2012 NY Jets Off-Season Thread ( 6-10) Goodbye Tebow ....

^ It is true, I mean look how quickly they ruined this team. Woody doesn't want to win, this year Rex is a lame duck coach IMO, he'll have to win 10+ games for him to stick around.
^ It is true, I mean look how quickly they ruined this team. Woody doesn't want to win, this year Rex is a lame duck coach IMO, he'll have to win 10+ games for him to stick around.
Wait wait wait...  This regime did NOT ruin your team.  Mike Tanenbaum ruined your team by being a horrible GM.  The new regime is trying to parse through the horrible, horrible wreckage of the team they inherited.
Woody IMO did it out of anger, cuz revis has done him dirty since he got drafted I hope this doesn't come back to bite us in the ***
Wait wait wait...  This regime did NOT ruin your team.  Mike Tanenbaum ruined your team by being a horrible GM.  The new regime is trying to parse through the horrible, horrible wreckage of the team they inherited.

Yeah the jury is still out with Idzik, I know he inherited a mess. However, Tannenbaum is still around for what? God knows why, it's well known Rex had a hand in some of those picks/ reaches and some personnel hires (Tony Sparano and I believe Marty as well). Even worse, the Jets still have Terry Bradway roaming the halls. GMs like to hire their own guys, I don't see this ending well.

I would love NOTHING more to see the Jets in a Superbowl, and god forbid win one, but teams that win don't keep dead weight.
The Revis trade KILLS me but I understand it. 16mil tied up in a corner when you have so many other holes fill isn't doable. Also there's no guarantee that he won't hold out in a year or two. The Bucs will find this out, in the next 2 years when they have to sign some talent to be competitive.

I wish him the best, it's a shame the Jets couldn't keep him happy but it seems like they were walking on egg shells with him every year. I just hope the Jets can draft good this year, so in a couple years we'll forget how amazing Revis is/was in a Jets uni.
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Let's just hope they don't screw up the draft. I have a feeling they will. The friggin re-signed Calvin Pace!! :smh:
Question- what about Geno for you guys? He could absolutely be in play with either pick.
Hahaha, why in the hell would Revis hold out? He's getting 16 mil a year for the next six years. He got his max deal he wanted.

Now, this is terrible for the Jets. You lose one of the best CBs the game has seen in 20 years and a top 5 defensive player. You can't be mad he wanted 15-18 mil a year. Now, you guys could have gave that to him if Woody and Tanny didn't give away all those terrible contracts (Sanchez deal is one of the worst deals ever). So for Jets fans to say they like the deal or it's good is hilarious. Money and roster should have been handled much better.
^ yeah after this season nothing is set in stone i don't know what your thinking don't worry jet fans he will holdout like he does every time it's contract time it's in his track record and not for nothing but we better not get geno in the 1st rd or a damn qb in the 1st i defiantly see Austin and Jarvis jones as our 1st
Let's just hope they don't screw up the draft. I have a feeling they will. The friggin re-signed Calvin Pace!!
this isn't a bad thing.

Contract he got is a very minimal contract.

He knows the system, can play all 3 downs and can set the edge.

Plus the fact that he's a veteran, we need a guy like that in our team. 

It's a smart signing with minimal cons.
Schefter said you guys are looking at possibly 4 compensatory picks + your third from Tampa.

Next year could be the biggest year Draft wise for you guys. And with 9/13, you could trade down and add picks later in this draft or even next. So still time for things to clear up.
Agreed, but let's what happens on thursday... Who do you guys like at the 9 and 13?
I've been going back and forth about possible prospects for us and to be honest, this may be the first draft where I'm absolutely not in love with a particular prospect.

The closest player would probably be Dion Jordan but he's not slipping to 9. But even still, he has a bunch of questions marks for us.

The guy I wouldn't mind getting is Chance Warmack. Why not get an OG who can stick in in there for a good 8-10 years and be a staple for our offensive line.

The offense no matter what starts with the run, so why not bring in that mentality back?

The only problem is, the 9th pick is way to early and the 13th pick he will not be there.

He might not even be there at pick 9.

From there each person is just one big question mark,

Kiper and Peter King continually state the Jets are in love with Mingo. But I picture Aaron Maybin when I see Mingo. 

An undersized 3-4 LB with plenty of burst and athleticism but is a liabilty vs. the run.

Maybin was the exact same player except Mingo is a tad more athletic and balance. The fact that he tailed off in his last year with LSU scares me even more.

There are no questions about his potential though. The guy can be a dynamic player. There are just too many question marks.

That's the last thing the Jets need though. A guy with lots of potential, but doesn't pan out. (wuddup Vern).

Geno? nah.

Eifert? Too early. Even at 13. The TE class this year is actually pretty good. You can get good talent in rounds 2-3 from Ertz, Escobar and Kelce. 

Tavon Austin I like at 13. We need a dynamic guy on offense who can be a threat literally everytime he touches the ball. 
^ Nothing is guaranteed, contracts are almost never honored.

The 16 mil for the first season is guaranteed. That's 10 more mil than NYJ was giving him this year and 0 income tax in TB.

Now if he plays well and doesn't get hurt (which we're all expecting) he gets paid again from TB unless they don't want to. Then they cut him and another team offers him mad money.

So TB is invested in him, they gave up some decent picks and some good money. He will be the biggest Buc since Sapp and fans are going to go crazy for him down there.
Let's just hope they don't screw up the draft. I have a feeling they will. The friggin re-signed Calvin Pace!! :smh:

this isn't a bad thing.
Contract he got is a very minimal contract.
He knows the system, can play all 3 downs and can set the edge.
Plus the fact that he's a veteran, we need a guy like that in our team. 
It's a smart signing with minimal cons.

I kinda agree but the only gripe I have with him is that he is getting slower coming off that edge. We need someone faster to get a pass rush, it's atrocious right now.
^ yeah after this season nothing is set in stone i don't know what your thinking don't worry jet fans he will holdout like he does every time it's contract time it's in his track record and not for nothing but we better not get geno in the 1st rd or a damn qb in the 1st i defiantly see Austin and Jarvis jones as our 1st
Jarvis is gonna be a bust...

I want Millner/Eiffert and Tavon.
The 16 mil for the first season is guaranteed. That's 10 more mil than NYJ was giving him this year and 0 income tax in TB.

Now if he plays well and doesn't get hurt (which we're all expecting) he gets paid again from TB unless they don't want to. Then they cut him and another team offers him mad money.

So TB is invested in him, they gave up some decent picks and some good money. He will be the biggest Buc since Sapp and fans are going to go crazy for him down there.

If he plays light out this and and next, he'll hold out. Especially if some defensive guy signs a bigger contract within those years.
I kinda agree but the only gripe I have with him is that he is getting slower coming off that edge. We need someone faster to get a pass rush, it's atrocious right now.
setting the edge/ coming off the edge are different.

Bryan Thomas is a perfect example of a guy who can set the edge/ perimeter. Not a great pass rusher, but he was valuable vs. the run.

You are right though. We need an individual who can consistently send pressure to the QB. We rely on too many exotic blitzes, and that bites us in the *** plenty of times. 

We needed a consistent pass rusher for years now.
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