[::2009 Champion LAKERS OFF-SEASON THREAD Vol. Boring Non-News Days Causing In-Thread Tension::]

Originally Posted by Long Beach Vincey

Originally Posted by badboyf0life420

"You want to keep the team together," Odom said Thursday. "We just won a championship, you don't want to see one piece not there.
Hopefully we can keep everybody here."

Odom met with coach Phil Jackson and general manager Mitch Kupchak during an individual 20-minute exit interview.

"Hopefully, it won't take that long," he said, joking about upcoming contract negotiations. "In and
out, three years, 80 million."
man it bothers me why they didnt let lamar talk at the parade... dude would be straight comedy..
I'm sayin.. man they let Jordy and Luke talk but not LO and Ariza??

We all wanted to show LO and Ariza some appreciation

yeah i was extremely disappointed. the cynical part of me was thinking upper brass didn't want anyone with contract situations(minus Kobe) talking onstage. but I'm sure that wasn't the case.
Originally Posted by dyyhard

Originally Posted by Long Beach Vincey

Originally Posted by badboyf0life420

"You want to keep the team together," Odom said Thursday. "We just won a championship, you don't want to see one piece not there.
Hopefully we can keep everybody here."

Odom met with coach Phil Jackson and general manager Mitch Kupchak during an individual 20-minute exit interview.

"Hopefully, it won't take that long," he said, joking about upcoming contract negotiations. "In and
out, three years, 80 million."
man it bothers me why they didnt let lamar talk at the parade... dude would be straight comedy..
I'm sayin.. man they let Jordy and Luke talk but not LO and Ariza??

We all wanted to show LO and Ariza some appreciation

yeah i was extremely disappointed. the cynical part of me was thinking upper brass didn't want anyone with contract situations(minus Kobe) talking on stage. but I'm sure that wasn't the case.
Na actually I think you're correct. I was thinking the same thing afterwards too walking back to the car.

The format of the celebration was unexpected. I was thinkin there would be a podium set up and the starters would just come up and say whatever was on theirmind.. it caught me off guard when Stu and Joel sort of led the way with questions.
DJ and� SunYue not getting a chance to have their Slava moment


-As for Odom getting more than Trevor I think you guys forgot about Andrew's injury.Yes Lamar was an important part of the playoff run i know but before'Drew went down� he was avg. something like 8 /8 off the bench . Just think about next year he will be coming off the bench for 82 games. Nearly Tenmillion for that I just dont think that would happen.
--Anyone have the "You Mad?" Kobe pic with him holding the Obrien and Finals MVP trophies? Greatly appreciated for the hook up.
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

Originally Posted by bright nikes

I've already enjoyed the championship.

This is the off-season thread, CP if you want - we can talk about the off-season together.

Can you enjoy it just until July 1st.

People are stressing in here, just wanted to lighten up the mood.

After July 1st, when negotiations can begin, I'm with you bright and CP.
I'm down with that as well...
Can't we just go over the salary cap like Boston is doing? Like, way over? Aren't they way over?

But that essentially mortgages your future, right?
They're over ($80M; luxury cap was $71M), but only $5M more than the Lakers. It's the Knicks ($95M), Cavs ($92M), and Mavs ($93M) thatwere way over. They pay a dollar-for-dollar tax on the amount over the luxury tax number.

The 36 rule. He has to max out his dollars now til 35 because of the rule. It's so teams don't backload contracts to the end of deals and find other loop holes and what not.
The rule doesn't have an effect on how much he gets. It increases the team's salary cap and luxury tax in the year(s) before he turns 36. It's question 49 of Larry $%@%'s NBA Salary Cap FAQ.
If that fails just unload Sasha & Luke.
That would leave Kobe as the only guard over 6'4" that saw minutes last season.

Bynum(3+team option)/Mbenga(0)

The highlighted players are the "lesser" unrestricted free agents on the team. The number in parenthesis is the number of years they have left ontheir respective contracts.

It seems clear that Farmar and Morrison (along with their first round pick?) are the most likely candidates to be involved in trades to save the Lakers money. Then again, the Lakers may keep them around as insurance policies if the other low contract players (Powell, Mbenga or their replacements) don't pan out.

I believe that the teams under the cap next year (read: can take on contracts w/o sending anything back out) are Detroit, Portland, New Jersey, Atlanta,Memphis, Minnesota, Oklahoma City, and the Kings. One or more of those teams have to spend their money to re-sign their own free agents. Which of these teamslooks like it wants to help the Lakers by taking Walton off thier hands?
Click here to see a slideshow and video of Kobe at Disneyland
Damn, I'm not one to fawn over celebrities, attractive women being the obvious exception, but I clicked through on that link. Unfortunately,I read Kobe's interview with the police not to long ago and one of the more infamous lines immediately popped in my head when I saw picture number 3

"That's not my responsibility, that's the franchise's responsibility to come to the table with things and have all the guys come back and make sure they get what they deserve," he said.
He knows how to play the game. Only Lamar has saidflat out that he'd take less money to remain a Laker. Trev gave the money is important and so is winning line which is a non-commital answer.

These guys are part of a union and should seek to maximize their value at all times. Still, Duncan, Shaq, and most recently KG all took significant paycuts tohelp their teams surround them with talent so I guess I should expect no less from Kobe.
anyway guys i heard this morning on ESPN 710 John and Ireland show that Kobe can still get his max money (you all know he earned every pennies) by restructuring it to where he'll get most of the money at the end of the deal so the lakers can still make move on odom, ariza and brown at least for the next 2/3 years... also Lakers can also deferred payment ala manny/dodgers deal but im not sure how that works so cant really comment on it ...
According to Larry $%@%'s FAQ, the Lakers can defer up to 30% of his salary., but they're still paying the luxury taxes so he'd stillhave to take a cut in pay to save them money over all.

I'm dying to see what the market is for these two guys or if they'll be taken off the market before other teams even get a chance to make an offer. I'm also interested in seeing how they're going to fill out the roster.
Originally Posted by bright nikes

I've already enjoyed the championship.

This is the off-season thread, CP if you want - we can talk about the off-season together.



Oh, and btw, guess who all of a sudden has an affinity for Trevor Ariza? A team that like 3 months ago despised the guy.

Tup, these idiots up in Portland. They need a 3, they want to hurt us, they are having internal talks on whether to pursue or not.

Originally Posted by CP1708

Oh, and btw, guess who all of a sudden has an affinity for Trevor Ariza? A team that like 3 months ago despised the guy.

Tup, these idiots up in Portland.



You should've heard the guys on the radio after Ariza did that. You woulda thought someone slapped their momma with how heated they were... talkingsuspensions and all that.

Rudy with the DWade moment FTL.
Whatchu talkin? I DID hear those radio guys. Hell, there's a huge Rudy fan here at work, nice sweet old lady, she wanted to @#$%^&* kneecap me.

She was FURIOUS the next day at work. People were straight losing their minds out here about Trev. They had kid shook too when they played again a few weekslater. He wanted no part of that game.
I'm just mad we ain't got !@#$ in SD in regards to Championship gear.

Only thing I was able to cop was the Locker Room Tee.

No parade tee, no nothing, not even the damn Locker room hat. SD FTL.
Championship teams usually get a ring veteran ring chaser the following year. I wonder who's going to be ours next year?
Originally Posted by goukiteg

Championship teams usually get a ring veteran ring chaser the following year. I wonder who's going to be ours next year?
I hope it's Jason Kidd
, we need to find someway toexile Sasha though
Originally Posted by goukiteg

Championship teams usually get a ring veteran ring chaser the following year. I wonder who's going to be ours next year?
Mikki Moore, Joe Smith and Drew Gooden were rollin over in their graves during the finals. I wish we could somehow bring Drew to the squad thoughhe'll contribute more than DJ.
I'd be ok if we stayed put, but I guess if we had a chance to get Kidd, we'd have to take a look at it.

But if we're getting Kidd, who leaves? Fish, Farmar, Brown?

IMO, Fish is here because he is a Laker. Ya'll should know what I mean by that. There are Lakers, and then there are "Lakers"

And Farmar and Brown are our future at the position. We get Kidd to team with Fish, we have to give up on one of the kids which means we put all eggs in onebasket for either Farmar or Brown. Personally, I feel safer having two of them to fall back on. (injuries, talent misjudgement, etc)

Kidd is pretty good if he is left WIDE open, but he is not hitting pull up 3's in a guys face like what Fish can do, and Jordan has done as well.

I do like havin a 6'4" PG though, but isn't Brown 6'4" also?

Nobody is takin Walton off our hands, people need to let that go, and I doubt anyone will inquire about Sasha either. But I think that kid can come back nextyear and be the machine again. (hope so)

So our roster if everyone signs is locked and loaded


With Morrison and Sun Yue on stand bye in street clothes.

What does this mean? We have 3 draft picks coming in the draft, we either package all 3 picks, or we basically gonna draft them and drop them.

I wish we could just package all 3 for a single pick in 11 or 12.

We're young enough to where we won't hurt ourselves too bad letting picks go, but if we think we can find an upgrade over Morrison or Yue, then we cutthem loose, and keep that pick. Didin't we cut the kid we drafted outta Kentucky last year? Never saw dude.

Now, I don't see why anyone would take our scrubs to help us, but ya'll realize that Mitch has added Pau, Ariza, and Brown in the last two years forKwame, Cook, Evans, Crittenton, and Radmanovic???

That is CRAZY right there. Straight stealing from other teams.

So I guess if we could package Walton, Sasha, and Morrison for D. Rose we should go ahead and look into that.
[h1]Lamar Odom hopes to remain with Lakers[/h1]

Ronald Martinez / Getty Images

Lakers forward Lamar Odom reacts to a play in Game 5 of the NBA Finals.

The forward will be an unrestricted free agent on July 1. His desire is to "stay home," but Lakers will have to make a decision on him and Trevor Ariza, also an unrestricted free agent.

By Mike Bresnahan
June 19, 2009
Lamar Odom cleaned out his locker Thursday and left the Lakers' training facility, perhaps for the last time as part of the franchise that has employed him the last five years.

Odom will be an unrestricted free agent July 1, one of two forwards the Lakers hope to re-sign to keep their frontcourt

The Lakers have already committed $74 million toward eight players on next season's payroll. Buss will pay up to $7 million in luxury taxes for this past season's payroll, but he would have to go much deeper into luxury-tax territory, perhaps $20 million on top of a $90-million payroll, to re-sign both Odom and Ariza. It would move the Lakers from a top-five payroll to the top payroll in the league.

Odom turns 30 in November. Will he be celebrating his birthday as a member of the Lakers?

"I thought I did my job this year -- come off the bench, do whatever it takes," Odom said as players continued to have exit meetings with Lakers Coach Phil Jackson and General Manager Mitch Kupchak. "I had to play well and I played well. We had to win and we won. Hopefully, everything will just work out and I can stay home."

Odom had a solid playoff run, averaging 12.3 points a game, third-best on the team, and 9.1 rebounds, second-best on the team. He was particularly impressive in the last two games of the Western Conference finals, helping the Lakers successfully emerge from a 2-2 deadlock with Denver by averaging 19.5 points and 11 rebounds in Games 5 and 6.

"I think he's done everything that was asked of him over the last five seasons, from playing small forward to point guard to power forward to coming off the bench," said Odom's agent, Jeff Schwartz. "And as much as he's made it clear he wants to remain a Laker, it's going to depend on their offer and what the market holds for him. The bottom line is, Lamar has shown he's a winner and that's valuable."

Odom has been part of some impromptu celebrations since the Lakers won the championship. He went to a Los Angeles restaurant where Lakers fans stood at their tables and started clapping when they saw him arrive.

He also went to the grocery store and experienced the same thing, "about 200 people in the supermarket, clapping," he said.

During his exit meeting, Odom was asked to "stay in shape" during the off-season, he said.

"They know I'm a socialite," he said. "We win a championship, I'm 29, decent-looking. When we go out, I'm well-received, know what I'm saying? They want me to take care of myself and sleep correctly, stay in the weight room and stay strong. That's a good sign. That means they want me back."



Get it done Mitch.
#1. Y'all couldn't even give me a week into the offseason before you started mentioning Kidd with the Lakers?
Got me all focused on that now,dammit.
Kidd's going to be like 59 when he signs with the Lakers, and I'm going to be the only person like "That's what I'mtalking 'bout! CHAMIONSHIPP!!!!"

#2. Lamar seriously said 'In and out, 3 years, 80 million,' and 'I'm 29, decent-looking. When I go out, I'm well-received' when talkingat different times about his contract situation.
That's awesome.

#3. That dude standing in front of the fence needs to put some damn clothes on.

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"They know I'm a socialite," he said. "We win a championship, I'm 29, decent-looking. When we go out, I'm well-received, know what I'm saying? They want me to take care of myself and sleep correctly, stay in the weight room and stay strong. That's a good sign. That means they want me back."

hmm.....if he plays just as well in next year's playoff and/or finals and I'll be happy with Lamar. they should give him a huge allstar game bonusclause in his contract too(hoping for 1998 again) - though that's prob not gonna happen with him as sixth man. but you need to get it done for a repeat!
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