11/16 *** Dallas Cowboys [5-4] vs. Washington ******** [6-3] *** 8:15et

MarleysProtege wrote:
you missed the point of that huh ...

brandonb ... what type of e-fame am i after? lol ... i love the cowboys tis all ... i just get through the work day with NT

Me too, well NT and a couple of naps!

Buts that's the only thing we have in common...Cowboy liker!
How in the blue and silver hell is a female gonna insult folk by callin them females?! You confused, sweetie?
Originally Posted by potus2028

How in the blue and silver hell is a female gonna insult folk by callin them females?! You confused, sweetie?
Spike: Is Spike mistaken, but aren't you agirl?
Becky O'Shea: Gee, good eye
Spike: Spike don't play with girls!


Me too, well NT and a couple of naps!

Buts that's the only thing we have in common...Cowboy liker!
lol ... straight carried me off some 2nd grade fat kid haha type $@@% ...
MarleysProtege wrote:
potus2028 wrote:
How in the blue and silver hell is a female gonna insult folk by callin them females?! You confused, sweetie?
Spike: Is Spike mistaken, but aren't you a girl?
Becky O'Shea: Gee, good eye
Spike: Spike don't play with girls!


Me too, well NT and a couple of naps!

Buts that's the only thing we have in common...Cowboy liker!
lol ... straight carried me off some 2nd grade fat kid haha type $@@% ...

Its cool its all in fun typical ********/Cowboys rival talk...

But on some real stuff yall are going down Sunday night
Originally Posted by cardizzle45

Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

learn how to take a picture ... you rockin that G8 Sniksder tee hard huh ... .. ...

just as hard as you riding those Cowgirls... keep talking that crap I wonder what excuses ur going to make up after we beat ya'll OVERRATED good for nothing team...

i wish i could say what was on my mind
Originally Posted by potus2028

How in the blue and silver hell is a female gonna insult folk by callin them females?! You confused, sweetie?
I always notice that

I will be there at the game

After what I had to deal with from drunk ******* fans while leaving my first NFL game last year... we are due a good game at FedEx... please.

I wanna leave to the parking lot like this
Why am I even talking to you???? you post count isn't even 100 yet. Take a back seat Junior.

When backed into a corner, attack someone's post count
. I wonder what your excuse would have been if I had 10k posts...

Dallas will win, we'll have the "momentum" and then you 'Skins "fans" can make excuse after excuse about why you lost.
Deuce, you're annoying.

For the sake of the NFC East fans, can you move to the Bay Area? Then you can concentrate on your 49ers more.
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Deuce, you're annoying.

For the sake of the NFC East fans, can you move to the Bay Area? Then you can concentrate on your 49ers more.

or maybe help out on their time management skills..


go ********!
or maybe help out on their time management skills..

No doubt, it could have been alot worse though. It's not like any great coach would ever call 2 timeouts back to back causing his team a penalty and thusa loss. Oops, my bad Skins fans, didn't mean to strike up old wounds
Originally Posted by Deuce King

or maybe help out on their time management skills..

No doubt, it could have been alot worse though. It's not like any great coach would ever call 2 timeouts back to back causing his team a penalty and thus a loss. Oops, my bad Skins fans, didn't mean to strike up old wounds

I just don't understand why you are so fascinated with the NFC East/ ********
You are a 49ers fan I would expect you to be in a NFW west or a team from that division thread.
Either pick a team from the NFC East or focus on the 49ers...
You come in every ******** thread hating throwing salt everywhere...I never seen someone hate as much as you.

But the funny thing is, you like the 49ers but comment on things the ******** do bad and how we cant/wont win.
Every time I watch the 49ers, its straight comedy, and I think to myself...a 49ers fan is trying to bash my team
Yo.. I think my tickets are section 101 lower level

If Romo has acne on his face.. I would prolly see it...that close

Any NT's going to the game... holla at me !!!
Romo is always good for 1 fumble a game but taking into account a cold night game and a bad hand expect Romo to have 2 or 3 fumbles. Hope the fumbles don'tkill us!!!
Originally Posted by dmncn lew

Romo is always good for 1 fumble a game but taking into account a cold night game and a bad hand expect Romo to have 2 or 3 fumbles. Hope the fumbles don't kill us!!!
With that being said..hes bound to make 3-4 excellent plays
Roy has officially been moved to the #2 spot

Dallas Cowboys receiver sees Tony Romo's return as a beginning

[email protected]

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Star-Telegram/Paul Moseley
With his broken pinkie still healing, Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo stretches before Wednesday's practice. Star-Telegram/Paul Moseley

IRVING - Excuse receiver Roy Williams if he sounds kind of flippant when it comes to quarterbacks.
Asked about the need to develop chemistry with Cowboys Pro Bowler Tony Romo, who will throw passes to Williams in Sunday's game at Washington for the first time since Williams was acquired via a trade with Detroit last month, the former Texas star simply says, "I just tell him to put the ball in the vicinity, I will catch it."
Even though Williams officially has been named the starter opposite,making Patrick Crayton the No. 3 receiver, he has not done any extra work with Romo in practice because he didn't want to put undue stress on the fractured pinkie that has kept Romo out of the lineup the past three games.
Williams, however, can't really help his attitude - which reflects a history of having to adjust to whoever is throwing the ball.
Not this again, after last time and how Romo couldn't stay off the ground, its not looking good for us...

but Portis is gimpy
.. so Cowboys-17 ********-13
"I just tell him to put the ball in the vicinity, I will catch it."
Take notes T.O.

Honestly, if Portis is gimping around with a second degree MCL tear, the Skins would be ******ed to risk his season by playing him Sunday... The dudehasn't been able to straighten his knee all week, and they're trying to put up a front like he might play?
Originally Posted by HighRep87

Yo.. I think my tickets are section 101 lower level

If Romo has acne on his face.. I would prolly see it...that close

Any NT's going to the game... holla at me !!!

Its going to be a long ride home in that 3 hr traffic...
Originally Posted by brandonb2005

Originally Posted by HighRep87

Yo.. I think my tickets are section 101 lower level

If Romo has acne on his face.. I would prolly see it...that close

Any NT's going to the game... holla at me !!!

Its going to be a long ride home in that 3 hr traffic...
That's why they have the 5th quarter champ
Originally Posted by NyRapisBack

Even though Williams officially has been named the starter opposite,making Patrick Crayton the No. 3 receiver, he has not done any extra work with Romo in practice because he didn't want to put undue stress on the fractured pinkie that has kept Romo out of the lineup the past three games.
Good to see Roy starting. Crayton finally back where he belongs and i think that will help him out a lot. The tools are there, it's time togo out and get it done.
Originally Posted by brandonb2005

Originally Posted by HighRep87

Yo.. I think my tickets are section 101 lower level

If Romo has acne on his face.. I would prolly see it...that close

Any NT's going to the game... holla at me !!!

Its going to be a long ride home in that 3 hr traffic...
I hope not man.. last year while leaving... I got into it with a drunk ******* fan

Thankfully.. this year the game has a lot on the line !!!
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