'12 Bulls

Cmon, Rip has had enough bench time the last couple of seasons to still have fresh legs.
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

I feel good yall..RIP is only one year older than Ray was when Celtics won their championship. I'm not getting overly concerned about any future moves. I think we found our solution. Bogans career average is less than 7ppg. RIP's is damn near 20ppg. The consensus was we needed a two guard that could score consistenly. I feel we got that.

Only thing we need now is good health. We on the way to the top.

If im not mistaken, hes the same age as Kobe and only entered the league in 1999. Not to mention that he's a three time all star and has been to the Playoffs 7 seasons in a row. Not to mention that he lead a Pistons team that shocked the world when they beat a star studded Lakers team that included Kobe, Shaq in his prime, Gary Payton, Robert Horry, Karl Malone. Anywho, dude is a significant upgrade over that bum Keith Bogans
I found this post from espn and couldn't agree with it more, and you know what? I say we'll be ok with rip if he can play anywhere near his 04 days we'll be ok with our depth I say forget dwight, if he doesn't want chicago, we don't want him

"There are certain cliques in the NBA.

The 2008 Olympic team has cliques: Chris Paul, Lebron, Wade, Bosh, Melo, Dwight Howard, Deron Williams are all sort of in a clique together.

KDurant, Rose & Westbrook are part of that younger class that was in the 2010 international tournament. Some of the 08 guys I just mentioned are somewhat contemptuous of and jealous of Rose & Durant (especially Rose bc he won MVP over all of them). Howard's jealousy at the love Rose gets (and Rose's popularity with David Stern and the NBA execs) was manifest by Howard's cheap shot fouls on Rose that injured Rose's wrists.

So Howard may not say this to anyone, but it makes sense that deep in Howard's heart, he won't want to sign with Rose's team: Chicago is Rose's hometown, Rose is reigning MVP. There's no way Chicago will ever be "Howard's team" as long as Rose is on the Bulls.

So it makes sense that Howard would rather play with Deron Williams - who is part of Howard's 2008 clique of jerks.

Think about it: Stern dislikes these 08 guys (except maybe Kobe). Stern & league execs think that these 08 guys are A-holes. Stern loves to show these A-holes that he runs the league, not them.... That was a big reason for the void of the Chris Paul deal to LA. Lakers would have been the 2nd 08-Jerk-Clique team in the league: Miami is the 1st. (Wade-Bosh_Lebron forged much of their conspiracy to play together in Beijing in 2008 possibly) And Stern just was like: forget it, Lakers are NOT getting Howard, Paul & Kobe to act like rock stars around the country together and thumb their noses in my face.

Look at how deron Williams disrespected Jerry Sloan. Dwill, Wade, Howard - think they're so much better than everyone in the NBA ... that's why Wade moans after every non-foul call when Wade is on offense: Wade thinks he's entitled to star treatment.

So guys like Howard probably don't have the humility to make a sound business basketball decision to play on a team that is best for him to win a title: Cliques and feeling in control are more important than purely winning a championship to these guys.

Just think about Lebron in 2010: The Bulls were his best destination from a pure playing standpoint. Lebron would have fit perfectly as either a 3 or 2-guard, with Deng as the 2-guard or complimentary 3 position player. BUt Lebron didn't want to play with Rose, Deng.. etc.. guys who really aren't his close friends.

Of course guys like Howard & Lebron want titles - but they want it THEIR way... not by fitting into anyone else's system or showing any kinds of humble teamwork with their teammates. Now maybe Lebron's humiliation last June will change him. But Howard? I think he's always been more of a jerk than Lebron.

So Howard wouldn't want to go to a team like Chicago where he'd have to be reminded every day that DRose is the man here who runs the offense and takes the big shots when he wants to, and has the ball at the most critical spots in the game.

Howard would rather play with DWill in Brooklyn where he can conspire with Williams to run the team together.

you know what? I agree with this statement, he's a ({}) trying to act like he's not, so I'll just enjoy when we curb stomp him and dwill out the first round of the playoffs

Personally I'm happy with this team we have here , and I welcome rip to that shooting guard position , he can hit shots off of screens as well as anyone in the league. We have the reining MVP who has shown improvement each year he has played and is as determined a player as there is in the NBA today who is also Hungry for a tittle and is putting last years failures squarely on his own shoulders , we have a beast defense and invaluable Playoff experience going deep to the ECF. The heat still have flaws in there size and possibly cohesiveness again this year (only time will tell that), the Celtics are solid but getting old, there is a circus in Orlando and I don't believe they have the pieces to compete anyway. I don't see why we can't get over the hump this time as long as we stay healthy.
Originally Posted by wiredz3

Bulls are good this season, I don't know why some Bull fans feel so un-enthused. Confident in Rip. Rip is old as beep but he'll be a good fit, someone who will run around creating lanes, come of screens and knock down that spot off dish from Rose. I feel the voices who want a guy that can create his own shot off the bench (what teams doesn't?), but the Bulls already run pretty deep and play solid team ball. I think the big thing is Boozer, of course if Boozer plays like hot garbage we aren't looking good against Miami, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt for last year. Booz has been and was a beast, give him this year and if the product is the same, then Ill feel helpless. Bulls are young & deep and this condensed season will def benefit us. Booz will come to play and alleviate the pressure off Rose. Noah injured, Boozer injured and sucking = Bulls having the best record last season. These youngins are only getting better. Just wish Omir could improve over this off season but I think he was injured. We're good boys!
This bugs me because when you ask a Bulls fan what did they expect that look stupid and can't even tell you.  Rip is a definite upgrade over Bogans and I'm pleased with the move.  I'm looking forward to a great season of NBA basketball
Originally Posted by Da R Entertainment

Originally Posted by wiredz3

Bulls are good this season, I don't know why some Bull fans feel so un-enthused. Confident in Rip. Rip is old as beep but he'll be a good fit, someone who will run around creating lanes, come of screens and knock down that spot off dish from Rose. I feel the voices who want a guy that can create his own shot off the bench (what teams doesn't?), but the Bulls already run pretty deep and play solid team ball. I think the big thing is Boozer, of course if Boozer plays like hot garbage we aren't looking good against Miami, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt for last year. Booz has been and was a beast, give him this year and if the product is the same, then Ill feel helpless. Bulls are young & deep and this condensed season will def benefit us. Booz will come to play and alleviate the pressure off Rose. Noah injured, Boozer injured and sucking = Bulls having the best record last season. These youngins are only getting better. Just wish Omir could improve over this off season but I think he was injured. We're good boys!
This bugs me because when you ask a Bulls fan what did they expect that look stupid and can't even tell you.  Rip is a definite upgrade over Bogans and I'm pleased with the move.  I'm looking forward to a great season of NBA basketball
That 4-1 Heat series record doesn't show how close the Bulls really were.  Of course, Booz has to step up or the outcome will be the same.  I'm confident he will.  Bout time all you undaunted Chi fans are poppin up!  Let's get it!
Originally Posted by Da R Entertainment

Originally Posted by wiredz3

Bulls are good this season, I don't know why some Bull fans feel so un-enthused. Confident in Rip. Rip is old as beep but he'll be a good fit, someone who will run around creating lanes, come of screens and knock down that spot off dish from Rose. I feel the voices who want a guy that can create his own shot off the bench (what teams doesn't?), but the Bulls already run pretty deep and play solid team ball. I think the big thing is Boozer, of course if Boozer plays like hot garbage we aren't looking good against Miami, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt for last year. Booz has been and was a beast, give him this year and if the product is the same, then Ill feel helpless. Bulls are young & deep and this condensed season will def benefit us. Booz will come to play and alleviate the pressure off Rose. Noah injured, Boozer injured and sucking = Bulls having the best record last season. These youngins are only getting better. Just wish Omir could improve over this off season but I think he was injured. We're good boys!
This bugs me because when you ask a Bulls fan what did they expect that look stupid and can't even tell you.  Rip is a definite upgrade over Bogans and I'm pleased with the move.  I'm looking forward to a great season of NBA basketball

I've said exactly why I was unentused... You want your team to age together the core of the bulls are in their mid 20's with Pooh being 22.  The focus of your talent scout should be a player with talent and skill who's around that age demographic.  I just don't feel like they were seriously looking for this.  There lies my gripes.

With that being said I will fully stand beside and behind my crew once that ball is tipped off and dare a fan of a different squad to pop off slick about them.
^ Don't really want to go through this whole thread, but what players in particular were you hoping the Bulls pursue?
10 more days!!!!

A lil pissed they aren't televising our pre-season games.

Thanks for posting the articleSnap....after reading that I can understand why Howard is choosing other teams. I always thought those hits on Rose were dirty, but the media wants to portray dude as some happy go lucky goofball that wouldn't hurt a fly.

The EAST will be tough for the next decade or so...but I still feel we are built forthe long haul. My only concern for our team is health. We have the depth, we have the chemistry, we have the defense, and most importantly, we have D Rose.
Originally Posted by wiredz3

^ Don't really want to go through this whole thread, but what players in particular were you hoping the Bulls pursue?

My top choices were Nick Young & JR Smith... I understand they were'nt the easiest to obtain considering 1's a restricted free agent & the others in China but that's just what I wanted to see.  Both are young explosive 2's who can light it up from all over the court, both have yet to be coached by a real coach, both have a lot of growing room. Everyone was so focused on Aaron Afflalo though but ehhh what do I know.
I especially like JR as our long term answer at the 2 as well. I think we just have to wait and see what happens come March. Denver has picked up two new guards in the Dallas trade. So he likely isn't headed back there.
A little christmas present for my fellow Bulls fans, heres the text i was sent about the presale:

Bulls Tix Alert: Your presale beings now! Visit http://bit.ly/mobilepresale-1112 and use promo code BMA until 9pm. Limited tickets available.
*Powered by AmEx
I wonder what Rip gave him to get the number????

I'm pretty sure we will hear all about it on Christmas
JR would be nice, but I'm iffy about a player that pounds the rock. Only guy I want doing that is Rose unless JR is coming off the bench. I wish Korver could play be more consistent (and play D). Watching all these old Bulls games on CSN, the Paxsons, Kerrs and Kukocs came up HUGE. It was an easy game, double Jordan, someone's open, Jordan kicks and they hit open shots. Right now I don't feel there's anybody like that and I hope RIP fills that. If Kirk was working on his shot I would have loved to have him back.
Originally Posted by arstyle27

Just bought 4 tickets to see the Bullies in Milwaukee ! Im hyped.
  February 4, right?

While I'm in LA LA Land, I have the good fortune of seeing Pooh vs. CP3 on the 30th....I'm hyped!!!
Originally Posted by wiredz3

JR would be nice, but I'm iffy about a player that pounds the rock. Only guy I want doing that is Rose unless JR is coming off the bench. I wish Korver could play be more consistent (and play D). Watching all these old Bulls games on CSN, the Paxsons, Kerrs and Kukocs came up HUGE. It was an easy game, double Jordan, someone's open, Jordan kicks and they hit open shots. Right now I don't feel there's anybody like that and I hope RIP fills that. If Kirk was working on his shot I would have loved to have him back.

He can create his own shot whenever he wants.  We have no one besides Pooh who can do that.
Originally Posted by CAto312

Originally Posted by arstyle27

Just bought 4 tickets to see the Bullies in Milwaukee ! Im hyped.
  February 4, right?

While I'm in LA LA Land, I have the good fortune of seeing Pooh vs. CP3 on the 30th....I'm hyped!!!
Yessir Cato.

Last time i was in Milwaukee, for a Brewers/Cubs game, i stole two grills
The only reason I'm not enthused is because we didn't fix the one hole we have in the team like we were supposed to.

Rip is not someone who can create his own shot. He's an average defender at this point in his career. And the one thing Rip is supposedly elite at (mid-range shooting), he hasn't been good at for a couple years. He doesn't get to the rim enough or shoot enough 3s to offset that.

But like I said if Boozer and Jo are healthy then we'll be good anyway. That's 20/10/2.5 and 13/11/3/2/1 in the lineup with D. Rose, Rip, and Lu.
Here are my thoughts.........ideally, someone like a Joe Johnson is what the Bullies need. Of the guys available, maybe J Rich or Crawford would be good fits, even though they have their weaknesses as well.

Rip will hit open shots, which is the most important thing he needs to do. Yes, its nice to have someone who can consistently "create their own shot", but let's not forget, D. Rose is a point guard. He would rather drive and dish than drive and finish. I fully expect Booz to beast this season, i really do. Lu is money with his 18-22 foot jumpers. Rip just needs to get open and pop that J. We have a deep team, but more importantly we have a great group of guys who are well coached , and led by one of the youngest , more mature, guys I've ever seen. The MVP has shown me he has the will, desire, and work ethic to win. His teammates will follow suit.

I love my squad, and I'll ride or die with these dudes.

Let's goooooooooooooo!

Originally Posted by wiredz3

JR would be nice, but I'm iffy about a player that pounds the rock. Only guy I want doing that is Rose unless JR is coming off the bench. I wish Korver could play be more consistent (and play D). Watching all these old Bulls games on CSN, the Paxsons, Kerrs and Kukocs came up HUGE. It was an easy game, double Jordan, someone's open, Jordan kicks and they hit open shots. Right now I don't feel there's anybody like that and I hope RIP fills that. If Kirk was working on his shot I would have loved to have him back.

Thats because all those players were terrified to miss shots and knew they would have to deal with wrath MJ who hated his team mates about as much as the team he was playing against. Thats the biggest diffrence I see in Rose in contrast to Jordan as a floor leader. Dude would dog Kukoc all game , I dont think Rose has it in him to do that to Korver
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