*'11-'12 LAKERS Thread; 41-25* 1st Rd: DEN (go to 1st Rd. Thread)

Originally Posted by morningstar7777

Finally, someone with some sense (Stephen A. Smith)

"Oh and by the way, Chris Paul only wanted to go to the Lakers because Dwight Howard was going with him.
I have that, based on my sources I am telling you that they believed, the Lakers, that Dwight Howard AND Chris Paul were coming. And that Dwight Howard changed his mind and is completely disgusted and frustrated because of the decision that was made by Commisioner David Stern and THAT’s why he wants to end up in Brooklyn now because he knows after all of this he can’t go back to Orlando."

Whole thing makes total sense now, Stern blocked the trade originally because he knew Dwight to Lakers next was a possibility, so now he's suggesting that the Hornets "go younger", which would mean trading away Bynum, which would make the Dwight trade to LA impossible.

Evil man.

Can we get a link to this quote?
All hinges on the CP3 trade, which will trigger the D12 trade within a day or 2 after a CP3 trade to LA...  That is if it happens this weekend

Can't WAIT! 

It's going to be a crazy season, especially knowing how soft Lamar and Pau are smh. If we end up keeping our same team dudes are gonna take awhile to adjust smh.

Pau always with his usual BS all calm and never worried. Dude has no heart at all except when he plays against easier competition over seas smh.
Lakers- CP3, Emeka Okafor
Hornets- LO, Dragic, Scola, Martin 1st & 2nd Round from Lakers, 1st & 2nd Round from Rockets
Rockets- Pau, Pondexter, P. Ewing Jr.

Hornets incoming $31.1M
Hornets out going: 16.4 + 12.6 + 1.2 + .884 = 31.084

Lakers incoming: $29M
Lakers outgoing: $26.6M

Rockets incoming: $20.8M
Rockets outgoing: $22.2M

Then Lakers turn around:
Magic - Bynum, Emeka,  1st & 2nd Rounder + Future 1st Rounder
Lakers- D12 & Hedo

Lakers: $29.1M incoming, $27.5M outgoing

"You have no choice. You got to do your job," Bryant said before adding a subtle jab at the owners who demanded player salaries be reduced during the lockout negotiations. "This is what we do and we're overpaid to do it. ... well, some of us. ... That's a whole other topic."

Always keeping it real
It's going down this weekend because Stern wants no parts of the union filing a lawsuit.. Would be a cluster +!$% of epic porportion..

By the way Stevie Ray
Originally Posted by Essential1

Lakers- CP3, Emeka Okafor
Hornets- LO, Dragic, Scola, Martin 1st & 2nd Round from Lakers, 1st & 2nd Round from Rockets
Rockets- Pau, Pondexter, P. Ewing Jr.

Hornets incoming $31.1M
Hornets out going: 16.4 + 12.6 + 1.2 + .884 = 31.084

Lakers incoming: $29M
Lakers outgoing: $26.6M

Rockets incoming: $20.8M
Rockets outgoing: $22.2M

Then Lakers turn around:
Magic - Bynum, Emeka,  1st & 2nd Rounder + Future 1st Rounder
Lakers- D12 & Hedo

Lakers: $29.1M incoming, $27.5M outgoing

looking at that trade how does the hornets NOT get a good deal? 2 first rounders and 2 second rounders, kevin martin, scola, and dragic? odom is not garbage. hes is a guaranteed atleast a 10 rebound 10 points guy a night with proper playing time. you get 4 players for now and 4 draft picks. not to mention those 4 players are 4 starters on alot of teams
If the team stays pat (which I know is 98% unlikely) I think we actually have a decent shot this year.
Did anybody watch the video's from practice? Man Bynum looks good! I actually like how mike brown sounded and Kobe...

No mater what happens...I can't wait for the season to start!!

Let's Go LAKERS!!!
ESPNSteinLine Marc Stein 

Specific changes to deal not immediately known but teams working through night to infuse CP3 deal w/enough youth and/or picks to satisfy NBA

3 minutes ago

http://a2.twimg.com/a/132...x/img/tweet-dogear.png); background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-color: initial; position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 24px; height: 25px; background-position: 24px 25px; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat; ">


ESPNSteinLine Marc Stein 

ESPN sources: Hornets/Lakers/Rockets cautiously optimistic they'll have reworked CP3 trade to present to NBA perhaps as soon as Saturday

5 minutes ago
[h2]Report: Dwight Howard Given Permission to Talk… with Lakers?[/h2]

In a day already crammed with NBA news, free agent signing and the media backlash of David Stern’s decision to veto the Chris Paul trade, Mr.  NBA news himself (Adrian Wojnarowski) has reported via Twitter:
(1/2) The agent for Dwight Howard, Dan Fegan, tells Y! Sports that Orlando has given Howard permission to talk to three teams. (2/2) The Nets are one of three teams that Howard has permission to speak, but Fegan says Howard did not attend a meeting with Nets officials.

According to ESPN’s Ric Bucher, the Lakers (along with either the Clippers or Mavericks) are most likely one of those three teams Howard has been given permission to speak with.

While any suggestion that Howard is headed to Hollywood would be premature and pure speculation, it appears that Dwight Howard won’t be in Orlando much longer.

We will continue to keep you posted on this story as updates are made available.

Can someone explain to me what would Howard discuss with these teams 3?
If we were able to land Chris Paul, Emeka... And giving up Odom, Gasol & and adding a couple draft picks..

And turns out we can't get Howard

I'd be 85% happy

PG- Paul
SG- Kobe
SF - World Peace
PF - Emeka
C - Bynum

is a pretty good damn starting lineup when healthy..
Is it me....or does it seem like the stars are lining up again...

Yesterday I felt it was all over...

With the nets drama, the cp3 deal pretty much back on....I almost feel as if we still might get both....

next 48 hours will be very interesting. I must say this has been the MOST interesting period for the NBA in a while.
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