2009 Concacaf Gold Cup Final: Mexico Champions. Vol. Aug 12 just got serious.

^ and winning this tournament has nothing to do with Copa America. As a matter of fact, it has nothing to do with anything and that's why the US sent theroster they sent out.
Originally Posted by Whateversclever

A Victory is a Victory.

End of story



Yeeeup USA got there ____ served regardless who playin
Originally Posted by KRISPACINLA

^^^Yeah you stay classy.


This wasn't an important tournament. Yeah i'm glad el tri came out with the W but THIS has to be taken with a grain of salt. Hardly anyone in a USMNTshirt from this tourney will be representing in D.F. next month.

Take whatever strides the players made as individuals and keep progressing. Today will have no bearing on next months result.

Gimme a good match from both sides and i'm good
Originally Posted by socluis90

^ and winning this tournament has nothing to do with Copa America. As a matter of fact, it has nothing to do with anything and that's why the US sent the roster they sent out.
i thought the winner of the gold cup got an invite to the copa america....
^^^No sir. No implications whatsoever. COMEBOL runs that. They invite who ever they want. I think Japan and Mexico are the two guests for the next edition.
i think Gold Cup winners only get an invitation to the Confederations Cup, except when there's a World Cup in between (as is the case this year)
First of all..

Ok, 2nd I knew all you US fans would come in here with the sad excuse of "it was their A team against our C team". It's completely false but ifit helps you guys sleep better at night then go ahead and believe it. Most players from this squad haven't started in the previous qualifiers and won'ton the 12th. The ones who will are because they have earned it playing in this tournament. Let me break it down..

Defense - Magallon/Valenzuela/Pinto/Juarez. None of these players played in the previous qualifiers and I think only one has earned a spot for our sqaud on the12th and that's the young'n Juarez. Dude played real well and if Aguirre has any sense he'll play. Magallon used to be a baller but fell off afterhis injury and hasn't played well. Players who should be considered for the 12th are Marquez/Rojas/Juarez/Osorio/Salcido.

Midfield - Torrado/(Juarez - Really a defender but played up today)/Castro/Castro/Medina. None of these players will play on the 12th. The ONLY player whomight find his way on the team is Torrado. Why? I don't know. But I know Aguirre likes him even though he sucks. He didn't have a bad game but had ahorrible tournament. He shouldn't be called up based on one decent game. Dos Santos hasn't started any previous qualifiers but I think after thisperformance he should be starting on the 12th IMO. Players who should and will be considered for the game on the 12th are Guardado/Pardo/DosSantos/Noriega/Blanco/Barrera.

Fowards - Gio(he played up top today but I think he's better in the midfield)/Sabah/Medina. Sabah started off well but dissapeared the last two games.He's decent but just seems like a player who shines when he's at the right place at the right time. He won't play on the 12th. Medina shouldn'tbe allowed anywhere near a green shirt. He runs like a chicken with his head cut off and will not play on the 12th. Guille came in as a sub today and somepeople say he will play on the 12th and I really hope not because I honestly think dude sucked. Vela hasn't started any games and hasn't played likeGio but I don't really see any better options up top. Players who should be considered for the game on the 12th are Vela/Arellano/Vuoso/(Gio if they chooseto play him up top).

To say Mexico fielded anything close to their A team is laughable, even their B team. If the U.S. had a better tournament and had players stand out like Mexicodid then they would also have players who would be considered on the 12th. They showed NOTHING today and played with NO heart and NO pride. You guys may notthink this means a lot for the U.S. national team but it does. It means a lot for the future of U.S. soccer. These young players who may not be on the firstsquad today will one day be on it, and for you guys to just brush it off is stupid. A loss is a loss, but a 5-0 loss on HOME SOIL to a rival will be rememberdfor a long time. The second half was the most pathetic display of soccer I've ever watched any U.S. national team play. You guys need to quit acting likeit's nothing because you got your $%% whooped.


wowza...left for the airport at the half...checked the final score on my phone at my gate...damn.

what happened?
gotta take advantage of this win..

already got someone to take a STRAIGHT bet on MEX for aug 12th
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

First of all..

Ok, 2nd I knew all you US fans would come in here with the sad excuse of "it was their A team against our C team". It's completely false but if it helps you guys sleep better at night then go ahead and believe it. Most players from this squad haven't started in the previous qualifiers and won't on the 12th. The ones who will are because they have earned it playing in this tournament. Let me break it down..

Defense - Magallon/Valenzuela/Pinto/Juarez. None of these players played in the previous qualifiers and I think only one has earned a spot for our sqaud on the 12th and that's the young'n Juarez. Dude played real well and if Aguirre has any sense he'll play. Magallon used to be a baller but fell off after his injury and hasn't played well. Players who should be considered for the 12th are Marquez/Rojas/Juarez/Osorio/Salcido.

Midfield - Torrado/(Juarez - Really a defender but played up today)/Castro/Castro/Medina. None of these players will play on the 12th. The ONLY player who might find his way on the team is Torrado. Why? I don't know. But I know Aguirre likes him even though he sucks. He didn't have a bad game but had a horrible tournament. He shouldn't be called up based on one decent game. Dos Santos hasn't started any previous qualifiers but I think after this performance he should be starting on the 12th IMO. Players who should and will be considered for the game on the 12th are Guardado/Pardo/Dos Santos/Noriega/Blanco/Barrera.

Fowards - Gio(he played up top today but I think he's better in the midfield)/Sabah/Medina. Sabah started off well but dissapeared the last two games. He's decent but just seems like a player who shines when he's at the right place at the right time. He won't play on the 12th. Medina shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a green shirt. He runs like a chicken with his head cut off and will not play on the 12th. Guille came in as a sub today and some people say he will play on the 12th and I really hope not because I honestly think dude sucked. Vela hasn't started any games and hasn't played like Gio but I don't really see any better options up top. Players who should be considered for the game on the 12th are Vela/Arellano/Vuoso/(Gio if they choose to play him up top).

To say Mexico fielded anything close to their A team is laughable, even their B team. If the U.S. had a better tournament and had players stand out like Mexico did then they would also have players who would be considered on the 12th. They showed NOTHING today and played with NO heart and NO pride. You guys may not think this means a lot for the U.S. national team but it does. It means a lot for the future of U.S. soccer. These young players who may not be on the first squad today will one day be on it, and for you guys to just brush it off is stupid. A loss is a loss, but a 5-0 loss on HOME SOIL to a rival will be rememberd for a long time. The second half was the most pathetic display of soccer I've ever watched any U.S. national team play. You guys need to quit acting like it's nothing because you got your $%% whooped.


The Future of US soccer????

Cmon dude I knew you hated the US, but at least know what your talking about. There is only One AND I mean One player that played today that is in the futuresplans of US soccer.

Stuart Holden.

Everyone else are low to mid norm players in MLS who maybe (by some strange reason) will see the US jersey again. As for Mexico you Got you future playing inthis game.





This is the "Golden Era of soccer players in Mexico" or am I wrong??

Franco been on the A squad??? Memo??? Venado???? Torrado??? All these dudes been on the Top squad at one point or another, and I would not be suprised if all 4of these see the field on the 12th. Fall back on saying that you brought your JV squad which is exactly what the US did. This tournament ment nothing to us,if not ROBOBOB would have brought a B team instead of this MLS group. I will agree that our players played with no heart today after the first goal landed, butfor most this was their first big international game. so I give them a pass. Congrats on the win. It been a long time coming. I mean 10+ years with out a winon our soil?? We shall proceed with beating you at the AZTECA for our first victory ever in Mexico.
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

First of all..

Ok, 2nd I knew all you US fans would come in here with the sad excuse of "it was their A team against our C team". It's completely false but if it helps you guys sleep better at night then go ahead and believe it. Most players from this squad haven't started in the previous qualifiers and won't on the 12th. The ones who will are because they have earned it playing in this tournament. Let me break it down..

Defense - Magallon/Valenzuela/Pinto/Juarez. None of these players played in the previous qualifiers and I think only one has earned a spot for our sqaud on the 12th and that's the young'n Juarez. Dude played real well and if Aguirre has any sense he'll play. Magallon used to be a baller but fell off after his injury and hasn't played well. Players who should be considered for the 12th are Marquez/Rojas/Juarez/Osorio/Salcido.

Midfield - Torrado/(Juarez - Really a defender but played up today)/Castro/Castro/Medina. None of these players will play on the 12th. The ONLY player who might find his way on the team is Torrado. Why? I don't know. But I know Aguirre likes him even though he sucks. He didn't have a bad game but had a horrible tournament. He shouldn't be called up based on one decent game. Dos Santos hasn't started any previous qualifiers but I think after this performance he should be starting on the 12th IMO. Players who should and will be considered for the game on the 12th are Guardado/Pardo/Dos Santos/Noriega/Blanco/Barrera.

Fowards - Gio(he played up top today but I think he's better in the midfield)/Sabah/Medina. Sabah started off well but dissapeared the last two games. He's decent but just seems like a player who shines when he's at the right place at the right time. He won't play on the 12th. Medina shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a green shirt. He runs like a chicken with his head cut off and will not play on the 12th. Guille came in as a sub today and some people say he will play on the 12th and I really hope not because I honestly think dude sucked. Vela hasn't started any games and hasn't played like Gio but I don't really see any better options up top. Players who should be considered for the game on the 12th are Vela/Arellano/Vuoso/(Gio if they choose to play him up top).

To say Mexico fielded anything close to their A team is laughable, even their B team. If the U.S. had a better tournament and had players stand out like Mexico did then they would also have players who would be considered on the 12th. They showed NOTHING today and played with NO heart and NO pride. You guys may not think this means a lot for the U.S. national team but it does. It means a lot for the future of U.S. soccer. These young players who may not be on the first squad today will one day be on it, and for you guys to just brush it off is stupid. A loss is a loss, but a 5-0 loss on HOME SOIL to a rival will be rememberd for a long time. The second half was the most pathetic display of soccer I've ever watched any U.S. national team play. You guys need to quit acting like it's nothing because you got your $%% whooped.


No one from our roster today will see the WC next year and many won't ever see the USNT jersey again. Our future is Adu, Altidore, Bradley, Davies, etc.not these guys. We're on the right path.

How many of Mexico's players have played in these WCQ? At least 8
For the US? 1

Enjoy the win. Kinda sad you guys are celebrating like you won the World Cup. This tourney didn't mean anything and if you call me salty read my firstposts in this thread. I predicted Mexico winning this whole thing as soon as I saw the rosters and mentioned how pointless this tourney is.

As for the lack of heart, it's been mentioned and that's why these players will never play for the US again. That's unacceptable.

Enjoy this because this will be the highest point Mexico reaches in a while. I see more losses to Honduras, El Salvador, and USA in your near future.
Originally Posted by socluis90

I really expect Mexico to win this tournament.

Bradley took a C team and is just using this tournament to test players out.

Mexico didn't take their best players but they have enough quality players to be favorites to win it all IMO. This team is more talented than any other squad in this tournament. They also have the pressure from their media to win this thing due to their recent bad performances.

I expect a US-Mexico final but Mexico will win it and they'll celebrate like they just won the world cup and count that win as "ending the curse" of their troubles vs the USA on American soil.

The real game is on August 12.

As a matter of fact let me quote myself from page 2 before this whole thing even got started.
Originally Posted by socluis90

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

First of all..

Ok, 2nd I knew all you US fans would come in here with the sad excuse of "it was their A team against our C team". It's completely false but if it helps you guys sleep better at night then go ahead and believe it. Most players from this squad haven't started in the previous qualifiers and won't on the 12th. The ones who will are because they have earned it playing in this tournament. Let me break it down..

Defense - Magallon/Valenzuela/Pinto/Juarez. None of these players played in the previous qualifiers and I think only one has earned a spot for our sqaud on the 12th and that's the young'n Juarez. Dude played real well and if Aguirre has any sense he'll play. Magallon used to be a baller but fell off after his injury and hasn't played well. Players who should be considered for the 12th are Marquez/Rojas/Juarez/Osorio/Salcido.

Midfield - Torrado/(Juarez - Really a defender but played up today)/Castro/Castro/Medina. None of these players will play on the 12th. The ONLY player who might find his way on the team is Torrado. Why? I don't know. But I know Aguirre likes him even though he sucks. He didn't have a bad game but had a horrible tournament. He shouldn't be called up based on one decent game. Dos Santos hasn't started any previous qualifiers but I think after this performance he should be starting on the 12th IMO. Players who should and will be considered for the game on the 12th are Guardado/Pardo/Dos Santos/Noriega/Blanco/Barrera.

Fowards - Gio(he played up top today but I think he's better in the midfield)/Sabah/Medina. Sabah started off well but dissapeared the last two games. He's decent but just seems like a player who shines when he's at the right place at the right time. He won't play on the 12th. Medina shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a green shirt. He runs like a chicken with his head cut off and will not play on the 12th. Guille came in as a sub today and some people say he will play on the 12th and I really hope not because I honestly think dude sucked. Vela hasn't started any games and hasn't played like Gio but I don't really see any better options up top. Players who should be considered for the game on the 12th are Vela/Arellano/Vuoso/(Gio if they choose to play him up top).

To say Mexico fielded anything close to their A team is laughable, even their B team. If the U.S. had a better tournament and had players stand out like Mexico did then they would also have players who would be considered on the 12th. They showed NOTHING today and played with NO heart and NO pride. You guys may not think this means a lot for the U.S. national team but it does. It means a lot for the future of U.S. soccer. These young players who may not be on the first squad today will one day be on it, and for you guys to just brush it off is stupid. A loss is a loss, but a 5-0 loss on HOME SOIL to a rival will be rememberd for a long time. The second half was the most pathetic display of soccer I've ever watched any U.S. national team play. You guys need to quit acting like it's nothing because you got your $%% whooped.


No one from our roster today will see the WC next year and many won't ever see the USNT jersey again. Our future is Adu, Altidore, Bradley, Davies, etc. not these guys. We're on the right path.

How many of Mexico's players have played in these WCQ? At least 8
For the US? 1

Enjoy the win. Kinda sad you guys are celebrating like you won the World Cup. This tourney didn't mean anything and if you call me salty read my first posts in this thread. I predicted Mexico winning this whole thing as soon as I saw the rosters and mentioned how pointless this tourney is.

As for the lack of heart, it's been mentioned and that's why these players will never play for the US again. That's unacceptable.

Enjoy this because this will be the highest point Mexico reaches in a while. I see more losses to Honduras, El Salvador, and USA in your near future.
Thank you.

This guy is delusional if he thinks the sides we fielded today were comparable in terms of relative place in our systems.
whatever makes you feel better about finally beating us dude.
You talk as U.S.A. has been so great lately and it's funny youguys use the confederations cup as an example of your "great" play. If there's a word to describe the way the U.S. played in the confederationscup it's "LUCK" You get through the group stage by getting two #%$ whoopins
..Then Spain basically beat themselves and made two HUGE mistakes which cost themthe game. The only good game you guys had was against Egypt. Other than that you guys didn't display great soccer, just fortunate Spain had one of it'sworst defensive games in a LONG time. I'm confident our full squad will win on the 12th, and I'm glad you guys are overhyping up your team.


Originally Posted by KRISPACINLA

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23
Congrats on the win. It been a long time coming. I mean 10+ years with out a win on our soil?? We shall proceed with beating you at the AZTECA for our first victory ever in Mexico.

Remind me the last time the U.S. won on Mexican soil?

Oh yeah thats right...



Originally Posted by KRISPACINLA

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

First of all..

Ok, 2nd I knew all you US fans would come in here with the sad excuse of "it was their A team against our C team". It's completely false but if it helps you guys sleep better at night then go ahead and believe it. Most players from this squad haven't started in the previous qualifiers and won't on the 12th. The ones who will are because they have earned it playing in this tournament. Let me break it down..

Defense - Magallon/Valenzuela/Pinto/Juarez. None of these players played in the previous qualifiers and I think only one has earned a spot for our sqaud on the 12th and that's the young'n Juarez. Dude played real well and if Aguirre has any sense he'll play. Magallon used to be a baller but fell off after his injury and hasn't played well. Players who should be considered for the 12th are Marquez/Rojas/Juarez/Osorio/Salcido.

Midfield - Torrado/(Juarez - Really a defender but played up today)/Castro/Castro/Medina. None of these players will play on the 12th. The ONLY player who might find his way on the team is Torrado. Why? I don't know. But I know Aguirre likes him even though he sucks. He didn't have a bad game but had a horrible tournament. He shouldn't be called up based on one decent game. Dos Santos hasn't started any previous qualifiers but I think after this performance he should be starting on the 12th IMO. Players who should and will be considered for the game on the 12th are Guardado/Pardo/Dos Santos/Noriega/Blanco/Barrera.

Fowards - Gio(he played up top today but I think he's better in the midfield)/Sabah/Medina. Sabah started off well but dissapeared the last two games. He's decent but just seems like a player who shines when he's at the right place at the right time. He won't play on the 12th. Medina shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a green shirt. He runs like a chicken with his head cut off and will not play on the 12th. Guille came in as a sub today and some people say he will play on the 12th and I really hope not because I honestly think dude sucked. Vela hasn't started any games and hasn't played like Gio but I don't really see any better options up top. Players who should be considered for the game on the 12th are Vela/Arellano/Vuoso/(Gio if they choose to play him up top).

To say Mexico fielded anything close to their A team is laughable, even their B team. If the U.S. had a better tournament and had players stand out like Mexico did then they would also have players who would be considered on the 12th. They showed NOTHING today and played with NO heart and NO pride. You guys may not think this means a lot for the U.S. national team but it does. It means a lot for the future of U.S. soccer. These young players who may not be on the first squad today will one day be on it, and for you guys to just brush it off is stupid. A loss is a loss, but a 5-0 loss on HOME SOIL to a rival will be rememberd for a long time. The second half was the most pathetic display of soccer I've ever watched any U.S. national team play. You guys need to quit acting like it's nothing because you got your $%% whooped.


The Future of US soccer????

Cmon dude I knew you hated the US, but at least know what your talking about. There is only One AND I mean One player that played today that is in the futures plans of US soccer.

Stuart Holden.

Everyone else are low to mid norm players in MLS who maybe (by some strange reason) will see the US jersey again. As for Mexico you Got you future playing in this game.





This is the "Golden Era of soccer players in Mexico" or am I wrong??

Franco been on the A squad??? Memo??? Venado???? Torrado??? All these dudes been on the Top squad at one point or another, and I would not be suprised if all 4 of these see the field on the 12th. Fall back on saying that you brought your JV squad which is exactly what the US did. This tournament ment nothing to us, if not ROBOBOB would have brought a B team instead of this MLS group. I will agree that our players played with no heart today after the first goal landed, but for most this was their first big international game. so I give them a pass. Congrats on the win. It been a long time coming. I mean 10+ years with out a win on our soil?? We shall proceed with beating you at the AZTECA for our first victory ever in Mexico.
[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]The Mexico players have had to adapt to a new coach, Franco waskicked off Villarreal/not a lot of playing time, Memo, could have easily put in Corona and the Mexico goal would have been secured, Venado??? Dude came intothe national team all the sudden after a few years with a very low level. Torrado, I accept is the more experienced player we have on the team.[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]That Golden Era, how are you gonna blame us for that? Those Golden Era"kids" are like 19-20 maybe even 21.. young dudes. Not our fault they are talented, even so, most have either not been called up or have come on assubs for a few minutes when the "A" team is playing.[/color]
[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]
Funny how I was reading posts of people confident, "Oh we'll win 2-0" (Mexico = Best defense of the tournament) "Even our C team isgood" "Even our C Team is dominating the tournament" but then what.......... you lose and it is nothing but excuses, who cares if it was team ab or c, BOTH had alternative teams, BOTH got to the final with ease (for the most part)[/color], [color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]showing they know their stuff[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]Can't wait for the 12th and the excuses it will bring.[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]And stop with that 10+ years nonsense.. most of you claimed a"paternity" based on home wins[/color]
[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]then what would that make Mexico over U.S?[/color]
Originally Posted by CruzAzul9

Originally Posted by KRISPACINLA

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

First of all..

Ok, 2nd I knew all you US fans would come in here with the sad excuse of "it was their A team against our C team". It's completely false but if it helps you guys sleep better at night then go ahead and believe it. Most players from this squad haven't started in the previous qualifiers and won't on the 12th. The ones who will are because they have earned it playing in this tournament. Let me break it down..

Defense - Magallon/Valenzuela/Pinto/Juarez. None of these players played in the previous qualifiers and I think only one has earned a spot for our sqaud on the 12th and that's the young'n Juarez. Dude played real well and if Aguirre has any sense he'll play. Magallon used to be a baller but fell off after his injury and hasn't played well. Players who should be considered for the 12th are Marquez/Rojas/Juarez/Osorio/Salcido.

Midfield - Torrado/(Juarez - Really a defender but played up today)/Castro/Castro/Medina. None of these players will play on the 12th. The ONLY player who might find his way on the team is Torrado. Why? I don't know. But I know Aguirre likes him even though he sucks. He didn't have a bad game but had a horrible tournament. He shouldn't be called up based on one decent game. Dos Santos hasn't started any previous qualifiers but I think after this performance he should be starting on the 12th IMO. Players who should and will be considered for the game on the 12th are Guardado/Pardo/Dos Santos/Noriega/Blanco/Barrera.

Fowards - Gio(he played up top today but I think he's better in the midfield)/Sabah/Medina. Sabah started off well but dissapeared the last two games. He's decent but just seems like a player who shines when he's at the right place at the right time. He won't play on the 12th. Medina shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a green shirt. He runs like a chicken with his head cut off and will not play on the 12th. Guille came in as a sub today and some people say he will play on the 12th and I really hope not because I honestly think dude sucked. Vela hasn't started any games and hasn't played like Gio but I don't really see any better options up top. Players who should be considered for the game on the 12th are Vela/Arellano/Vuoso/(Gio if they choose to play him up top).

To say Mexico fielded anything close to their A team is laughable, even their B team. If the U.S. had a better tournament and had players stand out like Mexico did then they would also have players who would be considered on the 12th. They showed NOTHING today and played with NO heart and NO pride. You guys may not think this means a lot for the U.S. national team but it does. It means a lot for the future of U.S. soccer. These young players who may not be on the first squad today will one day be on it, and for you guys to just brush it off is stupid. A loss is a loss, but a 5-0 loss on HOME SOIL to a rival will be rememberd for a long time. The second half was the most pathetic display of soccer I've ever watched any U.S. national team play. You guys need to quit acting like it's nothing because you got your $%% whooped.


The Future of US soccer????

Cmon dude I knew you hated the US, but at least know what your talking about. There is only One AND I mean One player that played today that is in the futures plans of US soccer.

Stuart Holden.

Everyone else are low to mid norm players in MLS who maybe (by some strange reason) will see the US jersey again. As for Mexico you Got you future playing in this game.





This is the "Golden Era of soccer players in Mexico" or am I wrong??

Franco been on the A squad??? Memo??? Venado???? Torrado??? All these dudes been on the Top squad at one point or another, and I would not be suprised if all 4 of these see the field on the 12th. Fall back on saying that you brought your JV squad which is exactly what the US did. This tournament ment nothing to us, if not ROBOBOB would have brought a B team instead of this MLS group. I will agree that our players played with no heart today after the first goal landed, but for most this was their first big international game. so I give them a pass. Congrats on the win. It been a long time coming. I mean 10+ years with out a win on our soil?? We shall proceed with beating you at the AZTECA for our first victory ever in Mexico.
[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]The Mexico players have had to adapt to a new coach, Franco was kicked off Villarreal/not a lot of playing time, Memo, could have easily put in Corona and the Mexico goal would have been secured, Venado??? Dude came into the national team all the sudden after a few years with a very low level. Torrado, I accept is the more experienced player we have on the team.[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]That Golden Era, how are you gonna blame us for that? Those Golden Era "kids" are like 19-20 maybe even 21.. young dudes. Not our fault they are talented, even so, most have either not been called up or have come on as subs for a few minutes when the "A" team is playing.[/color]
[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]
Funny how I was reading posts of people confident, "Oh we'll win 2-0" (Mexico = Best defense of the tournament) "Even our C team is good" "Even our C Team is dominating the tournament" but then what.......... you lose and it is nothing but excuses, who cares if it was team a b or c, BOTH had alternative teams, BOTH got to the final with ease (for the most part)[/color], [color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]showing they know their stuff[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]Can't wait for the 12th and the excuses it will bring.[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]And stop with that 10+ years nonsense.. most of you claimed a "paternity" based on home wins[/color]
[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]then what would that make Mexico over U.S?[/color]

Leave them, it's what they tell themselves so they can sleepbetter at night..
Speaking of golden era, CruzAzul9 did you watch Gio's brother Jonathan debut with Barca's first team? He's going to be a baller..
I guarantee you if we played as many times in Azteca as you do here we would have won a game there by now. Kinda easy to stay undefeated against a team whenyou only play them twice a decade at home.
[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]That Golden Era, how are you gonna blame us for that? Those Golden Era "kids" are like 19-20 maybe even 21.. young dudes. Not our fault they are talented, even so, most have either not been called up or have come on as subs for a few minutes when the "A" team is playing.[/color]

But it's still a big difference - we're playing guys who will 99 percent of NEVER see the A team... you're just calling it your lower-tier teambecause they're young, that doesn't mean they aren't the most talented guys in your system and they wouldn't be playing nearly every minute ifthey were 3 years older.

Huge difference.

It's whatever though - like i said, you're saying we're making excuses... and to us, it sounds like you guys are pretty insecure about your placein soccer right now. Call it even i guess.
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by CruzAzul9

Originally Posted by KRISPACINLA

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

First of all..

Ok, 2nd I knew all you US fans would come in here with the sad excuse of "it was their A team against our C team". It's completely false but if it helps you guys sleep better at night then go ahead and believe it. Most players from this squad haven't started in the previous qualifiers and won't on the 12th. The ones who will are because they have earned it playing in this tournament. Let me break it down..

Defense - Magallon/Valenzuela/Pinto/Juarez. None of these players played in the previous qualifiers and I think only one has earned a spot for our sqaud on the 12th and that's the young'n Juarez. Dude played real well and if Aguirre has any sense he'll play. Magallon used to be a baller but fell off after his injury and hasn't played well. Players who should be considered for the 12th are Marquez/Rojas/Juarez/Osorio/Salcido.

Midfield - Torrado/(Juarez - Really a defender but played up today)/Castro/Castro/Medina. None of these players will play on the 12th. The ONLY player who might find his way on the team is Torrado. Why? I don't know. But I know Aguirre likes him even though he sucks. He didn't have a bad game but had a horrible tournament. He shouldn't be called up based on one decent game. Dos Santos hasn't started any previous qualifiers but I think after this performance he should be starting on the 12th IMO. Players who should and will be considered for the game on the 12th are Guardado/Pardo/Dos Santos/Noriega/Blanco/Barrera.

Fowards - Gio(he played up top today but I think he's better in the midfield)/Sabah/Medina. Sabah started off well but dissapeared the last two games. He's decent but just seems like a player who shines when he's at the right place at the right time. He won't play on the 12th. Medina shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a green shirt. He runs like a chicken with his head cut off and will not play on the 12th. Guille came in as a sub today and some people say he will play on the 12th and I really hope not because I honestly think dude sucked. Vela hasn't started any games and hasn't played like Gio but I don't really see any better options up top. Players who should be considered for the game on the 12th are Vela/Arellano/Vuoso/(Gio if they choose to play him up top).

To say Mexico fielded anything close to their A team is laughable, even their B team. If the U.S. had a better tournament and had players stand out like Mexico did then they would also have players who would be considered on the 12th. They showed NOTHING today and played with NO heart and NO pride. You guys may not think this means a lot for the U.S. national team but it does. It means a lot for the future of U.S. soccer. These young players who may not be on the first squad today will one day be on it, and for you guys to just brush it off is stupid. A loss is a loss, but a 5-0 loss on HOME SOIL to a rival will be rememberd for a long time. The second half was the most pathetic display of soccer I've ever watched any U.S. national team play. You guys need to quit acting like it's nothing because you got your $%% whooped.


The Future of US soccer????

Cmon dude I knew you hated the US, but at least know what your talking about. There is only One AND I mean One player that played today that is in the futures plans of US soccer.

Stuart Holden.

Everyone else are low to mid norm players in MLS who maybe (by some strange reason) will see the US jersey again. As for Mexico you Got you future playing in this game.





This is the "Golden Era of soccer players in Mexico" or am I wrong??

Franco been on the A squad??? Memo??? Venado???? Torrado??? All these dudes been on the Top squad at one point or another, and I would not be suprised if all 4 of these see the field on the 12th. Fall back on saying that you brought your JV squad which is exactly what the US did. This tournament ment nothing to us, if not ROBOBOB would have brought a B team instead of this MLS group. I will agree that our players played with no heart today after the first goal landed, but for most this was their first big international game. so I give them a pass. Congrats on the win. It been a long time coming. I mean 10+ years with out a win on our soil?? We shall proceed with beating you at the AZTECA for our first victory ever in Mexico.
[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]The Mexico players have had to adapt to a new coach, Franco was kicked off Villarreal/not a lot of playing time, Memo, could have easily put in Corona and the Mexico goal would have been secured, Venado??? Dude came into the national team all the sudden after a few years with a very low level. Torrado, I accept is the more experienced player we have on the team.[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]That Golden Era, how are you gonna blame us for that? Those Golden Era "kids" are like 19-20 maybe even 21.. young dudes. Not our fault they are talented, even so, most have either not been called up or have come on as subs for a few minutes when the "A" team is playing.[/color]
[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]
Funny how I was reading posts of people confident, "Oh we'll win 2-0" (Mexico = Best defense of the tournament) "Even our C team is good" "Even our C Team is dominating the tournament" but then what.......... you lose and it is nothing but excuses, who cares if it was team a b or c, BOTH had alternative teams, BOTH got to the final with ease (for the most part)[/color], [color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]showing they know their stuff[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]Can't wait for the 12th and the excuses it will bring.[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]And stop with that 10+ years nonsense.. most of you claimed a "paternity" based on home wins[/color]
[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]then what would that make Mexico over U.S?[/color]

Leave them, it's what they tell themselves so they can sleep better at night..

After the 12th Mexico is the last thing I'm worrying aboutas a US fan. Honestly I feel superior to yal and I put that on my mom.
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Speaking of golden era, CruzAzul9 did you watch Gio's brother Jonathan debut with Barca's first team? He's going to be a baller..

[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]Nope haven't had a chance to watch since I'm still anti-Barca after theChampions League semis against Chelsea[/color]
[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)],but Gio has come out and said a few times that Jona is more talented than he is. This dude plays as right mid or attacking mid? Would be interesting to havehim in the future along with Guardado on the left[/color]

Originally Posted by socluis90

After the 12th Mexico is the last thing I'm worrying about as a US fan. Honestly I feel superior to yal and I put that on my mom.

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