150 lbs black belt vs. 250 lbs body builder

Lee Murray is a good example of any street fighting conversation. Dude was a straight up street fighting legend, but was eventually beat in a MMA cage fight before being arrested for a bank heist.

Anybody can lose a fight at any given time.

The idea is to minimize your chances of losing a fight.

Going off of that idea alone, Bruce Lee > Mike Tyson.

Bruce Lee THOROUGHLY knows how to minimize his chances of losing a fight. He is the leading expert on the topic.

You can't say that about Mike Tyson at all. He knows one thing. ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK.

One of the greatest boxing matches of all time CLEARLY proves that that's the wrong way to go about fighting. It's called rope-a-dope. Proven by the greatest boxer of all time.

Bruh , you sound like a dude that talks a lot before a fight, then gets knocked the **** out.

I swear a lot of these NTers be in their own little world.

:lol: :lol:
Bruh , you sound like a dude that talks a lot before a fight, then gets knocked the **** out.

I swear a lot of these NTers be in their own little world.
  the dude who wants to check shoulders for 20 minutes then say "youre not even ready for this bro. youre not even worth it bro." and walks away
Lee Murray is a good example of any street fighting conversation.


Add Kimbo to that list of street fighters vs MMA fighters.

You can't say that about Mike Tyson at all. He knows one thing. ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK.

but his defense = impregnable.
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You can't say that about Mike Tyson at all. He knows one thing. ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK.

One of the greatest boxing matches of all time CLEARLY proves that that's the wrong way to go about fighting. It's called rope-a-dope. Proven by the greatest boxer of all time.

Tyson being short at 5'10 with a 71" inch reach, was he supposed to jab at his man and dance away?

Tell me how he beats Holmes with Ali tactics.

BTW, Ali is the greatest HW but not of all time. The 5 with the most claim are Sam Langford, Ezzard Charles, Henry Armstrong, Ray Robinson and Harry Greb. Their resumes **** all over him, not Ali's fault though.
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People are talking a lot of **** about Bruce Lee when they know so little. It's like yall want to just dismiss him as a fairytale because it doesn't seem like someone like him can be real to you. Dude was from a different era really. That's it.

Bruce was not only known for his ridiculous speed, but also his ability to generate enormous power in his attacks. This likely comes from the fact that dude had probably one of the best physiques on the planet in his time. Bodybuilders such as Arnold Schwarzenegger were literally seeking advice from him regularly because of what he was able to achieve with his own body.

Then factor in some of the demonstrations of his speed and power. Take these videos, for example:

Just from these videos, we can tell dude not only has insane speed, but also the muscle to inflict damage. HS Physics tells us that Force = Mass x Acceleration. That being said, the force Bruce was known to generate with his moves is just ridiculous.

In terms of fight experience...we don't really know how much Bruce Lee had. You can already tell from the videos that amateur videography in his time was of the poorest quality, and I'm sure it wouldn't have done much for his acting career to have a bunch of his street fights filmed. As far as videoproof goes, what you can find on youtube is probably all you're going to get. Personally, I don't doubt that he got into street fights because there are honestly just too many stories with such specific detail about the scuffles he got into, so I'd say where there's smoke there's fire. However, I think even with all of those street fights, Mike Tyson probably has more actual fight experience than Bruce Lee.

Comparing the two in a fight, I'd have this to say:

The boxing fighting style doesn't match up well with an Eastern martial arts style. This is because boxers are used to fighting other boxers, who can only use their hands. This results in the typical boxing fighting stance with the lean, which helps the boxer gain more reach. Using that stance in a fight with someone with strong kicks is practically suicidal, as that leaves the chin and head more exposed to kicks (which are typically more powerful than punches, especially in Bruce's case) which can be extremely damaging. This is why you see professional MMA fighters with an altered stance, slightly reminiscent of boxing but without that lean. In a fight, Tyson would have to adjust to that, and it may cost him to do so.

In terms of speed, Bruce throws kicks as fast as some professional boxers punch. Furthermore, he has a wider target area than boxers normally have. He can throw crippling leg kicks to slow Tyson down, he doesn't have to worry about the reach of Tyson as he would having to fight someone who uses legs (which he's used to), and he can do more damage to body openings with his legs than Tyson would be used to taking. Tyson is a monster, so he may be able to find some way to account for those failings, but he's still fighting someone with a completely different, and frankly more versatile, style of fighting than his own. On the other hand, if Tyson is able to find his way inside of Bruce's stance, his punches would be incredibly dangerous, possibly resulting in a one-hit KO honestly, if he's able to land the right punch.

Which really brings me to the last MAJOR factor of the fight: the setting. In a ring, Tyson has a HUGE advantage. The fact of the matter is that Tyson is larger than Bruce and also very quick for his size. Furthermore, the ring is his home, where he has fought countless times devouring the souls of those foolish enough to test him. IF he's able to take Bruce's kicks for a while, he can use his bulk to push into Bruce's stance and control his movements around the ring. The key to Bruce winning this fight would be the ability to slowly, but surely, pick Tyson apart with a series of slowing kicks to the legs and critical kicks to the body, which would require a lot of dancing around. If the fight is in a ring, space could be too limited to execute that properly, and the probability of him catching a one-hitter quitter would increase drastically. If the setting is more liberal, say, a mat with no boundaries in a dojang, or even someplace where Tyson doesn't feel as at home and where he can't dominate some central point (i.e. where he can't establish a form of "ring control"), then Bruce Lee has the advantage and honestly I think that'd be enough to give it to Bruce.

There's my analysis. Come at me bruhs.
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So no evidence of actual fighting.

Tyson still beats the actor up.

If that's how you want to see it, I guess so. Similar to having a sharp knife and saying, "Well, it looks REALLY sharp, I've cut some tomatoes and other vegetables like butter with it, but UNTIL I kill a guy with it I WON'T know whether it's actually a lethal weapon or not."

Take it as you will, but I think there's a limit to the "we need to see real fight evidence" argument after you take a look at the feats he's done on camera and what has been said by reputable sources.
I'm won't go as far as to say lee was nothing but an actor but to list his physical qualities is not helping the argument.

Lee was super fast!..... So was Tyson
Lee was a physical beast!.... So was Tyson
Lee could generate a lot of power!.... So could
Lee was a phenomenon!....So was Tyson
Lee was a real fighter!.... So was Tyson
Lee was the most dangerous man in the world!!! ......So was Tyson

What I'm getting at is y'all claim he was in peak condition but Tyson wasn't? C'mon man
I'm won't go as far as to say lee was nothing but an actor but to list his physical qualities is not helping the argument.

Lee was super fast!..... So was Tyson
Lee was a physical beast!.... So was Tyson
Lee could generate a lot of power!.... So could
Lee was a phenomenon!....So was Tyson
Lee was a real fighter!.... So was Tyson
Lee was the most dangerous man in the world!!! ......So was Tyson

What I'm getting at is y'all claim he was in peak condition but Tyson wasn't? C'mon man
but when lee tries one of his kicks tyson's brain will explode because he's a boxer and has never seen anyone use their feet before
Who's to say the he can perform those "amazing feats" when the person across from him is extremely skilled and looking to attack? One of Mike's uppercuts could cause the actor to not want to engage. Everything is different when you're on the outside looking in.
Who's to say the he can perform those "amazing feats" when the person across from him is extremely skilled and looking to attack? One of Mike's uppercuts could cause the actor to not want to engage. Everything is different when you're on the outside looking in.

One of lees famous quotes were "boards don't hit back". Pretty much sums what you're saying
but when lee tries one of his kicks tyson's brain will explode because he's a boxer and has never seen anyone use their feet before

And I could say lee never fought someone like Tyson before, goes both ways. If we're talking about 1 random fight, anything can happen. I'm not saying lee has no chance of winning. I would say of they went best of 7 Tyson would win 4-1
I'm won't go as far as to say lee was nothing but an actor but to list his physical qualities is not helping the argument.

Lee was super fast!..... So was Tyson

Lee was a physical beast!.... So was Tyson

Lee could generate a lot of power!.... So could


Lee was a phenomenon!....So was Tyson

Lee was a real fighter!.... So was Tyson

Lee was the most dangerous man in the world!!! ......So was Tyson

What I'm getting at is y'all claim he was in peak condition but Tyson wasn't? C'mon man
but when lee tries one of his kicks tyson's brain will explode because he's a boxer and has never seen anyone use their feet before

Feel like you guys are really letting your emotion get in the way on this one, which is ridiculous.

I'm not saying Tyson wasn't also super fast, or that he didn't have power. I said he was a monster and that one of his punches could one-hit KO Lee. I clearly wrote that.

What I'm saying is that, given both of these men are very fast (I'd give speed to Bruce Lee, especially that footage) and very powerful (I'd say a Bruce Lee kick is stronger than a Tyson punch, but a Tyson punch has more fight experience behind and is straight debilitating if landed), I believe it would come down to their style of fighting and also the setting of the fight. I think it's a very valid point that Tyson would have to adjust his stance. Boxing, like many other sports and martial arts, has a lot to do with muscle memory. Tyson would have to break his concept of "stance" in order to adjust to Bruce Lee's fighting style. Like I said, we see this adjustment made with MMA fighters, even those who started off as boxers and moved to the sport. So I just said that should be taken into account, along with the fact that the target area that Tyson is used to guarding (head, torso) is incomplete in terms of what Bruce Lee will be attacking (legs, torso, head, possibly groin). I don't get how these aren't valid points that should be considered?
but when lee tries one of his kicks tyson's brain will explode because he's a boxer and has never seen anyone use their feet before

And I could say lee never fought someone like Tyson before, goes both ways. If we're talking about 1 random fight, anything can happen. I'm not saying lee has no chance of winning. I would say of they went best of 7 Tyson would win 4-1

Think he was being sarcastic.
Feel like you guys are really letting your emotion get in the way on this one, which is ridiculous.

I'm not saying Tyson wasn't also super fast, or that he didn't have power. I said he was a monster and that one of his punches could one-hit KO Lee. I clearly wrote that.

What I'm saying is that, given both of these men are very fast (I'd give speed to Bruce Lee, especially that footage) and very powerful (I'd say a Bruce Lee kick is stronger than a Tyson punch, but a Tyson punch has more fight experience behind and is straight debilitating if landed), I believe it would come down to their style of fighting and also the setting of the fight. I think it's a very valid point that Tyson would have to adjust his stance. Boxing, like many other sports and martial arts, has a lot to do with muscle memory. Tyson would have to break his concept of "stance" in order to adjust to Bruce Lee's fighting style. Like I said, we see this adjustment made with MMA fighters, even those who started off as boxers and moved to the sport. So I just said that should be taken into account, along with the fact that the target area that Tyson is used to guarding (head, torso) is incomplete in terms of what Bruce Lee will be attacking (legs, torso, head, possibly groin). I don't get how these aren't valid points that should be considered?

Now are we talking about a fight in a ring with Tyson only able to fight under boxing rules while lee can do whatever he wants or are they going all out? Tyson with gloves on 1 hit KO's people.... Without them people will die lol.

Good posts btw. I love Bruce lee myself but logically I can't consign with him on this
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has this been mentioned?....(in their primes)...

no one really knows how well bruce could take a punch or a strike, that is, a strike that got past his defense - how well could he take it, did he have a weak jaw? or could one beat him bloody without a knockout?

tyson could take a punch (from professional heavyweights) - granted, tyson never could take punch like george foreman or someone like that - but he could take a punch

without that specific knowledge, it's hard for me to play out a fight between the two in my head cause who knows when who drops first, etc?
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Feel like you guys are really letting your emotion get in the way on this one, which is ridiculous.

I'm not saying Tyson wasn't also super fast, or that he didn't have power. I said he was a monster and that one of his punches could one-hit KO Lee. I clearly wrote that.

What I'm saying is that, given both of these men are very fast (I'd give speed to Bruce Lee, especially that footage) and very powerful (I'd say a Bruce Lee kick is stronger than a Tyson punch, but a Tyson punch has more fight experience behind and is straight debilitating if landed), I believe it would come down to their style of fighting and also the setting of the fight. I think it's a very valid point that Tyson would have to adjust his stance. Boxing, like many other sports and martial arts, has a lot to do with muscle memory. Tyson would have to break his concept of "stance" in order to adjust to Bruce Lee's fighting style. Like I said, we see this adjustment made with MMA fighters, even those who started off as boxers and moved to the sport. So I just said that should be taken into account, along with the fact that the target area that Tyson is used to guarding (head, torso) is incomplete in terms of what Bruce Lee will be attacking (legs, torso, head, possibly groin). I don't get how these aren't valid points that should be considered?

Now are we talking about a fight in a ring with Tyson only able to fight under boxing rules while lee can do whatever he wants or are they going all out? Tyson with gloves on 1 hit KO's people.... Without them people will die lol.

Good posts btw. I love Bruce lee myself but logically I can't consign with him on this

Well, that's what I said in my original post - it really all depends on setting IMO. Tyson in a ring is extremely dangerous, because he's used to the dynamics of the ring and if he can take some of Bruce's kicks then he can push him into a corner and give him a really rough time with the hands. In the ring, I'm liable to put more of my money on Tyson. However, in a freer environment (really, any environment where you can't leverage some sort of "ring control") I think Bruce Lee can play his own game, which would be spamming leg kicks on Tyson to slow him down. I've seen Tyson be very patient, so he probably wouldn't be swinging wildly while this is happening (which means he wouldn't be too tired), but he'll still be working to close that gap to make his reach work while he's getting his leg tagged up. Meanwhile, Bruce is only using his legs because he KNOWS he doesn't want to see the hands. If Bruce could keep a fair amount of distance and slow Tyson's movement down, then he'll be able to use his kicks more effectively without worrying as much about Tyson making a quick counter and using speed to close the gap. From there, it's systematic destruction. So, IMO, this fight really depends on setting.
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