150 lbs black belt vs. 250 lbs body builder

I can't post the vid cause I'm at work but..... but ya'll remember Roger Huerta (Ufc Fighter 5'9 170) knocking out Rashad Bobino..(5'11 238..former Texas Linebacker) in a street fight for hitting a girl? There's TMZ footage.
I remember that video. Didn't realize it was a TX LB at the time.

Dude totally deserved it.

I can't post the vid cause I'm at work but..... but ya'll remember Roger Huerta (Ufc Fighter 5'9 170) knocking out Rashad Bobino..(5'11 238..former Texas Linebacker) in a street fight for hitting a girl? There's TMZ footage.
I remember that video. Didn't realize it was a TX LB at the time.

Dude totally deserved it.

Dudes really think Tyson wouldn't body Bruce Lee

And we've only seen Tyson in the boxing ring. Dude must have been insane in a street brawl. On some he'll kill you type of ****, given enough time.

at ppl putting amateurs up against pros, and seeing who wins. That **** doesn't even sound intelligent.
This. Bruce Lee was more of a "philosophical" fighter. He didn't want to fight because he was a peaceful person.

With that being said, Mike Tyson > All NTers + Bruce Lee
This is by far the best slug fest ever. If you have a few minutes to spare do yourself a favor and watch it. Fight starts around the 4 minute mark.

Dudes really think Tyson wouldn't body Bruce Lee :smh:

And we've only seen Tyson in the boxing ring. Dude must have been insane in a street brawl. On some he'll kill you type of ****, given enough time.

:lol: at ppl putting amateurs up against pros, and seeing who wins. That **** doesn't even sound intelligent.
This. Bruce Lee was more of a "philosophical" fighter. He didn't want to fight because he was a peaceful person.
With that being said, Mike Tyson > All NTers + Bruce Lee



Bruce lived for street fighting before he blew up as a movie star.

Thats how he developed one of the most dangerous no-holds barred, street fighting, reality based, martial arts systems ever.

1) In 1960, Bruce Lee and the late Skip Ellsworth fought two opponents in a pool hall.

2) In 1960, Bruce Lee and Ellsworth fought two opponents in a parking lot.

3) In 1960, Bruce Lee and Ellsworth fought three opponents outside a movie theater.

Source: Skip Ellsworth's website

4) In 1961, Bruce Lee fought a Japanese challenger at a local YMCA. The fight took place on a handball court, Sifu Jesse Glover was the referee, and the late Ed Hart was the timekeeper. Bruce straight-blasted the challenger into a wall and front kicked him in the face as he was slumping to the floor.

Source: Print and videotaped interviews with Jesse Glover and Ed Hart.

5) The late Ronald Kealoha and his friend, George Santos, witnessed Bruce knock out a challenger inside a boxing ring at the Seattle National Guard Armory. According to Kealoha, the challenger ended up in the hospital.

Source: Black Belt magazine article on Kealoha

6) During a visit to Hong Kong in 1963, Doug Palmer witnessed Bruce side kick a challenger in the knee to quickly end the fight.

Source: Fighting Spirit (book)

7) Bruce Lee's much publicized 1964 fight with Wong Jack Man in Oakland.

Source: Pick a source, any source, LOL.

Bruce Lee toyed with a "huge truck driver" in a road rage incident which occurred in Los Angeles. Sifu Dan Inosanto was a passenger in the car that Bruce was driving.

Source: Youtube clip of Paul Vunak recounting what Dan Inosanto told him about his Sifu's street fighting exploits.

9) Bruce Lee ended a fight with one of Vic Damone's security staff with a side kick to the jaw.

Source: The Incomparable Fighter (book)

10) Bob Wall witnessed Bruce demolish an extra on the set of Enter the Dragon.

Source: Print and videotaped interviews with Bob Wall.

11) Chaplain Chang witnessed a separate fight between Bruce and an extra on the set of Enter the Dragon. Bruce broke the extra's ribs with a side kick.

Source: The Making of Enter the Dragon (book)

12) A challenger climbed over a wall on Bruce Lee's property in Hong Kong. Bruce told the late Herb Jackson that he was "popping mad" and that he ended the fight with a side kick to the intruder's chest.

Source: Videotaped interview with Herb Jackson.
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most fights end up on the floor. so a person who's discipline is ground fighting is definitely gonna beat a fighter whose discipline is stand up fighting.

put a BJJ guy against a boxer, enforce an immediate-stand-up rule (ie no ground fighting), and guess who'll win.
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It's hard to take anyone over Tyson in a fight but man...I think Lee would have a chance in a street fight. Dude was so quick that I don't know if Tyson's defense could keep up. If Tyson manages to land a punch punch though? Lee would be in ICU lol.
Rumor has it some Chinese food delivery boy washed Bruce Lee in a Bay Area dojo and Lee denied it to his death

Also is there a link to this DWade v Mayweather thread? Sounds hilarious
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this is a great david v goliath fight...

6'2" 205lbs. v 6'11" 290lbs. - guess who wins?!

(i've seen the big dude in some other fights & he's kind of cheap...maybe cause he got caught with the superman punch at the beginning of this one?)
(KO in round 2 but round 1 is great too)
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Skills pay the bills.  And I'm rolling with Iron Mike over Bruce Lee.  World-class boxers are a different breed. 
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Fellas, don't forget that all of these discussions are hypotheticals. So no need of calling folks stupid
I was thinking earlier today that if you're scared of someone chasing after you with a chainsaw, you probably don't know how to fight.

Bruce Lee was not a Martial Artists. He was against the "arts." He was more of a Martial Scientist.

There's a video out there of him sparring at "full speed," but really he wasn't going full speed.

Size + Skill = good debate.

It is of many opinions that you can be too big to fight and survive. Getting to certain weights makes you slower and restricts your movements. It also makes you a bigger target, literally.

The more mass you have around a tendon, the less force it takes to snap it.

Come at me bros. For real.
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I was thinking earlier today that if you're scared of someone chasing after you with a chainsaw, you probably don't know how to fight.

Bruce Lee was not a Martial Artists. He was against the "arts." He was more of a Martial Scientist.

There's a video out there of him sparring at "full speed," but really he wasn't going full speed.

Size + Skill = good debate.

It is of many opinions that you can be too big to fight and survive. Getting to certain weights makes you slower and restricts your movements. It also makes you a bigger target, literally.

The more mass you have around a tendon, the less force it takes to snap it.

Come at me bros. For real.

Tyson> lee.
I'm really surprised at how little NTers know about Bruce Lee.

Bruce Lee's real strength was not his quickness and physicality. It was his technique and strategy. How quick he could diagnose an attacker and respond with an answer.

All these stories about side kicks from Bruce Lee really tells you how talented the guy was. A side kick is not a goto move at all. You will get yourself KO'd trying that on the barely skilled fighters. :lol:
This the same place that thought xxx amount of Daschunds can take on a full grown Tiger :rofl:

I swear that thread >>>>>>>>

I'm really surprised at how little NTers know about Bruce Lee.

Bruce Lee's real strength was not his quickness and physicality. It was his technique and strategy. How quick he could diagnose an attacker and respond with an answer.

All these stories about side kicks from Bruce Lee really tells you how talented the guy was. A side kick is not a goto move at all. You will get yourself KO'd trying that on the barely skilled fighters.
The same can be said about guys like Floyd Mayweather and Pernell Whitaker.  
Just as much as you say that there is no proof that Bruce Lee could not actually street fight, you can't name very many fighting skills that Mike Tyson has.

I've literally made a decision to not partake in conversations with NTers who are not knowledgeable on the subject matter, regardless of the subject. So when you can come to me and name 5 fighting skills that xxx boxer has, I will discuss.

But you can't.
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