*'11-'12 LAKERS Thread; 41-25* 1st Rd: DEN (go to 1st Rd. Thread)

I swear, where were these owners when the NBA took over N.O.??? They act like they had a chance at winning. I wouldn't be surprised if the Heat organization had a big mouth in this gettin the shaft
If he's worried about the luxury tax.. Lakers should say ok... We'll pay the $21 million anyway... Now what...

Dan Gilbert and his salty *%!!@ made +%% writing a letter to Stern. 
smh....DAN GILBERT OPEN LETTER TO DAVID STERN Which lead to vetoed trade......   

Yahoo! Sports recently released a letter that was apparently written by Cleveland Cavaliers owner Dan Gilbert and directed at David Stern urging the commissioner to block the trade that would send Chris Paul to the Lakers.

Here is the complete letter:


It would be a travesty to allow the Lakers to acquire Chris Paul in the apparent trade being discussed.

This trade should go to a vote of the 29 owners of the Hornets.

Over the next three seasons this deal would save the Lakers approximately $20 million in salaries and approximately $21 million in luxury taxes. That $21 million goes to non-taxpaying teams and to fund revenue sharing.

I cannot remember ever seeing a trade where a team got by far the best player in the trade and saved over $40 million in the process. And it doesn’t appear that they would give up any draft picks, which might allow to later make a trade for Dwight Howard. (They would also get a large trade exception that would help them improve their team and/or eventually trade for Howard.) When the Lakers got Pau Gasol (at the time considered an extremely lopsided trade) they took on tens of millions in additional salary and luxury tax and they gave up a number of prospects (one in Marc Gasol who may become a max-salary player).

I just don’t see how we can allow this trade to happen.

I know the vast majority of owners feel the same way that I do.

When will we just change the name of 25 of the 30 teams to the Washington Generals?

Please advise….

Dan G.

dan gilbert is a salty selfish bratty turd who needs to be executed.

i never cared too much for lebron and im no fan of him at all but how gilbert handled lebron leaving and played a role instigating in making him public enemy number 1 in cleveland to the extent that his personal safety was at risk. (yeah cavs fans would be pissed regardless but gilberts letter made things way worse) to now throwing a tantrum over this.

he reminds me of a typical spoiled baby who cries like a girl and causes problems when he doesn't get his way.
Dan Gilbert is a HATER!!! Dude will always be a LOSER, forever and ALWAYS. It'll be 100 years before the Cavs win ANYTHING. You know why Bron left? BECAUSE HE DOESN'T LIKE DAN GILBERT, IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF THAT DUDE. NOBODY WANTS TO PLAY FOR HIM, NOBODY!!!

If I were an NBA Star like Bron and I had a choice between playing for DAN GILBERT or Micky Arison....hmm tough choice, I think I'd go Arison EVERYTIME.

Newsflash, Bron didn't leave Cleveland he left Dan Gilbert. Who does he think he is to have an opinion on the LAKERS organization? Until he has the minutest semblance to anything resembling competence then MAYBE, MAYBE he can have an opinion on Jerry Bus's organization. Until then he should worry about himself. What a loser.
I don't blame Bron one bit. Good for you Bron, don't blame you one bit. Not one bit. The more time that passes the more I understand why you did what you did exactly how you did it.
Chris_Broussard Chris Broussard

Nets have emerged as No. 1 choice for Dwight Howard, multiple sources say. D12 is expected to ask Magic to trade him to NJ.

From bad...to worse.
The only solution here is for the lakers front office to man up and get a deal done for Dwight in the next 24 hours. Anything less is a failure IMO.

The team is now broken and pieces have to be moved.
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Dan Gilbert is a HATER!!! Dude will always be a LOSER, forever and ALWAYS. It'll be 100 years before the Cavs win ANYTHING. You know why Bron left? BECAUSE HE DOESN'T LIKE DAN GILBERT, IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF THAT DUDE. NOBODY WANTS TO PLAY FOR HIM, NOBODY!!!

If I were an NBA Star like Bron and I had a choice between playing for DAN GILBERT or Micky Arison....hmm tough choice, I think I'd go Arison EVERYTIME.

Newsflash, Bron didn't leave Cleveland he left Dan Gilbert. Who does he think he is to have an opinion on the LAKERS organization? Until he has the minutest semblance to anything resembling competence then MAYBE, MAYBE he can have an opinion on Jerry Bus's organization. Until then he should worry about himself. What a loser.
exactly, if it was a competent professional owner in charge of things lebron would've most likely stayed and even if he didn't a owner that has integrity and a sense of professionalism would've thanked lebron for giving that team and city 7 seasons and for taking them places they never went before and most likely will never go to again.   look at how the cardinals handled the face of their franchise leaving. they acted like adults and professionals and because of that players will still want to play in st louis.  who would want to play for an owner like dan gilbert?
Great now on Sportscenter they are reporting Dwight Howard has told the Magic he wants to be traded to the Nets not the Lakers.
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

The only solution here is for the lakers front office to man up and get a deal done for Dwight in the next 24 hours. Anything less is a failure IMO.

The team is now broken and pieces have to be moved.

This...sell the farm. Gasol, Odom and Bynum....**%@ it...Destroy and rebuild. Would not mind Jameer Nelson one bit. 
Gasol, Odom and Bynum for Dwight, Nelson, Brandon Bass and another guy to make it work cap-wise. Get it done and be done with it. If this happens we'll probably see the most determined and venomous Kobe we've ever seen. He's probably LIVID right now. 

I wish Phil was still coach, if anything he could probably channel Kobe's anger. Mike Brown lets his players run his teams, yeah I said it. Why did we hire that puppet. 
Originally Posted by MR J 858

Great now on Sportscenter they are reporting Dwight Howard has told the Magic he wants to be traded to the Nets not the Lakers.

Great. We're done. 
Kobe might as well retire right now. @!#! it. 

The NBA is a complete joke now. Ran by clowns. 
Their weak mentality was why Gasol and Lamar were gonna be traded in the first place. Both dudes disappear when their mind is not into the game.

Now dudes will sulk the rest of their remaining years with the lakers.

I wasnt even that excited about this trade but I am furious that stern pulled that move. That should not happen.

I expect the Heat to be handed 5 rings in a row now.
If Dwight really wants to go to the Nets now because CP ain't going to L.A., then dude is a buster. So much for wanting to play in L.A., wanting to play with Kobe, wanting to win a ring. His twitter even says 'After the ring!" Yeah, good luck vs the Bulls, Heat, Knicks.

He must be blowing smoke after what happened today. He put the word out too early he was going to L.A.
Mitch obviously told Dwight to say whatever he has to say so that the owners think he's not trying to go to the Lakers so that the CP3 trade gets approved. once it does, D12 forces the trade quietly to us

I hope lol.
Originally Posted by Just bLAzed

Mitch obviously told Dwight to say whatever he has to say so that the owners think he's not trying to go to the Lakers so that the CP3 trade gets approved. once it does, D12 forces the trade quietly to us

I hope lol.

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