deal.  If they bring in D12 it turns out great but without and only Kobe and Bynum I just don't see that as a core that is going to do big things.
Actually, this is me, not making a comment, until it's officially official. I want to see some jerseys held up or some words from players involved before I thank the based god.
Hey, guys.
I'm also not sure how I feel about this. CP3 is an eliet PG, and I'm sure Kobe has at least 3 good years left in him....But we just got rid of all our size. I would of preferred to dump Bynum first before Pau or just get Dwight and nobody else.

I guess Lamar ODUMB coming out every single year in the playoffs and Pau losing his man hood made it that easy for the Lakers to trade them.
Well David West is still out there....

We will be getting Howard in the offseason if there is no trade...

Bynum + Metta + Blake + '12 First Rounder & '13 First Rounder... For D12, Hedo, $4mil trade exemption of Gortat..

Orlando would basically be scrapping this year.. But would have a !%!* load of money coming off the books in the next 2-3 years to start from the ground up AGAIN.. Terrible trade for the Magic.. But it helps them with the fact that D12 will not be a Magic in 8 months anyway.
Pretty hyped to land CP3, dudes been my fav player for the last few seasons. Lakers are really hoping to land D12 and Hedo cause we have no one at the 4 now.

For as much criticism as these two got, I'll miss them.

Welcome to LA Chris.
I don't think they would make this trade if we weren't sure about getting Howard. We get Howard 2012 is for real.
Originally Posted by laker4lifeman

I don't think they would make this trade if we weren't sure about getting Howard. We get Howard 2012 is for real.

All of a sudden a lot of you aren't happy... jesus %@+$#!! christ.
When the rumors started swirling, and the reports said we might get CP3 and Dwight...you guys all threw parties and celebrated like no other. 

What the hell did you expect us to give up for a top 3 PG? Ron Artest and Matt Barnes? I mean damn.

I know were giving up our size here...but Im happy as hell Fishers gonna be on the bench where he belongs, and we have one of the best PGs in the league that can make many players better around him.

Mitch Cupcake aint even done yet...We don't know what else is in store.

I cant believe all the criticism i'm reading sheesh, just a few days ago the rumors had you guys fappin...everyone hated Lamar all season long, most of you calling him a Bum...

'Do it Mitch...do it mitch' you chanted all year long, praying he'd be traded...

everyone hated Pau in the playoffs...everyone was calling for his head, no one wanted him anymore.

oh but now you miss them both...NOW their size is valuable to our team, now they meant a lot.

man... welcome back NBA season i guess 

here we go again...

lamar and pau for a PG

#+++ YOU LAKERS ! i haven't been this disgusted since the day they let rodman go

#+++ YOU Mitch !
Are some of ya'll disappointed with this trade?

Really? You just acquired someone...that might arguably be the best player on your team. I don't get it.
Word, bunch of fickle fans. Gasoft and ODUMB were rampant not even 7 months ago. Mitch can't be done wheeling and dealing.
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