12/1/09 Spacejams

lock this lame thread up. if u want the jams cop em off flight club for $665.... 10.5... super icy....

or better yet you can settle for the cdp xi's LMFAO....
to add on to that.........they are going to be a limited quickstrike according to nice kicks. smh x infinity
. Man it's going to be so many peoplestocking up on these and not even wearing them it's ridiculous. I would hope I could get a pair, but i won't be stressin it if I don't.
Originally Posted by VAHustler

to add on to that.........they are going to be a limited quickstrike according to nice kicks. smh x infinity
. Man it's going to be so many people not wearing these it's ridiculous. I would hope I could get a pair, but i won't be stressin it if I don't.

if thats true then count me out.
This thread has really deteriorated. Perhaps we should lock all SJ-related threads until pics actually surface. Too much incorrect informatin being put outthere.
oglike95airmax- Take a tagged pic of your sneaks so we can see your shoes.
You talkin like you been in the game for a while so take a pic off your collecrion.
Originally Posted by solezprogression

This thread has really deteriorated. Perhaps we should lock all SJ-related threads until pics actually surface. Too much incorrect informatin being put out there.
Originally Posted by AF1 Beast

oglike95airmax- Take a tagged pic of your sneaks so we can see your shoes.
You talkin like you been in the game for a while so take a pic off your collecrion.

yeah so what? and what is it illegal to have been in the game since 88-89?? not like im talking out my *** or nuthin... and any real head will tell you thatyou dont need no pics to prove how deep you are... its knowledge thats all in the head.... and fyi i dont collect kicks... i wear em... and yeah i been coppinjordans/nikes since '89.... so i done been in the game and know it inside out... ask anything....

im not tryin to stock up on sh*& that im not gonna wear esp with the poor quality kicks... i had all the jordans up to the xi's (except I,II,X - cuz inever wore those as a kid and frankly could not care bout them now either although i gotta admit og cw retro I's from 01 are fly...) and ended up sellingthe rest due to not wearing em on a consistent basis (you know how that is to rock a pair of heat once and be like damn what a waste cuz its just gonna sit inthat box for a few more years) and due to the influx of clowns that think they got in the game...

the only pair of kicks I truly like are 99 bred IV and neon95 airmax with the phat !!@ bubbles like the 2004 retro and before... with that said I got mad stockof those... and i do got a thing for the jammies...

what i do got is multiples of heat that i do know i wear and will end up wearing in the future... got the jammies DS icy, multiple DS WEARABLE, CRISPY '99Bred IV's, og95 neon's pre 2004, etc....

i'll take some pics and post them so you can chilll...
Originally Posted by ajxv


lol.... get your money right kid... i dont blame you tho... with a name like ajxv they def gonna be over your price range as any ajxv can be found for <$100DS original or retro...

but fyi, this the third pair of icy jammies listed in a 10.5 for $665 and the last two slid like butter...

or settle for the conspiracy-theory '09 jams with "stars" on em which are due in 4 months with no pics.... if they due in novemeber then thekicks should already have been produced or at the very least a sample would have surfaced.... lol and if they gonna have stars on em then THEY ARE NOT SPACEJAMS OK PPL?!
get that in your heads... space jams are space jams... if they are not what mike rocked in SPACE JAM then they are not SPACE JAMS... they sum stars&stripesmarketing BS that JB using to fool the youth.... callin em space jams... SMFH....

man this whole rumor/thread is a joke... i hope to God JB dont drop em and all these yuppies claimin they gonna cop x 3 can bang their heads and go spend momand dads $ on sum thrash like the yeezys or the next hipster sneaker to come out....

oglike95airmax, whats wrong with you dude? lol

you sign onto here just to talk #%!% about shoes you dont want and younger people who you automatically assume know nothing? ****
Originally Posted by dendanskesimon

oglike95airmax, whats wrong with you dude? lol

you sign onto here just to talk #%!% about shoes you dont want and younger people who you automatically assume know nothing? ****

MAKE ME.... little b@1tzH... last I checked this is called niketalk.com NOT dendantalk.com... and Im not assuming nothing - alll the BS young, hipster talk isdocumented on these pages... and for your friend steve mcnair-wannabee - your the fool increasing my post status ID1@T... keep hating... and yeah RIP McNAir...lol
Originally Posted by dendanskesimon

oglike95airmax, whats wrong with you dude? lol

you sign onto here just to talk #%!% about shoes you dont want and younger people who you automatically assume know nothing? ****

MAKE ME.... little b@1tzH... last I checked this is called niketalk.com NOT dendantalk.com... and Im not assuming nothing - alll the BS young, hipster talk is documented on these pages... and for your friend steve mcnair-wannabee - your the fool increasing my post status ID1@T... keep hating... and yeah RIP McNAir... lol


this guy killed the spacejam thread by himself WoW

what's this I hear about the release being fusions not 11s?


Lets get back to the shoes.
Quick question, if my local mom and pops store got the DMP 5's and 1's should I expect them to get these?
If this shoe releases on Black Friday as scheduled and it's only at Quickstrike accounts, this might be a crazy release. Hopefully, it's not.
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