*'11-'12 LAKERS Thread; 41-25* 1st Rd: DEN (go to 1st Rd. Thread)

Originally Posted by Just bLAzed

can they send us Congo Cash back? or is he a free agent now? if he is, we should sign him again

I totally agree with this. Then we should all say Tacos(Dacos). Lol
I'd love Mbenga (FA now.. Who adds nothing but Chemistry in the Locker Room.. Somehow) & Turiaf (who is a free agent next year, and Kobe's close friend)
Originally Posted by tupac003

Is it me....or does it seem like the stars are lining up again...

Yesterday I felt it was all over...

With the nets drama, the cp3 deal pretty much back on....I almost feel as if we still might get both....

next 48 hours will be very interesting. I must say this has been the MOST interesting period for the NBA in a while.
This whole thing has been crazy since the strike ended. So many Rumors now Twitter doesn't help
I don't want to get involved in all the drama/politics.... With how much I can't stand Pau, I really think with what we have now we can do some serious damage after the embarrassment last season. I'd love cp3, but to get rid of Pau AND Lamar isn't a smart move unless we get D12 or at least a decent big. If we get D12 and CP3... Looks like we'll have a parade in LA come June. We'd have our own "big 3", but our "big 3" will actually have the heart to take it to the end and take it all.

Really sad to see LO go, but after this I just don't see him with the heart to play with a team that betrayed him (even though it's a business) so he needs to go.

crossing my fingers to read some good news in the morning, crossing my toes for the news to stick long enough for it to be inked.
Okay i never been on the computer like i have in the last 48 hours, i got a *$$+$+ migraine
I am pretty confident we going to land both CP3 and D12.

My reasons:
The trade for CP3 will happen. I think Stern realized he can't get away with his stunt he pulled last night. After seeing how the media, fans and players went after him he came to realize
its in best interest to let this deal happen.

D12 now got permission to talk to the Nets, Lakers and Mavs.
Magic are not interested in Lopez.
Mavs have no one the Magic want, no way in hell they trade Dirk.
Once CP3 trade is finalized, D12 will push to get traded to the Lakers.
In other words he's pimping the Nets and Mavs.

^ Dont you do it... Dont you put a damper on my parade which I'm sure Stern will block it once the strippers and streamers come out
I'd welcome Okafor in the trade if that's what it takes he's a damn good defensive big man and more importantly could be that missing piece that lands us Dwight Howard as well. CP3 is going to be a Laker before the weekend is out...at least I hope.

CP3, Kobe, Hedo (assuming we have to get rid of the artist formerly known as Ron Artest), PF, D12 = DYNASTY
Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

I'd welcome Okafor in the trade if that's what it takes he's a damn good defensive big man and more importantly could be that missing piece that lands us Dwight Howard as well. CP3 is going to be a Laker before the weekend is out...at least I hope.

CP3, Kobe, Hedo (assuming we have to get rid of the artist formerly known as Ron Artest), PF, D12 = DYNASTY
Artest would be staying.. No one really wants him.. So he'd be our 6th man...  Or we move Hedo to the #4, and Artest plays #3.

Barnes plays backup at the 3... Caracter backup at the 4... As for Howard's backup we'd probably sign a Kurt Thomas to play 8-15 minutes per game.
Why do you guys do this to yourselves?

Remember how much warning we had about the Kwane/Pau trade?

Or as an Angels fan, you know how much talk there was about Pujols coming to the Angels before it happened?

None. And… none.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Why do you guys do this to yourselves?

Remember how much warning we had about the Kwane/Pau trade?

Or as an Angels fan, you know how much talk there was about Pujols coming to the Angels before it happened?

None. And… none.

Although I agree with you in that regard, I believe we're living an unprecedented moment in the league... it's a full blown arms race right now where stars call each other to ponder the posibities of playing together... CP3 to the Lakers started as one of those rumors and it finnaly happened if not for the veto... Miami's big 3 certainly changed the land scape... now the Lakers want to capitalize on the possibility to secure their future except, David Stern seems pretty determined not to let that happen
Honestly if it's true that we had another deal set for David West coming in a sign and trade deal after we got CP3 in a trade.

I'd rather have him than Okafor at PF. Okafor is good defensively and is a blue collar hard working rebounding big man. But dude is a serious robot when it comes to his post up game and offense.
Originally Posted by hunter2k4

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Why do you guys do this to yourselves?

Remember how much warning we had about the Kwane/Pau trade?

Or as an Angels fan, you know how much talk there was about Pujols coming to the Angels before it happened?

None. And… none.

Although I agree with you in that regard, I believe we're living an unprecedented moment in the league... it's a full blown arms race right now where stars call each other to ponder the posibities of playing together... CP3 to the Lakers started as one of those rumors and it finnaly happened if not for the veto... Miami's big 3 certainly changed the land scape... now the Lakers want to capitalize on the possibility to secure their future except, David Stern seems pretty determined not to let that happen
Granted, but there's no point in putting the cart before the horse. That's all I'm saying. If it happens, let's all get excited and talk about it, or talk about how it's completely terrible… whatever. But getting all excited about it before there's any real proof that it has happened? I don't get that, I don't get that at all. That's why I said I don't get why you guys do this to yourself.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Originally Posted by hunter2k4

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Why do you guys do this to yourselves?

Remember how much warning we had about the Kwane/Pau trade?

Or as an Angels fan, you know how much talk there was about Pujols coming to the Angels before it happened?

None. And… none.

Although I agree with you in that regard, I believe we're living an unprecedented moment in the league... it's a full blown arms race right now where stars call each other to ponder the posibities of playing together... CP3 to the Lakers started as one of those rumors and it finnaly happened if not for the veto... Miami's big 3 certainly changed the land scape... now the Lakers want to capitalize on the possibility to secure their future except, David Stern seems pretty determined not to let that happen
Granted, but there's no point in putting the cart before the horse. That's all I'm saying. If it happens, let's all get excited and talk about it, or talk about how it's completely terrible… whatever. But getting all excited about it before there's any real proof that it has happened? I don't get that, I don't get that at all. That's why I said I don't get why you guys do this to yourself.
Because it's all about the anticipation. When you're a kid and Christmas is on the horizon, it's all about the time leading up to the day when you open your presents, and trying to guess what they're gonna be and looking around the house to see where your parents hid them
You don't just not think about it at all, and then wait until Christmas morning to get excited/happy about it. 
@ESPNSteinLine Marc Stein
Details of specific changes made to original 3-team framework not immediately known but NBA insisting Hornets get more youth/picks this time
So there are 3 teams Howard is pursuing a trade with...

The Mavericks could have put a deal together revolving around the Trade Exception they got in the Tyson Chandler deal... They are instead looking to ship the Exception to SAC for Dalembert.

The Nets are reported to be giving Nene $17.5 million a year... Meaning Brook Lopez and picks for Howard straight up won't happen because they squandered all cap space on Nene... Also if Mavs want Hedo to be apart of the Deal.. Nets would have to give up Brook, Morrow, Farmar & Deron Williams... Which ain't gonna happen...

So there's 1 team left...

And LAKERS/ROCKETS/HORNETS sent a new trade to NBA involving CP3
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