*'11-'12 LAKERS Thread; 41-25* 1st Rd: DEN (go to 1st Rd. Thread)



Stupid off-season. Got from worse to ugly.
Don't know what other big deals could be brewing, but with all that's happened, I've come to this conclusion. We will contend this year, but without a few breaks (which can be said for any team) we more than likely aren't going to win a championship. The roster as currently constructed is worse than last year. So if that is the case, I would rather us give up Drew and Pau for Howard, play out this year, have a lot of cap room possibly and try to sign a PG (CP3, Deron) next summer and be set for the next 8 seasons.
Originally Posted by Mr Kuter

Im scared were going to sign Kris Humphries.
if he's cheap i'll take him, he has improved in rebounding. its better than the backups we have..if any
Originally Posted by thaSOLEful1

Originally Posted by Mr Kuter

Im scared were going to sign Kris Humphries.
if he's cheap i'll take him, he has improved in rebounding. its better than the backups we have..if any

Well touche' on that. I guess if he was cheap I would, just don't want the drama. Any more whispers on the Millsap deal? Do we honestly have ANY pieces Utah would want?
I'm really not understanding the hate on Mike Brown..I'm really not.

Look I know what Phil Jackson did for us. At the same time I think the Triangle offense was out of date with the style of play in the NBA. Last year they had a better time running pick and rolls then running the triangle. I have watched just about every video from practice and I love the enthusiasm and energy mike has out there and you see it in the players also.

Like I have said, it's way too early to give up hope. I feel most of the teams in the west have taken a step back. I think OKC will be better and the Clips will be better but everybody else I think we can hang with.

Phil wasn't going to stay forever. Mike Brown can bring what this team needed and that was defense.

I just can't wait for the season to start. I'm sick of the rumors.

BTW Kris Humphries wouldn't be bad...good rebounder, pretty good defender and can score if need be.
McRobers can be a really good energy guy off the bench. I just know about his dunking ability though, I don't know if dudes got game or not.
Originally Posted by NobleKane

whats the deal on josh mcroberts? is he any good? does he have a jumper?

6-10, big body, can rebound and play D. Just what we need.

A Blogger from Orlando says he feels D-12 will be a laker. He feels the lakers have the best offer and he knows Orlando DOES NOT want Brook Lopez or thier picks. 

He also says they do want Pau and Bynum but they understand that probably won't happen. I doubt it will happen....but hey we will see.
AB/Pau > Bynum (but I understand the need for the Lakers to find their next franchise/superstar for the post-Kobe era)

I still say this team can compete for a championship if they can find a way to add some quickness on the perimeter and now a serviceable big to fill LO's spot off the bench.
I saw somebody ask what people thought of Rudy Fernandez a couple pages back, but didn't see anybody respond.

So I'll ask this time. With the Mavericks trying to dump Rudy, what do you guys think?
that would be nice but we really need a point guard. i still cant believe derek fisher will be starting...
Rudy Fernandez? Easy pass IMO

He won't be happy here, or anywhere else for that matter, coming off the bench...and he hasn't accepted the fact that he's not a starting caliber guard in the NBA.
I was thinking the same thing. He would be a nice add. He makes 2.3 mil this year...why don't we use the Sasha trade exception on him? Putting rudy next to pau might bring the best out of both of their games....
Originally Posted by NobleKane

that would be nice but we really need a point guard. i still cant believe derek fisher will be starting...

This. I can't stand to see Fisher starting at the 1 spot for another season. 
with all the back to back games there's a good chance Fish will only be starting half of the time if that. I'm telling you guys don't sleep on the rookies this year they have talent and the schedule is in their favor
i think if we do get howard it will be at the trade deadline. Andrew bynum needs to ball his %*! out this year. theres nobody in the west right now who will be an all star center. its his for the taking. pad his resume with an all star appearance and maybe it shows orlando his worth and ability to stay on the court.
Originally Posted by NobleKane

i think if we do get howard it will be at the trade deadline. Andrew bynum needs to ball his %*! out this year. theres nobody in the west right now who will be an all star center. its his for the taking. pad his resume with an all star appearance and maybe it shows orlando his worth and ability to stay on the court.

I'd rather it happen now because let ONE thing happen to bynum....the deal would be off.
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by thaSOLEful1

Lakers sign Gerald Green, Josh McRoberts, and Malcolm Thomas

ummmm gerald green? are you serious? 
More than likely to a vet minimum, perhaps even a non-guaranteed contract...what's the big deal?
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