2018/19 Philadelphia 76ers Thread: The Process Continues

I'm starting to think Brown may not be the right coach. They are playing extremely undisciplined

Bruh they always collapse in the 2nd half somehow. I said it last yr, its different players making the same exact mistakes :smh:

Lost 2 home openers i was at in a row :frown:
I dont think ive seen this team win at home since in like 3 years:sick::sick:
Bruh they always collapse in the 2nd half somehow. I said it last yr, its different players making the same exact mistakes :smh:

Lost 2 home openers i was at in a row :frown::
I dont think ive seen this team win at home since in like 3 years:sick::sick:
If you watched the celtics, what did they do. They slowed it down and moved the ball ariubd and found a good shot towards the end. The sixers go down court and Ben passes it to embiid or somebody who takes an ill advised shot and then have to run back to defense. I'm screaming slow it down, set up a play

Embiid is undisciplined. He's taking 7 outside jumpers and bricking all of them. Reign him in or sit him down. I don't mind if Covington or Redick gun 3's. I want embiid down low. When he was down low he either got to the rim or was fouled. It's funny. TJ has no where near the skill of Ben but he's controlling the team when he's running point, and embiid is like a kid with a substitute when Ben is in
I'm definitely starting to question Brett Brown with both his lineups/rotations but also with his playcalling. There was a crucial *** possession right out of a timeout when we were down 5 with maybe 2 minutes to go and it seemed like there was zero plan at all of what to do. How the hell does that happen in a close game out of your own timeout that you called on a huge possession?

We saw this **** last year though in almost all of the close games we had. Every time it was a one possession game in the final seconds coming out of a timeout the team would look clueless like there was not even a play called and either Gerald Henderson or Covington would end up chucking up some random BS as time was running out.
I'm kinda glad Embiid isn't playing tonight. He needs to sit until he gets into better shape and stops shooting bad shots. Give Jah a chance tonight
I'm kinda glad Embiid isn't playing tonight. He needs to sit until he gets into better shape and stops shooting bad shots. Give Jah a chance tonight

Yeah let's be honest, he looks heavy and lumbering down the court. Not moving with the fluidity that we saw last year. Something about his shot also looks different. I hope he's ditching the cornrows for good as well.

With as awful Amir Johnson has looked in two games I pray that Okafor goes off tonight and earns his way into the backup center spot.
Yeah let's be honest, he looks heavy and lumbering down the court. Not moving with the fluidity that we saw last year. Something about his shot also looks different. I hope he's ditching the cornrows for good as well.

With as awful Amir Johnson has looked in two games I pray that Okafor goes off tonight and earns his way into the backup center spot.
Okafor could score 30/10 and still be benched next game
Another terribly officiated sixers game...

I'm not really understanding it. Like I don't know if the refs/Silver are like "nah these young punks aren't going to just come in and take over the league" or what. But this is ridiculous.
Simmons had 18-10-8 tonight despite the terrible performance by most of the rest of the team.
THe sixers opening schedule is brutal. You had the last 3 games then you have the rockets twice. In between those are the pacers, hawks,pistons and mavericks. So that should at least be 2-3 wins. Schroeder is playing great so I don't see them beating the hawks. The sixers start the season out 3-6
I am not really that worried, I expected them to take 10-12 games to mesh

this team will make the playoffs
It was great watching Oakafor out there last night, even though he picked up three fouls in his first three minutes of action, you can tell that he is trying harder this year.

He's expanded his game a little where he's now taking jumpshots and step backs. Passing instincts still isn't there and his pick and roll game is nonexistent. I noticed Simmons calling for him to hurry up court and start a PnR with him but Oak wouldn't roll and Simmons would give it to Saric or someone else to make a play.

I don't know if it's too soon, but Fultz's game last night was full of red flags, from his free throws to his flat shooting, to him not even attempting to make plays for anyone else. He did not know how to set his teammates up, it was the strangest thing. when he doesn't have a driving lane, he hands it off to someone else to start a play.

Simmons is a beast.

I was driving past the Ritz Carleton last night I noticed some of the team members walking to the Hotel. Simmons, TLC, Jah and trainers, I gave a shoutout to Jah saying it was good to see him play, he appreciated that and gave me a wave.

After I had dinner, I went driving home and saw Jah walking by himself in the streets of Toronto just walking and thinking. I really do wish him the best, he seemed like a humble guy working to improve himself out of an unfortunate situation.

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Watching Amir Johnson spot up for a three, iso guys and take contested shots was baffling to me. Why would coach give him the green light to do that?

Jah should be the backup center at this point, he played well last night albeit some glaring weaknesses in his game either to develop his game or to trade him. With Fultz playing the way he is, we will need as much scoring as we can get from the second unit.
Also I don't know what Covington was smoking last night. Dude literally air balled 2 layups wide open. And he was shooting contested 3's against the wizards but just completely stopped the last 2 games
Yup. Simmons could have easily gotten a triple double if it weren't for missed wide open shots and layups. Also, a lot of unforced turnovers but I won't sweat it too much as this is a young team.
Let's gooooo Philly!!!! This our year!

Oh wait wrong sport....NVM

Nope, it is the right sport. We are making the playoffs this year!

Simmons and Embiid beasting last night. Sure we lost to the top tier Eastern teams in our first three games (ever for some of these players) but if we continue to dominate similar level competition, we should be in good shape. We don't need much to make the Playoffs in the east.
If Embiid and Simmons stay healthy there's no way this isn't at least a .500 team, which would put us at 41 wins. People in the NBA thread think it's the most ridiculous thing they've ever heard for me to suggest 42 wins though.
Whats yall thoughts on that report about Fultz shoulder from earlier? :nerd:
The agent now Ian saying he just had a cortisone shot and not drained. My thing is the sixers have no problem sitting you of your injured. Also being hurt and injured aren't quite the same thing. You can play hurt. A big part of the issue is his confidence. I'm not talking about shooting jumpers. But when he gets the ball he often looks like he wants no part of making a play

If the shoulder is some serious thing, then **** him down and activate Furkhan. But I suspect it's not a serious enough injury to **** him down
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