2016 Official NBA Off-Season Thread: Former Greatness

Wiggins CAN be really special.

He's unique in that his playing style immediately pops off the screen as "different". Like certain players just run/jump/move differently than others. Consistency is key with him.

The turn around fade away @ 2:35 
 It just ain't too many guys @ 21 even capable of hitting shots with that degree of difficulty.
[thread="650415"]2016 Official Nba Off Season Thread Former Greatness/21560_40#post_26447089Quote:
Originally Posted by PMatic  

I get a Rudy Gay vibe from Wiggins.
I think Wiggins has a higher ceiling, but will likely end up going down a similar career arc as Gay
Jefferson and Wade trying to out short-short one another
Wiggins CAN be really special.

He's unique in that his playing style immediately pops off the screen as "different". Like certain players just run/jump/move differently than others. Consistency is key with him.

The turn around fade away @ 2:35 
 It just ain't too many guys @ 21 even capable of hitting shots with that degree of difficulty.

Agree on his playing style being it's own.

That "fade away" at 2:35 though, Shot Clock was low and he heaved it, although I do respect Wiggins' Turn around jumper, that one had a high degree of luck involved, not difficulty.
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I never bought into the talk when people said he's dumb as a doornail cause I don't know him personally but grief
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He looks thirsty in his texts and judging by her not responding to any texts around the time they came over, it looks bad. There's legit basis for claiming she was unconscious during their visit. Not cool.
Reading those text message exchanges along with the deposition excerpts makes it look really bad for Rose. Who were the Bulls fans calling her a money grubbing broad or whatever?
It is kinda curious that she's seeking punitive damages and didn't press criminal charges. Also wondering how they got in the apartment and why her roommate saw them come in and was just like 'hi' and walked off when she said before she didn't want to leave her alone with them at his house. Still rose is stupid af

Edit - nevermind..roommate and chick from the party are two different people
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If they find him guilty I'll just stop following basketball for a little while. Until a player pops up that I like.
Yeah that's what made everyone question it and even though it looks bad on rose cause he coming off desperate in the text its still weird that she ain't trying to press criminal charges..
Also kinda funny that she's suing for like the exact amount of money he'll be making this year. And her roommate said it was a sham and supposedly has texts to prove it. Don't really know what to make of it but rose looks like a dummy either way
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