2012 NY Jets Off-Season Thread ( 6-10) Goodbye Tebow ....

Jets needed a passer since John Abraham left, I really thought Rex would address this issue but still nothing.
Trading down with one of the picks would be optimal, I think this draft sucks imo....

I really like CordPat though
[h1]Jets Crash Again[/h1]Apr. 21st, 2013 at 10:14 PM
By George R.R. Martin

It is hard to be a fan of the New York Jets.

They have hardly done anything right since Joe Willie Namath won SuperBowl III, and every time you think maybe they are finally turning the corner, they find some new way to screw things up.

Today the Jets traded Darrelle Revis, the best cornerback in the NFL and far and away the best player on the team. It is never a good idea to trade the best player on your team. The Jets desperately need a shut-down corner, since they do not have a real pass-rush threat, and the only way they ever get any pressure on the opponent's QB is by shutting down his receivers long enough for the rushers to get there. Revis was a huge part of the reason why Rex Ryan's defense has been so good (ups and downs, sure, but still one of the better defenses in the league). So they get rid of him Right.

Only the Jets. They have a pretty good defense and a godawful offense, so what's their big offseason move? "Hey, let's get rid of our best player, bring the D down to the same level as the O."

Now, maybe, MAYBE, you can make a case for trading Revis if you get a "Herschel Walker" deal. That is, a deal as rich as the one where the Dallas Cowboys traded RB Herschel Walker to the Vikings, and got so many players and draft choices that it won them three SuperBowls. And it is worth noting that Herschel Walker, while a damn good player, was neither the best player on the Cowboys nor the best running back in the NFL at that time.

But the Jets did not get a Herschel Walker deal. Revis is going to Tampa Bay. In return, the Jets get Tampa's first round draft choice this year (#13 overall, not even a top ten pick) and a conditional fourth round pick next year. Yeah, NEXT YEAR. Yeah, I said FOURTH round. Maybe it becomes a third. Whoop-de-doo.

The Jets, in short, got rooked. Congrats, Tampa Bay GM, you drank our milkshake.

And what about the new Jets GM? Fire his *** now. Bring back Mike Tannenbaum. Bring back the guy before Mike Tannenbaum. Hell, bring back Harry Wismer.

The best theory about this trade is that the Jets want the #1 pick overall in the 2014 draft. Cause this next season is going to be bloody painful. After which our new whizz-bang "let's give away our best player for a bag of old jockstraps" GM is going to fire Rex Ryan because, after all, that 2 - 14 record is clearly Rex's fault.

The year after that is likely to be even worse, even with that swell fourth-round-maybe-it-becomes-a-third we'll be getting from Tampa Bay. That is, assuming Kal-El Son of Jor-El isn't coming out in next year's draft. And even if he was, the Jets wouldn't take him. All that green would remind him too much of kryptonite.


Excuse me, while I go weep into my beer.

(It is not all bad. I will always have Paris. And Parris. And the Giants)

It means something else coming from the guy who made Game of Thrones. :smh:
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i mean. here's my issue.

you trade the best corner in the nfl because he has a torn acl and you dont want to pay him, to draft a rookie corner with a torn labrum and a rod in his leg.

what happens if Dee lives up to his combine hype and is the next Revis.  in 3-4 years you'll trade him too?

Worse, what if he's injury prone and finally starts missing games?

they better hope Eifert is there at 13.
I'll take it, there's only ONE Revis and it's foolish to expect this guy to be the "next Revis". Jets didn't trade up and didn't reach/draft a QB (hopefully they won't @ 13).
They couldnt afford revis .....tannenbaum made rhat impossible with his ****** contracts all over, it had to be done
The DT will be the next Dwayne Robertson, I already lost faith in Idzik, Rex is calling the shots....:smh:
I dont know much about college ball but would getting our hands on that dude from lsu, the honey badger, be such a bad thing? Stick em at safety zand let him just cause havoc .... unless he's gone already .. just a thought ...
No offense my friend, but you want Tebow, and Honey Badger on the same team? In NEW YORK? :wow:

You think ESPN is all over you now for following every movement of Tebow, WAIT til you would see that. All you need is Te'o and your team would basically have ESPN cameras in your huddles. :lol:

He's talented, but he's more media disaster than solid player. He'd be a front page, back page, middle pages, white pages, nightmare. You don't want.
I dont know much about college ball but would getting our hands on that dude from lsu, the honey badger, be such a bad thing? Stick em at safety zand let him just cause havoc .... unless he's gone already .. just a thought ...
Mathieu at safety???.....

The DT will be the next Dwayne Robertson, I already lost faith in Idzik, Rex is calling the shots....
how do you know that?

So I guess no to the honey badger :lol:

I see this dudes highlights and :wow: I'd deal with the bad , what else can go wrong ....

DsA :lol:
Imo honey badger was on the news for pissing dirty. Not that he went on a magical streak like Tebow.
It would have all eyes on us for a week tops. Main reason cameras are on us is cause of tebow until we legit just cut his ***, this will always happen. Until he is NO LONGER part of this club the media will always be on our ****.
Honey badger isn't doing sit ups in his driveway, or drawing attention to himself in any matter.
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What's so bad about Matthew? I'm sure he's better than Kyle Wilson :lol:

Also, what's up with Izdic not picking and offensive players? That's what we REALLY need. IDK what kind of defense Rex is trying to build here, but we need an offense that can put up some points. Or is he hoping the defense could do that for us too? :lol:
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What's so bad about Matthew? I'm sure he's better than Kyle Wilson

Also, what's up with Izdic not picking and offensive players? That's what we REALLY need. IDK what kind of defense Rex is trying to build here, but we need an offense that can put up some points. Or is he hoping the defense could do that for us too?
Maybe he thinks our Defense will be on the field most of the time anyway so why not try to stock up? lol smh.

Mathieu would be perfect at the slot but I just won't pick him at the 2nd round. Too many other talented players in there. More holes to fill.

TBH - I wouldn't be surprised if we go Defense again 2nd round.
Not a fan of either pick. Milliner will be a Pro Bowler but Warmack or even Fluker would have been better choices. I like the idea of opponents running into our brick wall of a D-Line with the addition of Richardson but still, we could have picked Jarvis Jones instead. :smh:

Now we still gotta address OLB, G, TE and RB ASAP
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