2012 NY Jets Off-Season Thread ( 6-10) Goodbye Tebow ....

mehh.. I can't say I like it, but I can't say I don't like it... At least he wasn't a 9 or 13 pick
Just got the call from a friend about drafting Geno. Can't even help but laugh at this point. Laughing to mask the frustration with this circus act.

All I can say about drafting Geno, is that he BETTER see the field this season. Reason being, from my understanding, next years draft has much better QBs coming out, and so if Geno doesn't see the field this season, what a waste of a pick it might turn out to be.
Think Geno isn't a bad pickup for this team. Ivory is a great pickup, he's better than any RB y'all had in the last few years. They're looking at cutting Sanchez. I thought this team was ****** but they've made some good silent moves.
theyre not going to cut sanchez.  he's due too much guaranteed money and theyll look dumb if they just let him go.  he'll play (sit?) out his contract.
Awesome, we got Ivory. What a deal! I nearly forget that we got Mike Goodson as well. Idzik did a good job. I can't believe we actually got Geno Smith. :lol: :smh: What the heck do we do with Tebow and Sanchez?
We gave up a 4th and 6th for him. The Jets want something back...even a 7th, but NO ONE WANTS HIM for a 7th.

1 year, no injury, a 4th and a 6th aint even worth a 7th. :smh:
I'm still trying to figure out how and why Tebow is still on the team

And further, if they were planning on drafting a qb all along, why spend the little money they have on Gerrard? This team is beyond stupid and it truly is a damn circus. They make the Raiders look normal. Like the other guy said earlier, I'm done with this team. Been a fan since 97 and I've seen too much nonsense and I'm just sick of it. We need a WR, a TE, offensive linemen and we draft another bust D-linemen and an overrated QB to replace another overrated QB and the second coming of Jesus. I'm not one wish hatred on anyone but if Woody Johnson was to get prostate cancer, I wouldn't be crying over it....

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