150 lbs black belt vs. 250 lbs body builder

I've always wanted to learn some martial arts. I know some boxing from back in the day, but JJ looks cool
It's was lebron > money may and Dwade> money

But at the same time

b lee> Tyson
B lee> Anderson silva

I remember a story where Tyson was already retired but three guys were hassling him to take a photo and he wanted no part of it so they started verbally harassing him and he knocked one guy out and one guy grabbed a steel pole and it got real. He ended up laying all of them out and turned him self in. He got off on self defense.
What if Bruce Lee snapped one of Mike's pigeon's neck & slapped Cus before getting in the rim?
some of you guys are probably too young to remember those old UFC videos that had all types of dudes fighting each other.'

back when it was actually exciting to watch.

they had those tapes next to faces of death.
some of you guys are probably too young to remember those old UFC videos that had all types of dudes fighting each other.'

back when it was actually exciting to watch.

they had those tapes next to faces of death.

My dude... you're telling all kinds of truth.

Back when there were no weight class, no gloves, basically no rules... AND they would fight 2-3 times that night.

Royce Gracie >>>>>
I can't post the vid cause I'm at work but..... but ya'll remember Roger Huerta (Ufc Fighter 5'9 170) knocking out Rashad Bobino..(5'11 238..former Texas Linebacker) in a street fight for hitting a girl? There's TMZ footage.
I can't post the vid cause I'm at work but..... but ya'll remember Roger Huerta (Ufc Fighter 5'9 170) knocking out Rashad Bobino..(5'11 238..former Texas Linebacker) in a street fight for hitting a girl? There's TMZ footage.

Not the fight... but similar! :smokin
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bruce lee was not a fighter...
he was a martial artist...
he didn't full on spar with fighters...
his skill and technique was only exhibition
I don't understand how people can rate him as a fighter when he never fought.
He has no win/loss record
In short, competition wise; a good defense will outlast a good offense. As much as I hate Floyd; he incorporates so many types defenses that include MMA that will allow dudes that are as old as him to win just because his opponent can't strike. You don't wear yourself out as much trying not to get hit. People with solid and unpredictable offense in competition can only go so far because age will slow down precision and speed, and even before that; your opponent probably have you read if you're aging. Tyson and and Jones Jr. are prime examples. How good/hard one hits doesn't matter if one simply can't be hit.

Doesn't matter what you practice; solid defense = least points for opponent

Unless you're in a street fight in which whoever, of any size, can unleash the utmost brute force and have the crowd/cameraman scream "Worldstar!", then you're pretty much the victor.
I love Bruce Lee. But ive never seen a vid of him in a fight besides movies. For all we know, he could of been a show fighter
I thought we already came to the conclusion that pro vs amateur = pro wins. This conversation started in the thread that was could you beat up a body builder....and people were in here saying yeah they could....which turned into a "bodybuilders are slow and lethargic i could own them" Then pics of Kai Greene got posted and Jay Cutler and dudes turned it into...well i know muy tai so i def could win....


amateur vs amateur = who knows (money is on the bigger guy...aka 160lb NTer with 0 fighting experience vs 300lb body builder who pics up heavy objects for a living and has some athleticism since its not easy to lift all that weight...im taking body builder)
Pro vs amateur = pro wins....assuming he is a pro fighter...not like a pro race car driver in a fight
Lebron james vs floyd mayweather = Floyd
Anderson silva can beat 99% of living humanity in a fight...so can John Jones

I can beat up 33 six year olds before i get engulfed and lose
I can take 18 wiener dogs before i start to lose too much blood from dog bites assuming they are viscious wiener dogs and i can't just run up and sabastian janakowski a bunch to clear space
I can take on 0 cheetahs...they will kill me...and i can't even run away
I love Bruce Lee. But ive never seen a vid of him in a fight besides movies. For all we know, he could of been a show fighter

JCVD..... Mr. Blood sport himself was actually........ A dancer

I have no doubt lee was a physical beast but an actual fight is different. Demonstrations mean nothing. I'm not saying he's a pushover but he's not unbeatable
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JCVD..... Mr. Blood sport himself was actually........ A dancer

I have no doubt lee was a physical beast but an actual fight is different. Demonstrations mean nothing. I'm not saying he's a pushover but he's not unbeatable
Thats what im saying. Everyone sees Bruce as a martial arts GOD. But was he really THAT good?
C'mon man all this talk about Bruce Lee, JCVD, MMA, street fighers, mortal kombat, wrestlers, kickboxers....yada yada...and we forgetting about this guy....

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