*'11-'12 LAKERS Thread; 41-25* 1st Rd: DEN (go to 1st Rd. Thread)

Originally Posted by Hanacheezy

i hate the direction the NBA's going right now. theres only 3-5 teams that can realistically win a championship and thats sad. a couple years back it was a 10+ team race now its sad
Show me numerous years where there was significantly more than 5 teams contending.
Well, I heard about Pau's quad strain before the whole trade fiasco. Also he's kept in shape during the off season I believe, but of course he comes into the NBA season with the same nagging injuries smh.
Finally, someone with some sense (Stephen A. Smith)

"Oh and by the way, Chris Paul only wanted to go to the Lakers because Dwight Howard was going with him.
I have that, based on my sources I am telling you that they believed, the Lakers, that Dwight Howard AND Chris Paul were coming. And that Dwight Howard changed his mind and is completely disgusted and frustrated because of the decision that was made by Commisioner David Stern and THAT’s why he wants to end up in Brooklyn now because he knows after all of this he can’t go back to Orlando."

Whole thing makes total sense now, Stern blocked the trade originally because he knew Dwight to Lakers next was a possibility, so now he's suggesting that the Hornets "go younger", which would mean trading away Bynum, which would make the Dwight trade to LA impossible.

Evil man.
At this point this CP3 needs to be a Laker. There's just no other way the NBA/exec's can save a LITTLE face here.

And I actually wouldn't mind if we kept Pau after all of this and sent in Bynum instead. CP3/Kobe/Pau would definitely be effective (albeit thin up front still). Those are 3 highly skilled players, and Pau seems to have his head on straighter than Odom.

My guess, CP3 will be a Laker by next wednesday.

Any other big men out there that the Lakers can go for? (assuming CP3 trade actually happens)

David West? Okafor? What tweaks to the deal would have to happen that would send CP3 along with one of those guys to LA?
Kobe at today's practice...

So the catch of the renegotiation of the trade is same structure.. But Lakers must take more of a hit... So what that means is they have to get more in the deal and offer more..

Meaning they must be receiving another player, and have to trade Draft Picks or a minor contract to the Hornets..

So it sets the path for CP3 & David West (unless he signs with Boston and it would be Okafor instead) to come to the Lakers, Hornets get LO, Dragic, Scola, Martin AND 4 DRAFT PICKS (2 from Houston, 2 from LA), Rockets get Pau..

That makes the deal even better for Lakers & Hornets.. With Rockets kind of pushing even....

And if we get David West (or Okafor) as well.. Look for a David West (or Okafor), Bynum & Blake Trade + Draft Pick(s) to Magic for D12, Hedo & (fill in blank)..

Also in KOBE news: When asked of his health.. Kobe responded "Doesn't matter. All of you guys think I'm over the f_________ hill anyway."
He's beyond focused this year
Originally Posted by Essential1

Also in KOBE news: When asked of his health.. Kobe responded "Doesn't matter. All of you guys think I'm over the f_________ hill anyway."
He's beyond focused this year

yea man  i think kobe is out to kill. something tells me he's going to go off all year. (i aint even a kobe stan) 
How many games before it becomes obvious that kobe and not mike brown is running the show?
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