2011 another great year for college football

Urban has already spoken with Bri'onte Dunn.... we will see if he keeps his official visit to Michigan planned with Kyle Kalis.
Originally Posted by dreClark

Angelo-Jean Louis looking like he's headed to Juco


Kinsey from Northwestern named Cincy as his leader.
CLFK was absolutely robbed, the stanford fan is delusional if he thinks shaw taking over a 12-1 team returning the best player in the NCAA is more impressive then what Kiff just did. I dont even need to type out the reasons why.

Barkley also should have been 1st team as well.

Dont even get me started on them leaving juicy harris off completely, not even honorable mention? I would say he might have been the most important piece on our D all year long. He stuffed a lot of runs and would have been nice to see him get some recognition.

Anyways good to see the rest of the guys getting some shine
Oh I forgot to add that the rumor is UCLA has hired Chris Peterson's son's Dr.

Peterson has a kid with some health issues, if true id say doing that means this thing is already in motion. Not excited by that at all.
I read that Neuheisal (sp?) was fired because UCLA found out through backchannels that CP would be much more receptive to a deal this time around. If they hired his son's Dr. I would think it's damn near a done deal.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Ohio St doesn't pull what card? The "they are out to get us and don't like us" card? Where have you been this year?

It was just autographs and tattoos man!!


I was referring to the we dont get respect card.
Originally Posted by FeelMode

CLFK was absolutely robbed, the stanford fan is delusional if he thinks shaw taking over a 12-1 team returning the best player in the NCAA is more impressive then what Kiff just did. I dont even need to type out the reasons why.

Barkley also should have been 1st team as well.

Dont even get me started on them leaving juicy harris off completely, not even honorable mention? I would say he might have been the most important piece on our D all year long. He stuffed a lot of runs and would have been nice to see him get some recognition.

Anyways good to see the rest of the guys getting some shine
my only beef is how much of it is coaching versus having top-notch talent? Did anybody expect Oregon, Stanford, or USC to not do well this year? If being COY is doing something amazing or really coaching up a group of kids, nobody should get it in the Pac-12 this year. The teams that we expected to do well did that, and those that sucked, did that. very top heavy this year.
although i suppose that with USC having nothing to play for could have been labeled a handicap that spotlights a coach and how he reacts to it (examples could be Chip Kelly w/ Blount/Masoli, other offseason trouble...
), in which case he may be more deserving of the award than others. but damn, that team has a lot of talent too. if I'm coach I'm just telling Barkley to throw the ball to Woods and Lee, with an occasional handoff to McNeil to keep the D honest 
IronMan in the future don't play that "USC doesn't get any respect" card. Leave that up to the Oregon's & Stanford's & Cal's (when they're good).

Yall should be better than that.
What you talking 'bout kiddo?  Respect =/= Bias.

Plus, it's been blatant disrespect from the day we hired CLK to the day we beat Oregon.  I'll leave it at that.

All teams play the "disrespect" card, from Texas to Bama to Florida, etc.  You think Bama fans weren't pulling that card when they got slapped with sanctions earlier this decade.  It's all good now because they are on a nice run under Saban. 

Nationally, "respect" comes with winning and 2009 and 2010 were rebuilding years, with 2010 being a rebuilding year with a lot of negativity (sanctions). 

Theme song for this team should be "Ether"...

"You come at the king, you best not miss" - Omar

Frankly, right now I don't care about LSU/Bama NCG or LSU/UGa SECCG or where the marbles will fall and a million scenarios.  It's fun to talk about, but don't really care.

I'm just glad this season happened, cause even though the NCAA did what they did...We are not where Texas is at, we are not where Florida is at, we are not where Florida State is at or where Miami is at, etc, etc.  Quite frankly, that is where everyone expected us to be, toiling in mediocrity.

I'm on a Cardo high right now.

But to say there has been no disrespect? 

if I'm coach I'm just telling Barkley to throw the ball to Woods and Lee, with an occasional handoff to McNeil to keep the D honest 

CLK and Co. made it look seamless, and this is not the first time I've heard this comment.  How about having only one returning starter at OL?  It was supposed to be the weak link that by the end of the year was a huge strength.  Kalil was the only returning starter, with Holmes a returning starter but playing a new position (G to C), two new starters in Graf (RT) and Martinez (RG).  A true freshman at LG, Marcus Martin.  Breaking in two freshmen at TE (Telfer and Grimble) and moving last years starting TE to FB (Ellison).

How about the defense?  Up to the Arizona game, they were a laughing stock to non-USC fans and a huge source of frustration for USC fans.  Pieces got moved and things began to click.  Moving Dion Bailey from safety to OLB, that was huge.  Being patient with Jawanza Starling at SS.  Losing Armond Armstead for medical reasons and the emergence of Uko (RS freshman) and Tavai (true freshman).  Starting a trio of freshmen linebackers for the teams biggest game (Dawson, Pullard, Bailey) while benching a fan-favorite and team leader (Galippo).  That's coaching.

I don't know I'm biased. 

SC News, Not Opinion:
- Looks like Baxter is done at SC, guess the coaching staff and team as a whole got tired of his antics.
- Armond Armstead looking to get his academics in order so he can graduate and possibly transfer if he isn't cleared by USC Doctors.  Jarvis Jones success at Georgia is playing heavy.  Armond transfers, no chance of getting his lil' bro Arik. 
- Brice Butler looking to graduate and possibly transfer, same with TJ Bryant.
thank the lord jacory's career at the U is over..

went to the UM/BC game.. kuechly was all over the place, dude is a beast.. will be a great MLB and leader of a defense in the league (hopefully the eagles in the late first or early second.. cause i doubt he'll test well)
And when Bama went on probation they were a average team, he'll righ now Texas, Florida & Ohio State are average teams, so what would pulling that card actually prover or get them?

I already acknowledged how Larry Scott did USC no favors by treating you guysmore or less like a equal rather than the true flagship of the conference. It's already bad enough UCLA is playing for the conference title when y'all drug em by 50, hell you guys had to play a game on a Friday night which I thought was awful.

Folks who watch know how good USC is but clamoring for awards & recognition just gets old. It's already bad enough when a team with less history does it but for a school like USC that shouldn't be necessary.
Originally Posted by Statis22

Folks who watch know how good USC is but clamoring for awards & recognition just gets old. It's already bad enough when a team with less history does it but for a school like USC that shouldn't be necessary.

so we shouldn't ask for awards when our guys aren't getting them despite being deserving?

i'm just trying to get what you're saying.  it's one thing to say "don't whine about your team getting no respect when they are" but it sounds like what you're really saying is don't hype your dudes up... if we don't who will?  UCLA?  Arizona State?  The Stanford fans?
Postseason ban is done, but schollie reductions kick in this upcoming recruiting cycle.

On another note, Josh Shaw transferring?
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